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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. That's like Mike's old sig about love being about whistles.
  2. If they're climbing, why does number 2 like like he's diving, and can they even fly in an atmosphere with the FPs on?
  3. To me, it looks like 13.288 Tons of Evil.
  4. Meet the Lanzas, members of our very forum, parents of Miriya Lanza, who cosplayed Ranka and sang Aimo at the last Macross Con, if I'm not mistaken.
  5. I want, actually, 2 PGs and a Skygrasper. However, the job opp that was gonna finance it dropped through the floor. Now, I'm eagerly anticipating what friend Evan says about his lawncare business.
  6. No. If it were an Ass Tray, there would be many more girls around it.
  7. NO! Damn it all! This thread has been found by French Credit Bots!
  8. Right as my job opportunity falls through the floor, I see all this reason to get some PGs...
  9. Listen to my song! -Words that changed the world...
  10. Sums it up pretty well, actually. I'm going with March on this one.
  11. Completely and totally agreed...
  12. Again, Pete is my hero. How do you do that, man?
  13. Like... The aircraft carrier in Corpus Christi, USS Lexington, being the Promethius? Or nearby Fort Worth NAS Joint Reserve Base being home to a Marine Valkyrie Squadron? If so, then no. I really don't imagine Macross in real-life, so much as Gundam. I don't know why, but I have a penchant for imagining the technology from the 08th MS Team in real-life... Or Glasgow-derived Knightmare Frames from Code Geass. They're small little bastards.
  14. Roy Mustang is dead-sexy... In a mini-skirt! -Vic Mignona
  15. Crop Duster! Here is a surprise! Crop Duster! GERWALK in disguise! Farmtools wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of... THE INSECTICONS!
  16. Hey! I thought I was the grammar Nazi!
  17. But they all know about the girly man!
  18. Didn't she die of blood loss? (Taking this to Higurashi, directly, now) Never can remember that.
  19. No, it's completely appropriate. The Ex-gear IS the seat. I want it. I don't care how gay my friends will call me for having a pretty boy figure.
  20. But Ranka stabbed the one girl's arms to oblivion...
  21. Hmm.... But Walmart never has him... Looks like I'm stuck with Treadbolt. Obvious VF-1 rip, though.
  22. Angel? I know a Mexican in my webmastering class named Angel. Mexicans LOVE their PatrĂ²n! (No offense, it just works with the joke)
  23. Damn... You work good, dude.
  24. THAT'S why he looked so familiar... How much did Jetfire cost you?
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