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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I'd just like to point out that apparently, we're not allowed to have images in sigs, first of all. Don't know why, but we're not. Moving onto the topic, you seem very knowledgeable about modelling. Skilled as well. Can't wait to see the full build.
  2. That's awesome. I really need to brush up on my skill and fix up my previous work... And maybe a VF-0 or 2.
  3. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is that? Why does that look like something from Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere?
  4. I saw one in, like, February, and I'm almost 100% certain it's the same. I don't know. Maybe I saw it on Paperkraft, and not Papercraft Paradise. Speaking of, our very own Urashiman has finished his VF-17D and VF-25F papercrafts! Attached below VF_17.zip VF_25.zip
  5. This quote is fitting, because it involves orange planes, also. "Talisman, you are THE MAN!" -I Think It Was Sky Kid, Ace Combat 6 Kurt, that looks amazing.
  6. I love my Halloween F-14. Never been shot down once in that thing. But, uh, I actually see potential for this discussion's topic. It would be something to do to squeeze even more out of a mold, although making new paint masks could get 'spensive after a while. For epic lulz:
  7. I'll figure something out, you just wait. Domon Kasshu: The only Gundam pilot to ever actually do anything by shouting GUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!
  8. Well, the problem lies in... I forgot the word. I'm sure as soon as I close the window, it'll come to me, but you should get the idea by post's end. While the character may canonically be, within the story, "legal", the communist leaders of the US (And now, Japan) have basically declared that if someone "looks" too young, they ARE too young. Which makes me beg the question "What of really petite girls?" I mean, I know a few people who are "legal" but look younger than me. (It's been established that I'm 15) Even in Japan, they're tightening up, no doubt in response to American feminists. Once more, America is at fault for the downfall of culture... Back on-topic, I still can't connect to Sankaku Channel, so I can't tell whether or not they have any SFW SDF...
  9. Why is it I had to lose my camera NOW of all times? Nice pics, Eugimon and Mike.
  10. Saw that a few months ago at Papercraft Paradise. Haven't gotten around to building one, yet...
  11. That looks to be the 1/72. Looks amazing. Needs some more detail work and that reddish lighting, but wow.
  12. Yeah, definitely looking good. The textures kinda suck, though. That would be the practice point, methinks.
  13. What were the last 2 years' cosplays?
  14. *Remembers how much he wants a sexy SDP-1*
  15. But NONE of them have... SHINING FINGER! And that's why Domon Kasshu wins.
  16. From "Tank!" to "Big Boys" to "Information High", Yoko Kanno's done it all!
  17. Dear, sweet... Hikaru! Wrong one! That's for the other character with weird, brown hair!
  18. If I had a camera, I'd show you that even the 1/48 can do it! And I'm fairly certain the VF-0 can do it... I mean, if the shoulders don't explode!
  19. Besides, Agent, everyone knows it's Mexicans that are always late! I wish I had a supply of money... Like a job. But every single god-damned opportunity fell out beneath me. Even that lawnmowing job. So, I can't buy any of this stuff. I hope I get something for Christmas, though! -The joys of being a minor: Christmas... In July... Wait... It's July! HOLY- 24 days till my birthday!
  20. Thoughts to start a fanclub, terms of use violations, and questions of... Wait... Mylene's not loli. This script is wrong! She's obviously jailbait!
  21. Yeah. Then, I could steal borrow work with stuff that looks nice!
  22. I'd like to point some things out about this post: If I'm not mistaken, and it's been pointed out to me, as well, the Eva Unit 01 was the first PG. Well, it's not a static kit. And, much as I like a nice, crisp Revell or the like, the novelty wears off, and you find out you have lead poisoning from using cheap paint, and... Well, in my experience, it's not necessarily worth the blood, sweat, and tears all the time. But the cost of production is quickly recouped, because as much as it costs to develop, actual production is not that much more expensive than a Hase at the same scale. A bit more plastic, yeah, but the molds last just as long. And, since there are still non-static Bandai models in production, it can't be losing them money, now can it? A decade is more than 15 years? When was this? Also, you can't blame a company for selling what sells best for them. Or for not having rights to sell Macross goods in America. And yet I see WAY more Revell sales than Hase sales at all the local hobby shops. I mean, obviously, there are no valk kits, but for the IRL planes... And the Hases don't, and the IRL planes aren't schematic perfect. You can't compare a 1990s transforming kit to one now. You can't compare a 1990s transforming anything to one now. It's like saying the 1/55 is not as good as the v.2 1/60. Sure, yeah, but a lot of time has passed and a lot of stuff has changed. This isn't about the 1/72 kit. And, so far, every 1/72 transforming valk has sucked, right? It's a bad scale, it seems, for them. And the bigger a kit is, (1/48 vs 1/72) the better it's bound to look. Joints can be made comparatively smaller (See a 1/60 VF-11 and compare it to a 1/72 VF-11), more detail can be fit into the space allotted, and the more of a presence it'll have in a display. My friend has a 1/48 B-1B as the centerpiece of his models, and it stands out much more than all the 1/72 models he has. I know they haven't been in the business of Macross for 25 years. They're not lineart perfect. Affordable is not a term I'd necessarily consider, in this case, considering a 1/72 Hase 0D sells for $30 US (Roughly) and a VF-25 PT, in the same scale, sells for $45 US (Roughly). Given, the -25 isn't perfect, but I like a mecha kit I can actually... You know... Mecha-nerd with more than I like a static kit. I could get a Dassault Mirage kit and bash it with an F-14, and get a... Well, it's not really the best comparison, but you know what I mean! The only line I actually agree with. Please! Make it a PTPG!
  23. I can listen to anything Ranka did, but nothing Sheryl did, over and over - Aimo included. And, I consider Nyan Nyan Service Medley the only Sheryl exception. On-topic: Hmm... I would suggest YSFlight, but I don't know the beginning of how to make models work with it, and there's already a YF-19 and 21. I'd say FS9, but there's already a YF-19, and again, I don't know how to make a model work with it. FSX bears the same issue. Well, you're doing good work. Keep it up.
  24. I'm trying to go to AnimeFest this fall. Problem is there are like 6 Macross fans in all of Texas. ¬¬ No promises about it, but... And I feel for you, 505th. I couldn't go to A-Kon this year because my friends who were going didn't give me their number so I could call them to confirm I could go. Ihatethisstupidfilter.
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