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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. The hands. The Macross. The entire Meltrandi fleet. Pay attention, dude. We're not just talking about the VF-1. We're talking about EVERYTHING.
  2. DX. It's got the weird circle-y things at the ankle, and there's definitely a screw in the arm. Also, the gunpod's sensors are painted a color only Bandai would use.
  3. Th- THREE?! Well, well, then. One for Kira, One for Mu, One for... Damn, there were only 2 Strikes... You paint your pilots? If not, do one in Kira colors, one in Mu, and the other in red.
  4. I love you... 0_0 I suck so much at papercrafting, relative to you that I'd have to upscale that to at least 3 times original size to make that. A little note on the canopy: Whenever I wanna make something transparent, I print it out on an overhead projector transparent sheet. It's a bit harder to work with, and sometimes the ink doesn't like to stick, but I get some pretty good results... Unfortunately, all the models I've ever attempted with transparent parts have ended up going wrong. *Cough* DeLorean, Mach 5, that plane from Sky Crawlers*/cough* However, the parts, themselves, come out nicely.
  5. I just noticed that that has 3D FLIR pods (THEY'RE FLIR, DAMMIT!) and a Pilot... Damn, that's intricate. And, I've never been able to close up the nose, no matter how many times I try. How the hell did you do it?
  6. Oh, I knew it wasn't finished. Was just pointing out that I can't really judge it yet.
  7. 29 points to Hornet! He got it without me bringing it up!
  8. A nifty little bonus tip is that you can free-select the lights on the wings and use about a 22% opacity eraser on the selection, giving you a clouded see-through effect, so you can see the background slightly through the light housings. And I forgot all about HSL, Snake. That's another great way to help it out. In the attached, I applied a -55% Saturation value to the image. Cleared that yellow light right up. If there are areas of color you want to preserve, make sure to copy them over to a layer above the Sat-affected layer.
  9. Hey, I have 3 of these little guys (2 Roys and an Angel) on my shelf! Not to mention the upscaled, 1/42 Roy I did. (Excuse the mess. I had just finished the big one, as well as reassembling Annie (25th 1S), and I was really thirsty for Orangerade) Pretty nifty, little bastards. Don't think I've ever seen the missiles before, although I know there's a FAST Pack out for it, as well as a GERWALK by the same originator and a Battroid reverse-engineered from it. I've always wanted to make a PT from this...
  10. Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of... THE DECEPTICONS!
  11. Your pilot seems pretty... er... Well-endowed. Only critique I can give it right now is that it needs a LOT more detail. I mean, this is only 4 hours, right? So, yeah. More time spent, better end achieved.
  12. Ri-hi-hight. Everyone knows only a real man can do that! I daresay none of us are real men.
  13. Who cares if that's not how it was SUPPOSED to play out?! I LOVE IT!
  14. Well, yeah. I was never insinuating it to be opposite.
  15. Yeah, you see. That is infinitely better. I've never been good at doing thruster exhaust effects...
  16. Strike is really solid. I saw it, once, on the front of one foot, in a crazy pose, completely solid. Also, I wanna get the PG RX-78-2. That's been selling for 10 years, so it must be good. And, I would guess it'll be a May 2010 release.
  17. Ah. Well, never mind then.
  18. See, if you use the lighting to your advantage, you can get a good image. This was done in 20 minutes in GIMP 2.6. I didn't do much for the text, but I changed the perspective of the VF-11 and did some work (Albeit crappy) on the exhaust.
  19. McDonalds commercial = Raspberry?
  20. I've heard that, too. However, I also heard that there are screws that secure several of the joints. I'm taking this off of what I know of my cousin's PG Zeta. He is a Gunpla FANATIC. Got like 26 models in their boxes on a shelf in his closet, more on the floor. I wanna get the PG Strike this summer...
  21. Eh... It doesn't look much like a VF-11, really. I'm just saying that the whole Ace Combat thing led my thoughts into COFFIN, which is much like the VF-27 cockpit.
  22. Yeah. I mean, a lot of my whites have gone yellow, but everything else is unscathed. The grey looks yellowed compared to the new bley (Bluish grey; also, Blech) bricks.
  23. Hmm... Not too bad. The colors in the background complement the lighting somewhat, in that there is an orange source of light that could be reflecting off of some object etcetera. My advice: Next time, do the exhaust effect with a lower opacity. That way, it's not just a whiteish blob being emitted, but a gaseous exhaust that can be seen through to an extent. Experiment with it.
  24. On the note of non-anime accurate transformation, look at the PG Zeta! It's about perfect in its transformation, and it doesn't have gaudy hinges. This is gonna be even bigger, which means hinges will be proportionally smaller. Do people complain about gawdy hinges on the 1/60 v.2? I can honestly say I don't remember the VF-1 being double-jointed at its elbows and knees.
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