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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Damn. I can't connect to Sankaku Channel. WHY?!
  2. Star Power Ready! Except, for Basara, that just means he can unleash an even bigger load of AWESOME! If you wanna get into faces on mecha, the 08th MS Team's Gundams were actually a lot more realistic than any Valkyrie was, and they had faces... I mean, a main character got his mecha blown up several times without being Alto!
  3. I never said it wasn't a lot of work! Reminds me of when I did valk colorations in MSPaint. Took hours on end, and it didn't come out looking great. I often curse myself for not finding GIMP earlier. However, when I start a project, I focus solely on that, and it gets done quickly. Maybe we just work differently. And I just don't like the VF-4, probably because it has the least exposure and apparently the most love. I mean, it was only in FB: 2012 and a game. I'm just not a VF-4 fan is all.
  4. That's because the suit is like an eva plugsuit, but Alto's has a bad seal and won't vacuum down all the way.
  5. Well, see, that's what separates US from the Gundam fanatics. We have a meaningful plot! I just realized something. This Love Triangle isn't a Triangle, but a crazy, messed-up other polygon of some sort. This clearly visualizes that Alto wants Sheryl, who is reciprocative, Brera wants his sister in some screwed-up Deep Southern American way, and Ranka wants Alto, but will settle for Sheryl... Screw it. I like the SDFM triangle more. It's actually Triangular. Hell, even Mac+'s was a triangle... Sort of. I mean, there are 3 Sharon Apples... 4, if you count the actual computer. 5, if you count the SDF-1.
  6. Sorry I quoted the pictures, but I have some notes to point out: I LOVE carrot-Ozma I LOVE (Where's Pete's sig when you need it?)'s reaction to Wilder I LOVE the director looking at the script Reminds me to post this:
  7. "Hey! What happened to the flying karaoke ninja?" -Random VF-17 pilot
  8. Yeah, still a ways to go. I don't mind VF-4s, Talos, I just don't like it that you only apply your colors to the VF-4. It's not really my favorite airframe. Says nothing about your skill. I like 'em, just not the shape, you know?
  9. Further strengthening the fold fault theory... All makes sense.
  10. Yeah, but Sheryl doesn't have this: or this: BOMBAA!!! Credit to Mr March for the motivator. Did I mention Basara can actually pilot a Valkyrie?
  11. Woah. Deja Vu. 0_0 Didn't I post in a thread like this a few days ago? Er, anywho, I've seen the ArmA thing several times, already, and as with the topic of afforementioned thread, I've bored with it. Will say it's one of few VF-1 sims I've not played, simply out of not having ArmA...
  12. Oh man, I can't wait, Talos. Finally, a non-VF-4! 1999, eh, Mike? I'm only 43 behind... I NEED TO THINK OF SOMETHING, AS WELL! Perhaps a new custom color line, stealing... er taking creative license upon Mr March's colored lineart
  13. That reactor note got me thinking. And I thought and I thought and it dawned on me: the reactors work by taking energy from the super dimension, hence the SD Energy weapons, SD Fold drives, and all the other Super Dimension tecnology. A Vajra works the same way. This means they don't need a finite fuel source. They can use a drive jump started on Earth to harvest SD energy and run indefinitely. However, fold drive charging was a doozy, but I came up with an explanation for that, as well. The reactors can only handle so much energy, and a fold requires so much more, so they did what we've done since the means were invented: They made use of capacitors. And they used the reactor to harvest energy and store it in said capacitors. They would charge until a suitable amount was stored, and they'd release it all at once to operate the fold drive or the Macross Cannon or whatever they'd need for an energy burst.
  14. Yeah, but a Hase will always look better in Fighter mode.
  15. Objection! It was merely a statement of his first-ammendment right! (You said LA, so I assume you're in America)
  16. Seconded Secondly, you could in-universe it by saying Galaxy has a special insiginia because of its status and that the Earth-based squadron use the old insignia. Everyone else uses NUNS.
  17. I remember that! I posted in it when I was still a lowly noob! Agreed. Best Model Ever!
  18. I'm not even willing to take this to PMs... Finally, someone realizes the "Schizophrenic" part.
  19. Which begs the question: Is there the Macross variant on the Interdictor-class Star Destroyers of Star Wars lore? In Star Wars canon, Interdictors were ships equipped with a type of tractor beam that created a wide field of gravity, creating huge mass shadows around it. The Empire used them to stop ships mid-Hyperspace and board them. If a fold fault is like a mass shadow... HEAVY on the IF.
  20. Damn you! You've forced my macro once more!
  21. "Lagann is a control type. This means it can take over other Gunmen!" -Leeron Litona Wait. I just quoted the gay one... Time to renew my manliness! "Just who the hell do you think I am?! I'm Kamina, fierce leader of the Dai-Gurren Brigade!" -Kamina
  22. "Defend the frigate at all costs!" -General Carlist Rieekan
  23. Need I add it to my sig? Actually, scratch that. The insipid filter won't let me use certain words I need. I'll just say it here, filter and all: I'm prone to rubbing off as an apeface. I'm not good at sugarcoating, all right? @Exo, I'm only speaking for myself, I guess. I've just run into that stupid wooden Macross SO many times, it bores me. I see all the errors over the awesome, at this point, I guess.
  24. Actually, does the engine support key-based animations? For example, YSFlight's arm deployment usually uses the bomb bay key.
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