The blithely-deployed ignorance is the point of the statement.
There are 20 million of 7 billion in Australia. This is a very small fraction, you see. It's about .3% of the population. (Unless I carried something wrong. I do that when it's after 1 am) Compare that to Japan, with a population of 127,000,000, and the intended market, and you see that Australia's kinda insignificant in anime. The USA has 330,000,000 and a big share of the market, compared to the rest of the world, plus most of the licensing agencies for anime are based in the US or Canada (A few are even here in Texas, which I'll point out has 24,000,000 people). Further, the point carries, or at least it should, across.
The Australian market for stuff like that is small, and Australia's low on the priority list, because of it. And the marsupial comment? When you ask most people of the English-speaking world the first thing that comes to mind when you say "Australia," the answer is likely "Kangaroo," "Koala," "Continent," or "G'day mate." Because, really, no one but .3% of the world gives a flyin' frak about Australia. Especially, the people behind big Japanese software firms.
Now, I'm sorry that I'm a minor and I can't much go and live in another country, but your 5 years in America doesn't change anything. There is no culture here. Just ignorance about the rest of the world. Oh, and Mexicans. We got plenty of those.
The bluntness and "blithely deployed ignorance" are the same thing.