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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I was just about to say "I give up," I swear! Moving on, there are clones. In Macross.
  2. Unless you use a repeater mechanism watch motor. In that case, it would move constantly, since that type of watch relies on a mechanism separate of the motor to tick.
  3. Good point. I've been working on my GIMP skills, lately. An example:
  4. That was the second criterion, if you ask me. It may not have been totally mindless, however it was conained within one line. Now, would you like to desist with what seems to be your hobby of being a forum troll against me? I know there are better things to do than to troll a 15-year-old on the internet. Come on. It's not even cool, dude.
  5. I DID lose mine... Last thursday... :Why don't we have a cry emoticon?:
  6. Hey, don't give me this "Takes a long time" crap! Up till just recently, I did all my stuff in MSPAINT! So, if I can do what I did in MSPaint, you can do what you do in GIMP.
  7. Don't you just LOVE my PokeStatements?
  8. "It's time for a brain doodly-dob!" -My own grandmother
  9. I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING! I always forget to Impact it. Copying Gubaba doesn't count... FAIL. You can't just add all the special text tags! It isn't underlined, because underlining isn't DECULTURE enough!
  10. All I can tell is that Eugimon seems to hate Gundams... Also, that Eva is WAY out of scale with the Gundam. An Eva, if I remember correctly, is like 160 feet tall... That's more than twice a Gundam's height. I will say this: Eva>Gundam>Valkyrie>Scopedog>Ingram>Anything from Code Geass As a measure of actual power. Valks are more awesome than Gundams (EXCEPT G GUNDAM!)
  11. All I got from that is that HAWX utilizes the DarkBasic programming language, if not for its engine, then at least for its peripherals... How archaic.
  12. Do you do anything besides VF-4s? I mean, after a while, the same design gets sickening to me... I'm not sure about anyone else. Don't get me wrong, your work is amazing, but... It feels... Limited?
  13. No, you're BOTH wrong! It's BOMBAA!!! Moving on, I agree. Macross game will likely not see action on the 360, but not because MS won't allow it. Look at Clannad. It has a 360 port, but you can't get it in the states. It's probably just gonna find its way to the PS3, because the PS3 is the Japanese console. Clannad was a DLC game when it hit the 360, and rightfully so; the Xbox 360's download and install system is far better than the other "next-gen" consoles'. Sony and Nintendo have admitted to this.
  14. There's a 100% likelihood. Guld is half Zent, half human; all 8 of Max and Milia's kids, as well. That said, if you meant by the masses, then it's, although not explicitly stated, extremely likely as well. OH GAWD
  15. My brain is sparkling in pain!
  16. There is only one way to reply to this...
  17. Except for one thing, 505th: Strike has Phase Shift, armor that is completely impervious to physical attacks. Those bullets will do nothing. Now, the lasers, mayber. However, that beam rifle in Strike's hand...
  18. Better idea: Photobucket or Flickr combined with the BBCode IMG tags.
  19. No, it'd be 12.08 tonnes. That's the Metric system for you! Instead, how about this: It's weightless Evil. This IS 0G, after all!
  20. But THOSE boosters were streamlined and didn't interfere with his vertical stabilizers... A cone is more drag friendly than a flat surface... And the atmospheric boosters were smaller in diameter than the FPs.
  21. THEY'RE HERE! Dear, sweet Jesus.... HE HAS AWOKEN THE BEAST!
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