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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. One, F-22 doesn't have 3D. Only 2D. It can't affect the Yaw axis. 3D is in 3-paddle TVC or in a Direct-Nozzle-Control TVC system. Moving on, here's how I see it: Fighter Controls operate normally, turret controlled by hat switch on stick GERWALK Throttle controls downward thrust Foot pedals control forward thrust (Ties in with later dynamic in Battroid) Left Stick(Throttle with stick axes unlocked) controls the left arm Right Stick controls the right arm Turret controlled by hat switch on right stick Battroid Throttle controls downward thrust Foot pedals control walking (Works on dual-motor control theory; pressing the left pedal moves the valk around the right leg as a pivot, vice versa, and both moves forward) Left Stick controls left arm(Throttle with stick axes unlocked) Right Stick controls right arm HMD controls the turret Really, the controls are simpler than they're made out to be. The hard part is a throttle assembly that opens to 45 and 90 degree angles, both of which unlock a set of stick axes in the joint, the whole thing mounted to the sliding throttle mechanism. It would not work on a rotary throtttle.
  2. I reiterate: Please, Yamato?
  3. 1/300 scale, definitely. I want me my 15-foot-long SDF-1!
  4. It's really good actually. He's given up on fandubbing, unfortunately, but it was damned good while it lasted.
  5. Episode 22? Given, it's not NORMALLY in her mouth, but... Bow-chicka-bow-wow I just realized there was a PPB joke going on. "If the Pinpoint Barrier fails, we're all screwed." -Misa Hayase
  6. Please, Yamato?
  7. DEAR GOD, NO! NOT VIC! I don't like that guy too much. He does a good Ed Elric, but... HE RUINED HIKARU! Everyone knows the best Hikaru is Hikuro.
  8. I love my X-52... My biggest problem in Macross simming is that I consider the DYRL? controls to be canon, so there are no options, really, when it comes to a HOTAS setup. I mean, there's no throttle that flips up. I'll give the control scheme some more thought and post what I think would be the most effective canon way of doing things (Even if it means going TV on the controls)
  9. "I oughta download her audio on MP3 and show the whole world how you gave Eminem VD..." -Alto Saotome
  10. Instead of another stick, I use a hat switch on the stick I do have. Just throwin' that out there. I will say I love YSFlight for a lot of reasons, but I hate the graphics and the physics.
  11. Poseable ponytail makes it automatically worth it! I wish I had more money...
  12. Was it worth 50 Gamerpoints?
  13. 1/2000, now they want 1/3000?! OUTRAGEOUS! Both are too small! I want a 1/1200 SDF-1, just for the easiness of scale!
  14. Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but Max looked a lot like Joe. I didn't pay too much attention to Milia, but even at second glance, it still looks like them. Refer to the sig if you know for fact I'm wrong.
  15. My nine-year-old sister puts a lot of toys in her mouth. Please, for the sake of all that is pure, don't sexualize that. I know some lolicon somewhere's thinkin' it.
  16. Aw, but I want an in-the-cockpit sim! Chronocidal, the 0G engine in Ace Combat 3 was actually pretty good. I mean, no game has a perfect 0G sim, but they do exist. So, I guess the next thing to do is hack apart the AC3 engine!
  17. I'm with Aussie on this one. I want Ria and Hazel Revoltechs.
  18. Not to mention he thinks Macross would see an American live-action film It's called Robotech, Tobey Macguire's given up on it, and it was going to possibly star Zac Efron. THAT is blasphemy against Macross.
  19. That I am. Sheryl, apparently suffers from AFDS, or Anime Female Ditsy Syndrome.
  20. Gundam is good in its own Gundamy way. Macross is good in its own Macrossy way. Besides, Gundams are more powerful than Valkyries.
  21. But... Your flag is blue, white, and red! Silly Aussie, Green and Gold is for Jamaicans!
  22. Yeah. Definitely the 2JA. Then, I can put a foldildo on and make it that plane from Galaxy! Aren't you an Aussie?
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