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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. "My father was a wheel! The first wheel! Do you know what he transformed into? NOTHING! But, he did it with HONOR! And PRIDE!" -Jetfire
  2. Well, I don't know. Like I said, leave detailing to people with skills.
  3. Thread was dead. PMs were traded. Shoulda left it at that.
  4. Pretty much, Head Pilot.
  5. "I've got balls of Space Metal.' -Luca Nukem
  6. So, basically, you're describing a method of poor-man's panel-lining? That's what I pulled out of that. Not the method I use, but it sounds... sound. Your skill at detailing far outshines mine. I give up. A Gundam Marker or 20, a hot screwdriver, and a mud marker, and I'm all set for some panel-lining, battle-damaging, and weathering. Screw adding details! That's for people with skills!
  7. 3) No. Bandai, apparently, just doesn't have the license for all of the Macross 7 properties, since Yamato made that Gamlin VF-22. As it stands, Yamato holds licenses for SDFM, DYRL?, Zero, Plus, Dynamite 7, and VF-X. Bandai has licenses for SDFM (I think they still have it), DYRL? (Right?), 7, and Frontier.
  8. That. Was amazing. Great work, dude. By the by, YouTube DOES display in HD. Probably not as high quality as a raw MP4, but still in the upper range. My work: Alto is Better than Shin My work in progress: Ace Combat Frontier Still in an early stage. Have to find the right scenes and get higher-quality trailer to run with. Also, I forgot to cut some stuff off the end of the WIP, so wait till the last 3 or 4 seconds before leaving the video. The first one, I made a GIF of, because it's funny.
  9. Put it in 1/48, too, along with 1/48 trashed Fanracer. Sorry, I love large-scale.
  10. Keep tje 1/48s. They won't fetch a high enough price to pay for a set of 1/60s. Keep them and save up for new 1/60s. Then, you can have a nice, big collection. If you're running out of shelf space, hang them from the ceilings. I love my 1/48s because they're so friggin' huge. Twice the size of any Gundam model I have (3 times the HGs), larger than even Jet Convoy, and bigger than any of my Zoids. They have an ominous shelf presence, and are priceless to my collection. I'm even wanting to buy more, though there are a few 1/60s on my list. So, keep them, and set aside some of your money to buy new 1/60s to ADD to your collection. People always say they're out of space before realizing they have the same amount of floor space as a ceiling.
  11. Mods are awesome here. And Mike, too. That wins, dude. I'm glad none of my snafus are that bad! Please don't take this as a chance to make one so.
  12. I can't remember whose sig that was. Why did I have to lose my camera? I just finished some Master Grades, and my 1/48s are begging to show their awesome. (1/48 is twice as big as 1/100, you know )
  13. Already, I have a wishlist of over $2000. This is going at the back of that list. Frakkin' expensive hobby. It'd take 6 months to make $2000 if I had a job! (Employers don't have to pay people under the age of 16 any more than $5 an hour...)
  14. Unlikely. Unless it was in fighter mode. Hm... Though, now that you mention it... Instead of that, a 1/1 Macross in the water next to the location on Odaiba island Real G is on!
  15. Oh, I get it now! A retirement prank. Makes sense. Kinda like my grandfather taking an old missile container (The wooden crates) and hiding his friend in it during an ammo inspection shortly before he was going to be transferred, letting a rookie open it up and get scared to death by the guy jumping out. My workbench is now empty, and a single picture stands of the fruit, taken from a low-end camera phone. I love the RX-78 derivatives, just as much as I love the VF-0 derivatives. (Goin\' by canon timeline, here)
  16. Except he still failed, and ended up a girly man. If he really fought like a man, his hair would be no longer than shoulder-length. I'm all in favor of the Alto-hime club!
  17. Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, for the Xbox 360. Be warned, the Halloween F-14 does not ship with the game, you have to buy it on Xbox Live Marketplace for, I believe, 200 points. ($2.50 US) Also, there is downloadable content for the A-10 in the Christmas scheme, several planes in iDOLM@STER schemes, and several in Sky Painting sets. Sky Painters are painted all in one color per plane, and fire missiles with colored smoke. They have the largest payloads. I also like the Ghosts of Razgriz Squadron sets, but that's another story. Back on-topic, I would love to see an Eva SV-51. Mr March did a good job on his recolor. It would be a good base for Yamato to work from, although I do wonder how it'd look in Fighter mode...
  18. I know, but the joke is that mecha is assumed to mean mech, which is associated with robots and walkers. Hell, a blender's a mecha. Will it blend? Hell yes. Dude, that is starting to look more badass. Tancist, I'm not sure I get the joke, but it's a welcome sight to see an Eva in a more military paintscheme than, say purple. Looks good. If I only had a camera, I'd display my workbench.
  19. Yeah, believe me, I made that mistake... I think it was Roy Focker who told me. Anyway, I'm nowhere near that good. I can barely get a simple model together and painted, let alone a Hase SV-51. So, since I suck so much in comparison, I must compliment you. It's lookin' good, man.
  20. I don't think he means anyone is inside it. I think he means its size makes it impossible for egress from the top hatch. However, to rebute that, I would say that the head is larger than the seat, so it works.
  21. I remember love! 25 on the 7th. 8 years ago, I was 7 on the 25th. Crazy shït, man.
  22. Hey guys, amidoinitrite?
  23. Man... No 1/48 love... If I had a 1/60, though, I'd probably be smilin'... On a semi-related note, am I the only one who thinks it'd be cool to have that rainbow VF-0?
  24. No, it's awesome, I agree. Also, I never said I didn't recognize it as one. I just asked why it looked like something from AC3. It was a valid question sparked by seeing it and from the fact that I just beat Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, and the series has been on my mind, as of late. It reminded me somewhat of an XFA-27 and R-103 Delphinus crossed. But it doesn't have giant robots.... yet... I get the feeling the Spartan will be more badass later.
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