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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. 25th July? Please! Please! That'd be a GREAT birthday present! EDIT: Just to clarify, I meant news would be a great present. Don't want anyone thinking I'm dumb enough to misinterpret that. (It's happened before)
  2. Basara and Kamina are the only two characters in all of anime- no, all of EVERYTHING, awesome enough to row without a boat and fight the power with manliness, awesome, and red and yellow super robots! Now, I'm off to prove a guitar CAN be used to fly a plane. It's a good thing Ace Combat 6 and Guitar Hero are both on the Xbox 360. Wait. I don't have Guitar Hero. Damn. (Cousin, can you come here?)
  3. But... She's not even loli... Ranka's legal... in Japan...
  4. And it takes me time to come up with one-liners... I'm starting to feel bad about my A) thoughtfullness and B ) snappiness... I used to could come up with meaningful things to say, and at least good comebacks. Oh well, what can you do. Likin' those pictures. That last Mylene, though, I'm with Pete. Notsomuch.
  5. Pretty nice, but the textures need work. You doin' these for a simulator or a game or something?
  6. Man, the 171 is sexy. You really oughta fix the nose, and then it'll be uber-sexy like the real VF-171! And that animation was really cool. With Temjin, here. Want to see more!
  7. I wonder if Trappar affect Valkyries. And I've only got Little Vietnam... And a single Lone Star Comics. And they don't carry anything anime-related. Used to be a small shop, the Anime Store, but they closed 3 years ago.
  8. Damn you all. I can't type in ASL. >_> Why is it the ONE other language I know can't be typed? Nice collection, whoever had all those Mac+ valks. I'm too lazy to go back a page and refer to you by name. Apologies for that.
  9. Agreed. The nose is a bit too... pointy and small around.
  10. Right. Sorry about that. Clicked in my mind.
  11. Definitely a philosopher. Sing a song to beat monsters? Yes. In fact, 12 or 13 years BEFORE Mac7, there was a little anime called The Super Dimension Fortress: Macross. And in that little anime, one of the main characters sang a song to beat monsters. Those monsters were giant aliens who were trying to destroy the titular ship, the SDF-1 Macross. So, while she sang, one of the other main characters fought in his transforming plane, the VF-1 Valkyrie. Alone, the weapons would do no good against the coordinated attacks from the monsters' advanced technology. However, against an uncoordinated enemy, they stood a chance. And her songs? They played havoc with the enemies' minds and removed their focus on battle. Removed their coordination, so the soldiers could cut them down. ... And in that little anime, one of the main characters sang a song to beat monsters. Those monsters were giant aliens who were trying to destroy the titular ship, the Macross 7. So, while he sang, he and the other main characters fought in their transforming planes. Alone, the weapons would do no good against the coordinated attacks from the monsters' advanced technology. However, against and uncoordinated enemy, the stood a chance. And their songs? They played havoc with the enemies' minds and removed their focus on battle. Removed their coordination so the soldiers could cut them down. So, is SDFM silly?
  12. Dude, you're awesome. They also did the music from Ace Combat 6, if I'm not mistaken. So, moving on, my question is: A few songs sounded like they took distinguishable elements from other musical works, the most obvious being "He's a Pirate" in "Big Boys". Is it known if this was Ms. Kanno's purpose?
  13. Nah. Ozma is Kaji, Wilder is Gendo, and... Luca really IS Shinji.
  14. No! No! The last Michael Jackson. You know, cardiac arrest from a shoddy, plastic heart! Screw Peace. You know, if you don't stop that, I'll hit you like a Smooth Criminal. By the by, Mike, I AM a small boy. The only one I molest is myself, but that's another topic for another day, that it is.
  15. I just pulled a Michael Jackson...
  16. And I was just pointing out that I'm the one who said it here. It is a pretty good theory, though.
  17. I'm very angry that I still can't connect to Sankaku Channel... Maybe Danbooru will have it, I don't know... >_> Moving on, I agree with Polidread.
  18. Hey, Cowboys! They're the squadron at FW NAS/JRB, 20 miles away from me! I know what you mean. Last school term, I had 2 tech classes, and in both, I frequently accomplished my work quickly, giving me free time to keep up with the forums. That said, most of my forum time was, and still is, spent at home. I even did a few things in Fireworks, during my webmastering class. These Phoenix Wright sprites are addictive and easy. I took on a request yesterday to recolor an animated GIF of a character. Through every pose (A whole page of them), I'm nearly done, and I've logged over 100 frames, maybe even 200. It all depends, I guess, on how willing one is to move quickly, and how quickly they can move. Note that I hate the VF-4, but love the VF-400.
  19. Well, you put them on top so you can't reach them, right?
  20. It's 3AM, I'm 15, and I just HAVE to point that out. I agree, though, about Misa. We need a new one. And Klan, those are distraction tits. No need for those.
  21. Which is not really where Bandai excels, but the actual animators of its anime, Sunrise...
  22. God, credit bots can BUMP, too?!
  23. Which is why the rest of the fanbase likes it, and why I don't. Never liked the engines-way-out-in-pods design. The F-14's was about as much as I could stand. When I get working, I get working, and stuff gets done faster than I'd think. For example, I made my first game Sprite edit an hour or 2 ago, and I did pretty good in only half an hour. It felt like 5 minutes, so... Time flies. Even got compliments from a sprite master on the forum about afforementioned graphics for something I did, actually, in 5 minutes. It's all about when and where you can work, I guess. Which is why I don't like this place being worksafe. If you're at work, you should be working, not forum posting.
  24. Yeah, Hobbes, that was my theory. One drive does the SDFM fold, one does the Frontier fold, one is cheaper and/or more efficient, one is... Not?
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