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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. What about me? I call this one "Smooth Criminal." It's because Annie is probably NOT okay.
  2. Nanase loses her boobs in the future?! GASP! No wonder she's travelling back to save the future. Without Nanase's Boobs, all is lost!
  3. That's too bad, Hik. I really enjoyed your dubs.
  4. Perfect Grade 1/60 RX-78 GP01/Fb
  5. Does it have a semi-accurate 0G Physics engine? I'd buy it if it did. I like my physics. That's my qualm with YSFlight. (Check the dedicated thread for more on that)
  6. Looks to me like a GPB-1S with Pez in its hand. Does it, perchance, plan to load itself with Pez? I can see it now: Latest news on the battle for New Stalingrad: Enemy forces are withdrawing. The cause is believed to be super-diabetes, induced by a new, classified weapon. The Secretary of Defense is refusing to comment at this time. More on this at 10:00. (I don't know why I said New Stalingrad, it just sounded cool.)
  7. Yes. Nanase's why we have B.O.I.N.G. Grace is why I love my computer. She never asks for more.
  8. Smexy...
  9. I love lesbians sometimes. Final note, that last Ranka looks kinda nopan...
  10. That, alone, makes the post worth reading.
  11. Mike, I just jizzed in my pants. And, yeah, the thread about it is somewhere around here in Fan Works.
  12. Need working image! However, that said, I can somewhat imagine that and will likely be checking his site later, anyway...
  14. At Nerfhaven, you get banned for not having the above 3 characteristics. But, back to Grace. I love purple-haired meganne...
  15. You're the only one on this forum whom I've ever seen speak that way. Are you, perchance, a philosopher?
  16. Well, yeah, but that said, it's the same common gripe that the VF-0 is just a moose if it's really that big. Okay, so I forgot about scale, so what?
  17. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann>Getter Robo>Optimus Prime>Voltron>Gurren Lagann> Eva>Gundam>Valkyrie>Scopedog>Ingram> Code Geass ANYTHING>Dougbendo Eugimon, you should put a VF-0 in there, along with the F-14 and the VF-1. Lineage of the First Variable Fighter
  18. Solution to too much Frontier: MORE BOMBAA!! Sorry, I just had to, what with all the stuff flyin' around about the Giant, Red BOMBAA!! But, seriously, if you've got too much Sheryl and Ranka, listen to some Basara.
  19. You look slightly like me cousin, Logan... Only smaller...
  20. Well, sorry, man. It's just that when someone posts "pictures!" I expect pictures without an edit applied, first! No disrespect or anything, Aussie!
  21. Tora! Tora! Toransform!
  22. By "behold!" did you mean there would be pictures? You see, this is like this because I expected pictures when he said pictures... I implied no disrespect there. If I came off as such, then... Well... It wasn't intentional.
  23. "Join me, Ranka, and we shall rule the universe together, as Crazy-twisted-godmother-of-sorts and Daughter." -Darth Vajra
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