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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Yeah, but mine was more obscure. 3 seconds from... Well, at an average of 22 minutes an episode and 36 episodes, I'd say about 13 hours of animation... Versus a line from a 4-episode OVA... Hey, I won't try to shoot you because some holographic psycho-bitch tries to make me. That makes me cooler.
  2. You win an internet. That was good.
  3. Ed. He's not gonna shoot me, he's not gonna bring some romantic interest with him, he's not gonna sleep through the flight, he's not gonna crash the plane, he's not gonna piss off the Zentraedi, and he can even read a radar map. If the front seat folded back, I woulda made a different choice. Not sure which, but even fighter planes have autopilot.
  4. You missed the joke. Points off for you!
  5. I was gonna say Jay Jay the Jet Plane!
  6. Fine, but there must be 4 Monsters.
  7. Yeah, and to make things worse, shipping's flat rate. I'd pay the same if I lived in Michigan to get it shipped half an hour to my house. And, for a half-hour drive, it'd still take a damned week.
  8. In the interest of steering attention away from the moderative post and the derailment... Wait... I don't have a camera... Since I don't have a camera, someone else is going to have to post a picture, and they're gonna have to do it NOW!
  9. I wanna get this orange to see what it looks like under mah blacklight.
  10. Behind the Taxi, behind 1J's leg
  11. I didn't say "realistic" I said natural. Skull-1's too stiff looking for his position. I just noticed the other battroid hand in the picture, as well as the little bit of grafitti that says and
  12. The Australian is easily angered... And seems to miss my point. If I haven't provided ample explanation by now, I'll leave it at that. Anyway, in the interest of not getting banned again, I'll be on-topic. $100 for Macross Plus is too much for me... Basically, twice as much as it costs is the point where it's not worth it. Luckily, you can buy Mac+ for $50. All of these are US figures, of course.
  13. Well, actually, I'm applying for a learner's permit, and my grandma doesn't really mind taking me to places much. However, LAFToys doesn't have a local shop...
  14. OBJECTION! There's no proof of that! Their position, as well as their appearance, hints heavily at their purpose as FLIR pods. I've been playing WAY too much Phoenix Wright lately...
  15. It's too bad shipping's the same cost around everywhere. I'm no more than 30 miles away from them...
  16. I will try, Captain! Yeah, I saw those before. Cute little purple origami bastards.
  17. The blithely-deployed ignorance is the point of the statement. There are 20 million of 7 billion in Australia. This is a very small fraction, you see. It's about .3% of the population. (Unless I carried something wrong. I do that when it's after 1 am) Compare that to Japan, with a population of 127,000,000, and the intended market, and you see that Australia's kinda insignificant in anime. The USA has 330,000,000 and a big share of the market, compared to the rest of the world, plus most of the licensing agencies for anime are based in the US or Canada (A few are even here in Texas, which I'll point out has 24,000,000 people). Further, the point carries, or at least it should, across. The Australian market for stuff like that is small, and Australia's low on the priority list, because of it. And the marsupial comment? When you ask most people of the English-speaking world the first thing that comes to mind when you say "Australia," the answer is likely "Kangaroo," "Koala," "Continent," or "G'day mate." Because, really, no one but .3% of the world gives a flyin' frak about Australia. Especially, the people behind big Japanese software firms. Now, I'm sorry that I'm a minor and I can't much go and live in another country, but your 5 years in America doesn't change anything. There is no culture here. Just ignorance about the rest of the world. Oh, and Mexicans. We got plenty of those. The bluntness and "blithely deployed ignorance" are the same thing.
  18. Your Regult is a bit out of scale. Also, Skull-1's pose looks unnatural, as far as that applies to a battroid. However, the 1J and the photoshop work is pretty good.
  19. Maybe I need practice, but consider that my only methodolgy is free select and colorize. Practicing the wrong thing won't get you anywhere. I never said it was bad, just that I coulda done better. "Don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself too much either," -Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen) The main problem I have with that VF-17 scheme is the white stripe on the wings not having any sort of gradient to it.
  20. I have an idea. I'm going to take your template, with your permission, of course, and upscale it from the starting point, around 1/128 scale, if I'm not mistaken, and blow it up to 1/18 scale. This is going to take maths, cardstock, and plenty of GIMP.
  21. I'm not sure about you, but I'm serious when I say that.
  22. No, I'm pretty patient. I lack skill, and maybe method. My method is off.
  23. Man, what is with all the Australians on the internet and their "poor me, living on a secluded island where everything's expensive" attitude? Ruskii doesn't have that! Software in Australia is influenced by ONE thing and one thing only: the small market, which Australia's pretty much in for for everything, since it's an island nation no one cares about and is only remembered for Kangaroos and Koalas. No offense, I'm just being blunt here.
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