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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I'd say VE-1, because it's so unique.
  2. Best part of episode 4's dub is the part that (I think) is always in English - Information High. Well, I wish you godspeed, Hik. You do good work, and I'd LOVE to see a repeat of DYRL?
  3. But I still have trouble comparing the two types of media. One is digital, the other is physical. 35mm film has that limitation, though, of 12 million dots, whereas digital technology will progress and support more in the future. Given, it's not now. Also, I don't think, for that matter, that dots and pixels are the same measurement, anyhow. I'm confused.
  4. My guess is the VT is a modified version of the VE, which mounts a different hardpoint selection, its FAST Pack hardpoint being mounted on the backpack, instead of the main fuselage. That would provide for a raised ELINT dish, and would also make room for the deeper slope of the forward fuselage into the midsection. I kinda like the 1D better, looking at both side by side.
  5. Well, see, my issue with that theory, Mike, is that the sweep of the control surfaces is really deep. I'm no expert (Not even an amateur, admittedly), but it would seem they'd be pretty insufficient at that angle for a lot of aerial maneuvers. Let's ask the engineering student. Dex? What's your take?
  6. Haha... Magic Hands! But you can make those with wire, glue, paper, and a hot iron... I'm serious about the landing gear, though.
  7. My only problem with FedEx is their Ship To Georgia policy. Once, I ordered a Blade Liger model from a man in Hong Kong. It flew to San Francisco, was trucked to LA, flown to DALLAS FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (Which is only 20 miles away), then flown to Atlanta and trucked to the Fort Worth processing center. They could've cut a lot of steps by moving it to the D/FW Hub, instead of the SuperHub. The planes they use have the capability, even, to cruise nonstop from HK to D/FW...
  8. Yeah, it's Getter and Janx's VF-1 papercraft. To be specific, the Wolfpack 1J. Anywho, I say it should be bigger AND have more gimmicks. I mean, you're working with more space. It only makes sense you can squeeze more detail or gimmick in. I mean, the amount of detail increase on this is so marginal, I might as well make a plain scale-up of the YF-19. I'm just sayin', you know.
  9. That Messiah has no vertical stabilizers! 0_0
  10. Gah! Damn you, spoiler! That said, I thought the Mac+ dub was pretty decent. You redoin' it or doing Movie Edition?
  11. Augh. The webmastering teacher keeps putting off assigning what I'll be doing for the school website. When I know what that is, I can make the decision as to whether or not I'll be able to do this. If I end up on graphics, I'll really have to spend time honing my skills, you know? I hope I get put in page coding or something, because that'll help, but...
  12. And all of this (save March) reinforces the value of my question. The VF-17 and 171 don't have anything but yaw vectoring. How the hell do they perform the same kind of tweaking any FBW plane does in an atmosphere?
  13. Fixed. We strike at dawn, gentlemen... Wait. You're all scattered. How am I supposed to coordinate dawn when no two people are in the same time zone? Er... Anyway, I'd get 2 of each type, should they make them. Put one in each mode... Besides, Daedelus Attackā„¢ owns the ARMD-01 attack...
  14. This is how ALL of the non-canon VF-1s are created. Lieutenant K. Warmaker, reporting for duty, sir!
  15. Well, Kremmen, I just kinda hoped there'd be something more to it than a scaled-up 1/72. I mean, for example, I'm taking Getter 1 and Janx's VF-1 and scaling way up to 7 feet long. It'll be no more detailed or accurate, just bigger. I wouldn't pay it any more mind for anything but its size. It's the same thing, really. Now, if it turns out to have some fixes or details we don't see, I'll likely attempt to get my hands on one. I might still, anyway. But if it does end up better, I'll have to live with my pre-judgement, won't I?
  16. Most Hobby Lobby, Hobbytown USA, and any small one-off hobby shops will have what you need. You may have to look in more than one store to find certain shades (Ever try to find light ghost grey?), but those 3 won't do you wrong. Also, I wouldn't know about Tamiya Basic Spray Works, because I work really only in Testor's.
  17. Well, I was talking about how cleanly they made the cels, more than anything. I know 35mm is still the highest-quality, just by its nature, but if the cels had that crap in them, it'd be a lot harder to clean up than a film reel, and you'd probably have to end up running them again to get the recording. This is, of course, if they didn't do the original record in 35mm. I'm not sure what medium Macross Plus was recorded on before editing and distribution, come to think of it. I know Zero and Frontier are both digitally drawn, the latter in HD. By the by, I know a lot of differences appear in the animation between TV, DVD, and Blu-ray releases of several anime. Gundam 00, K-on!, and one other come to mind, but I forget the name of the last one. They all had some surprisingly different details between them. Even entire character designs being different, consistently, between the media. Not saying they reanimated the WHOLE series, but a good bit, for sure.
  18. Note that the question is about the plane's aerodynamics, not its verniers. And, we've established non-vernerian flight is possible. I think the real question is "How the hell can the VF-17 fly in an atmosphere?" It doesn't even have 2D thrust vectoring.
  19. Hell yeah! What kind of accessory do they not have already, though? Oh! I know! Motorized landing gear on the 1/48s and 1/60v.2s! That way, you don't have to deal with the crap of fishing those stupid gear out!
  20. Well, I hate UPS, but FedEx is okay. Their tracking tends to work, and more often than not if you have a recycling bin by your door, they'll screw policy and leave the package by the recycler, out of view from the street. That's what happened to my last ship of Japanese import. And this note of USPS, this is true. I'm no more than 5 minutes away by bicycle from my post office.
  21. The only real draw for me now: It's big... It really does resemble the 1/72 in too many ways.
  22. Because I, for one, though it was a good game. As did most of the people who played it. Admittedly, . Also, I though it'd be a cool bit of memorabilia to have, alright? Why the hell did you buy whatever Macross items you own? Anyway, I really want to see what Ruskii's been cooking up. Sure, everyone else's stuff has been great, but Ruskii is insane. I mean, I might try to put a 1/48 through similar poses if it could move that well, only because they're built like tanks. But he uses breaky 1/60s. By the by, I JUST got the reference in the Super Ostitch pose. Time to rewatch all of Macross...
  23. The Canards are DESTABILIZING surfaces. IE, they're there to force the plane from level, not keep it there. They work by forcing the nose of the plane up or down, rather than pushing the tail up or down. However, to make up for the comparison, how about the F-106 or Avro Vulcan? Neither of them had problems Anyway, the F-117 is far closer to delta than most planes the military uses. Really, its wings are a lot closer to the F-14's at high sweep, given, but they also resemble, perhaps even more closely, the VF-1's at high sweep. And the F-117 still flies, even despite its lack of tailplanes, boxy fuselage, and general other problems with the design. As a note, the F-117 has similarly-angled vertical stabilizers to the VF-1
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