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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I covered that in this post.
  2. We all do. We ALL do. I'm an excellent flying sniper with that gun. Would you like to XBL sometime? Actually, never mind, I don't have Gold anymore... All this talk reminds me of the, what was it, XFA-27? The one from AC2 or 3 with the VG wings... Aha! This is it! It pioneered COFFIN, for starters. And COFFIN pioneered the VF-27... So, the XFA-27 is like the VF-27... Hm...
  3. Assuming it IS a PG, here's what we can expect: Articulation to the extreme LED gimmicks Removable armor plating* Pilot made just for this Super-detail If not, we may get the armor plating in MG detail and the pilot. I do hope it's PG. Don't bring up the many releases issue; PG Strike and PG Skygrasper had about a year between them, and at this stage, this will be released in about a year, the same amount of time between the last release and this prospective one.
  4. As a general note, next time you need lineart, check the M3 before asking a question like this.
  5. Had you been in Addison, Tx a few days ago, the Cavanaugh Museum had a fighter there. And, had you been in Fort Worth, Tx, there were many many fighters at FW NAS JRB.
  6. I'm sorry, but when you're 35, you're not mowing lawns... You're providing lawncare. If you were the parent of a teenager, you'd have to have been, like 22 at the kid's birth, just to have a 13-year-old. People say my father's young, and he's 38.
  7. First off, a huge part of the fast food service industry is under 18. This is good for business, since kids (Within legal age (15 in Texas)) are willing to work for less (IE Minimum Wage), and attract their friends. Friends buy food. Money enters industry. Moving on. In Texas, that's about half the other's weight. I, of course, mean that it takes 2 VF-1s to match the burger's weight.
  8. Perhaps you are right... Which reminds me, the CFA-44... IT POPS OPEN TO FIRE A SAP RAILGUN!!!
  9. This page took longer to load than submitting an application to New UN Spacy HQ. I'm wondering where my bountiful RAM went.
  10. I'd rather not get into a battle of wits with the one who is "Smarter than brainy smurf." Especially, since I am quite tired at the time being. Let's just leave it at "Star Dreadnought" and get back on topic.
  11. How many times must I say it, Pete? You are my hero.
  12. Ah, no. I'm hoping to get a job (looks good so far) that pays $8000 a year at part-time. Ah, just-above-minimum-wage... It's amazing for a minor. Anyway, for the independents out there: 1: Eat cheaply; do not go out every day. I'm not saying eat a ramen diet, just don't eat McDonalds a lot. Taco Bell, however, is an exception, because it's dirt-cheap. (I'm not saying that just because I'm getting a job at TB.) 2: Prioritize. Some things are more important than others. Electric, for example. Pay the bills you have to first, then the ones you want most. Secondhand, non-necessary bills are bad. For example, if you have a home security device, and it hasn't been tripped once yet, stop paying for that service. 3: Put away a fixed amount of money (like, $20 US) in a savings account every paycheck. This is not only useful for that new Yamato or whatever, but if something bad happens, and you need the funds, you've got that cushion. 4: Take overtime. In the US, I know, most places are legally supposed to pay extra for overtime. Further, more hours means more money, anyway. If there's overtime available, take it. 5: Don't get too stressed out. Moving from the stuff above, if you get to frazzled trying to keep all this up, stop. Just stop screwing your health over like that. Overly stressing yourself, mentally or physically, will cause bad things only, and you know it. If you're sick of the same, cheap food, over and over, eat somewhere nice. If you're shot from too much work, take a day or two off. My advice to the wise, from an immature man, only yet coming upon his right to claim such things.
  13. In-n-where?! I know Taco Bell offers up to $12 an hour for normal staff jobs, after a certain period; I think 18 months or something. It's like $8 starting salary.
  14. You forget G loads. In a roll, the Gs on the fin would be enormous, and in a banked turn, you'd get a somewhat lesser (Depending on the situation) effect on the fin. If it gets ripped off, it can't be beneficial. Gs are present in space and an atmosphere. Further note that when it came to the RVF, I only use G loading as an issue. The aerodynamic issues come to play only when I mention the ADF-01 and the Super Sylph.
  15. Don't forget Holland Focker.
  16. Macross Compendium, whichi is heavily implied in that statement (Considering any post concerning a compendium of any type on this forum is of the Macross Compendium), may not be your source, but it is for many people.
  17. Versus the 15 or so Perfect Grade Gunplas.
  18. Well, I mean, it was all drawn by a Korean. Without using heavy style imitation, like what we see in anime. I'm just saying that it's styled the way a few Korean artists whose work I've seen is, versus, say a Japanese artist or an American artist.
  19. How old you be? You know, 2 summers, I tried mowing lawns, but I made only $200 the whole season. Plus, we're in a bad economy. People are likely to say "I have a lawnmower." instead of pay you. And that always irked me because I was never selling my LAWNMOWER. I was selling my SERVICES. I really hope that Taco Bell application is accepted. The place is opening up a quarter-mile from my house, 5 minutes by bike.
  20. And Skyfire's a VF-1. Also, new Transformer (toy) Treadbolt is a friggin Super VF-1. I was gonna get one for the lulz, but it was $30. I don't have $30 for Transformers!
  21. Was just about to say that. PG Strike and PG Skygrasper are on my buy list this summer, above even Macross. I love my Gunpla.
  22. Definitely a Korean artist, that's all I'm gonna say.
  23. Need I point out the Compendium, source of knowledge for most of the community, is a Wiki? Further, the article to which you have directed me specifically states that the classification is Star Dreadnought.
  24. It's hardly a VF-1, anymore! Yet, at the same time, it still is... I like this more than the SDP!
  25. Be happy I live with parents and am old enough to get a job, paying about $8000 US. Man, it's good to be a minor.
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