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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Summed it up pretty well.
  2. Dude, you never fail to impress. Your work is nothing short of DECULTURE!!
  3. I love the purple-ish lighting on that, Eugi.
  4. You know, silicon is a great semiconductor... Does that mean silicone is a great semiconductore?
  5. They don't have Fry's in Delaware. It's pretty much exclusive to the states west of the Mississippi. Mine's 2 miles away
  6. First off, you're nearly 2 months late. Second, you're nearly... Hell, I don't know how many years late. If you ask me, he's Grace's predecessor.
  7. Ah, well, that makes it only 99.9% of the time people say "y'all" to annoy me. Being from the southwest really makes a lot of people think less of me. Man, I can't imagine life without giant air conditioning units outside of everyone's house, running with their trademark whir... On that note, I always love it when northerners come down to go to Six Flags in the middle of summer. I live real close to a hotel and a gas station. Some days, I just hang out in the gas station and wait till I see a northerner (You can pick 'em apart easy) walk in. They always complain more about the heat than anyone else. Then, I walk outside in plain view, with my black hoodie on. The expressions on their face are priceless. Even funnier when Ben and his overcoat come with me. But, I digress. The temperature's gone down into the 70s what with this rain. However, it still feels horrible because it's so humid you can't breathe. (You ever been in Texas the day after a rain? The temperature's 90-something and the relative humidity is 99%.) Er... Back to the dub.
  8. Either way, she's in her 20s. No more on the age dispute, though. Put it this way: Loli-Klan = cute, Meltran Klan = sexy. Nuff said.
  9. Also, a problem with Edgar is that he's had a problem in recording - some have fuzz and others don't. The fuzzy ones tell me his soundcard must have A) turned on mic boost or B ) turned down mic level and the audio was post-processed to be louder. It's no big deal, really. I just nitpick those sorts of things. I really think you did good this time, Hik. Same to your cast.
  10. Is it possible to like Loli-Klan and Meltran Klan equally?
  11. The oddness is why I love it. It's so lol-worthy! As to the heat comments, until you can beat several hours a day outside in the 105+ I don't consider it a problem. Especially if you spend that time riding a bike uphill 5 miles to see friends because you're too young to drive... And Che, do not "y'all" me. It only serves to push me.
  12. Oh. I'm so sorry, man. I hope your relative finds peace in the next life. ... Pussy Washingtonians. Here in Texas, we've finally had a break from the 100+ days. The temperature hasn't fallen below 80 in weeks. A/C's been running almost non-stop lately. So, deal with your heat. I'm typing an it's about 80 degrees, a welcome cool, in the house. I mean, I'm not expressly trying to be offensive, but it gets me that people complain about the temperature not reaching the 70s in the middle of summer. I don't care where you are, unless you're way high north, you're gonna have those days.
  13. Turn of events? That doesn't sound good. If it's something bad, good luck to you. If it is, perchance, something good, however... Good luck to you?
  14. But do you wear... JACKETS?
  15. Well, to be perfectly honest, even a transforming valk at that scale would be manageable. There was someone on MOCPages who was making a PT Lego VF-1S about 3 feet long. Though he never accomplished the legs, the torso was working. It transformed completely and the arms were okay. He had problems, if I recall, with keeping some of the joints together, and it weighed a lot, but then, he had to make it solid to keep the design aesthetically accurate. I think if good enough ratchets were added, joints would be no problem, and even at 3 feet long, weight shouldn't be too much of an issue. I mean, sure, yeah, it'll weigh more than any other valk, probably any other 1/18 plane, but it shouldn't exceed a feasible weight. I mean, it'd be something you could carry for a while in your hands, definitely.
  16. I like large-scale. If one happened, it'd be on my shelf.... Or... Maybe it'd be on my floor. At 1:18, it'd stand, what? A meter or so tall in Battroid? Definitely standing on the floor...
  17. Dude... Epic Epicness is Epic.
  18. Well, keep it up. The only gloss I ever use is Gloss Light Blue - for Star Wars engines.
  19. Oh. Did not know that. And it's funny, my father and I have worked with FG before.
  20. No, those are plastic-reinforced glass. Laminated glass, they call it. Glass-reinforced plastics is something else. Not that I know what that else is, but...
  21. Another reminder that I still need to get a Luca set...
  22. I'm not sure if that's sarcasm, joking, or completely serious. Either way, that kinda thing is bad. Damn YouTube and its crap.
  23. Can you not point those out?
  24. OH GAWD, NO! Do NOT use Lego Digital Designer. It lacks parts, has a fidgety connection system, and can't simulate structural capabilities. Instead, get a better program, like LCAD or something.
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