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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. The Half-S is not the Wild Weasel, and the Wild Weasel isn't mentioned there.
  2. Or Stosh. Everyone can blame Stosh. Their Veritechs will be no match for our Valkyries! You see, I almost expected it to do that, too.
  3. I'm angry that the only 2 VF-1s I have are 1/48s, supposed to have good QC, comparatively, and are lemons. Loose joints on Annie, stuff falling off of Angel. So, be happy you've got a good collection, and stick with it. The larger scale ones have great shelf presence, and they'll overshadow everything in 1/60. I'm glad you've decided to keep them. But also branch out into 1/60. As awesome as 1/48 is, it's not where the money is for Yamato, so they made the cool designs all in 1/60... >_> Keep the 1/48s and get one of everything in 1/60!
  4. Let's get some 1S and paint them brown. I'd rather see a 1X or, for that matter, an X-1
  5. Is crazy how good that looks.
  6. Okay, colored still has novelty. Only qualm is the red bridge... Never liked the red bridge from the old toy. Can't wait to see the DYRL?
  7. I actually plan on hitting up the hobby store when money comes in and practicing on some Gundam 00 First Grade kits. Cheap and cathartic. That way, if I ruin it, I have fun!
  8. I'm thoroughly disturbed, yet still in need of a blood transfusion... Mike, see the above, except the line below it. IS NICE!
  9. A ripoff of Basara, but he can't sing. (Unless you count that one insert song...)
  10. Amazing. I liked the voice-over. You do that yourself?
  11. Well, I plan on downloading all of Frontier in a torrent, so... It IS an option, albeit one I'm probably not gonna take, so I can keep everything the same quality. Well, actually WMM Vista is very good at HD editing, and it can export in 1080p (The quality I export everything in now). I also like it because it's free versus between 100 and 400 USD. My PC can handle it, it just moves very slowly with the codec I'm using. Problem is, it's the only MKV codec I know. Also, I don't feel like uninstalling it again to find none of my media is playable anymore. Don't think I'm new to video editing. I've been doing this since '06. I just haven't ever gotten an AMV done right. Look at my YT channel. AMVs aren't the only types of videos out there, you know.
  12. Don't hold your breath. I won't be able to finish it until I can torrent all of MacF, find a HD source trailer, and upgrade my computer, because my MP4 codec that allows WMM to handle MKVs slows my PC to hell. It becomes unusable. I've had to cut power to get it back in working order, which screws up progress and sometimes the project file. And if I've accidentally moved any file, it's all gonna die. I'll work on it more when I get some more RAM for my computer.
  13. I hate worksafe forums...
  14. Can I post an NSFW pic?
  15. Even G1 had slight references of... Cybertronian... "manufacturing", namely when one sports car character, whose name I can't recall, says to a "female" chracter of the same type, "I've heard the first time can hurt," referencing... Er, well, there's a wikia article about it on the Transformers wiki. I'm not gonna get to into it. Point is, TFs have had a familial structure since the original series. It's just not as prominent as when Senile Jetfire says it. Back on topic, friggin' Eugimon and his friggin' skillz.... Nice images, yet again. It's nearly 1 AM, and I have to point out how that sounds.
  16. Now I'm even more pissed off I was too lazy to find it on the internet, instead of watching the dub... Frakkin' FCC. Though, considering it's Nina... Well, she's Meganne, right?
  17. It's a placeholder for the actual video I plan to use. Keeps timing and all. Like I said, I still need to get a better version of the trailer to work with. Also, I should probably torrent all of Frontier, so I have all 12 hours to work with for material. (Everything in that video is from 10, 13, 24, and 25, I believe) I had that episode, not from the sub group I normally d/l'd from, but from a group that doesn't save as .MKV, so the subtitles were hard-coded. If I'd had it in MKV, they'd be separate, and it'd not have the subtitles. The purpose of the WIP vids for it were for some people I know to keep their whining down while I worked.
  18. All right, boys, bring out the Vampire! I can see Jetfire fitting in the frame of a SR-71. He was pretty spindly in the movie, and his proportions matched up pretty well. The only part that gets me is that his father, apparently, was a wheel. What does that make his mother?
  19. And you also can't gain skill without talent. Everyone has their own set of talents which evolve into skills. My talents, unfortunately, are limited to comedic self-injury and English-Nazi'ing. I would practice more if I had money to buy the tools of said practice. I spend most of my time broke, and that's why my wishlist has had time to grow to a total of about $4000 in Gunpla and Macross. Now, I will say I know how to do a simple poor-man's weather, battle damage, and panel line, and I can put together most models, and that's really enough for me. I have a tenuous grasp on painting, but I've been thinking of screwing spray and goin' all brush, anyway.
  20. You're right up there with Pete. You're my hero.
  21. Each company has a different niche. I love Yamato toys I love Bandai models I... actually have no exposure to Kaiyodo figures... Harmony Gold just sucks.
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