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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. And skill. Don't forget skill. And that is the missing piece of the puzzle.
  2. Lovin' the desert camo. Also, envying the desert camo. I'm making a custom for a friend and I suck at the camo...
  3. I torrent it or watch it online and if I like it enough, I fork over the cash to buy it legally. Such is the case with a few Gundam anime, Azumanga Daioh, and Clannad. Nothing Macross, because only Plus and SDFM are available to me, and the store I get my anime DVDs from has jacked the price up because they only ever have one copy of each... And no one buys them. Way I see it, it's much like seeing something on cable, recording it on my DVR, and watching it a few times later before going to the store and buying the DVD so I can watch it whenever I want without having to clutter up precious space in my DVR.
  4. I'm saying it's a mecha scale.
  5. Thanks, really, but I could've done better. I just don't know how to replace a dark grey stripe with an equally shaded "White" stripe.
  6. Yeah, I'm with Whateverburger. I like, really, about everything you've posted thus far, hellohikaru.
  7. So, there's more blue in that dark grey than red... It is no problem. I will begin the workings soon. However, a problem arises: how to make the letters remain white, not dark grey. That's a secondary concern, though. TIME TO BEGIN! EDIT: I should really put a guarantee on my work. "5 hours or less or it's free!"
  8. No, 1/12 is the scale I want. Don't tell me what I want. RX-78-2 is in 1/12... True. True. HELL YEAH!
  9. You and I are not cut from the same cloth. I want one in 1/12 scale!
  10. Yeah, I was trying to match the new grey to the native grey. Also, I like the yellow that Skull-1 carried on his tail-tips and across the forward fuselage.. And red is ALWAYS a good choice. I may end up doing a VF-17 scheme now.
  11. Now I realize that I lack skill... Time to find some skill so I can make some of those beauties.
  12. He said the line! Roy said the line!
  13. You are freakin' incredible. 0_0
  14. Out of boredom, I've screwed around with this VF-171 I jacked from March's site and made it look awesome... Better than the turquoise/teal, depending on the light it's in, scheme.
  15. Except ultralights can't handle well if they're not bigger than that. (Take the Challengers for example, compared to that one that's powered by 2 honda lawnmower engines.) Anywho, this is about Macross, so let's stop discussing the Eta-2 Actis.
  16. Yeah, the Eta-2 was only about the same size as an X-34 landspeeder. Makes it smaller than my dad's sedan! Tiny little buggers. Doesn't mean I'd enjoy flying one any less...
  17. Bigger is better. I'd be interested if I had monies.
  18. This is why my TV setup is a TV, cable box, and DVD player... And the cable remote controls the TV and the Cable...
  19. I lolled so hard! "He is between the two beauties."
  20. The trick is machining the mold.
  21. Ruskii, vous ĂȘtes l'incroyable l'un! And that sums up my knowledge of French...
  22. "Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap (pop pop) Hope no one sees me gettin' freaky"
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