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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. You know, in this case, gore adds to the effect This is how the world ends... Not with a bang, but with a whisper... Only the manliest of men... If we get the transient facts Then we feel the Info High If we get the transient facts Then we are really free To fly high In space!
  2. And I was just getting used to how slow 1 gig of memory in a desktop with 4mbps connection felt. Given, I had gotten too used to the modem's old 11mbps connection. But, now, it's 5 years old and getting slower every day. You, sir, have my sympathy.
  3. Well, it's the best Toynami could make, thus their masterpiece.
  4. I daresay this lug is cooler than this guy Looks cleaner and less like it was left to rust for 100 years at the bottom of the Atlantic, dredged up and slapped with some spray paint and shoved into active duty. Now, I have no problem with you wanting what you want. To each his own. I'm just making a suggestion as to what I think would be more fun to have. For example, I'd rather have this Charizard on my bedsheets than this Charizard or this one Sure, they have better stylization, but do I really want that on my bedsheets at night? Will they always remind me of the thing I love? The unstylized regular Charizard is the Charizard I know and love. It's nostalgic. So, it's my choice. God, you don't have to shoot me down for a suggestion.
  5. Yeah, but in the movie, his eyes explode!
  6. Hell, it's canon enough for me!
  7. Planes are expensive, they're in the middle of a ten-year war, thousands have died, taking their expensive machinery with them. Taking scrapped planes from boneyards, refitting them with OTEC, and sending them out is cheaper and faster than producing new ones. Thus, the F-14 is still in service, the S-3 is a tanker, and so on and so forth. It's improvisation. Militaries do it all the time, especially the navy. You don't always have all the things you need to do things right, so you do 'em a bit wrong and it works. Feel free to troll me, Sketchley, for my two cents.
  8. So... You really want the last laugh, don't you? We're saying the same thing, Sketchley, just in different ways. Give it up, man. You say the VE-1 has no atmospheric FAST pack capabilities, I say the VE-1 has no atmospheric FAST pack capabilities. OP's question is answered by two people. Good enough. It's even backed up by the both of us.
  9. Heh... I have Energon Hotshot next to my valks... Coolest Unicron Wars transformer, easily. And, for that matter, Armada Jet Convoy (Powerlinked Optimus Prime and Jetfire)
  10. I see an SDF-1 that needs to lay down and complete its transformation for God's sake.
  11. Can I jack your colorscheme for to make colored lineart of it?
  12. I am now on the project site and working on the wiki.
  13. If you're worried about a cartoon looking cartoonish, I suggest you wait until you're about through with puberty to do something like this. Then, your 13-year-old pride will be intact and you can just move on and put pokemon bedsheets back on and remember the good old days and... Damn, I lost those pokemon bedsheets... Anyway, if you're doing it for bedsheets, I assume you're a bit younger than me (please be younger than me! I hate being the forum's youngest). If that's the case (even if it isn't), there's no problem at all with cartoony bedsheets. Might as well go the whole 9 yards. Besides, the TV SDF-1 has a much better sheet presence. Stick a generic light blue background with the TV SDF-1 in cruiser mode at a diagonal across the sheet and now I wish I had money to make such a thing.
  14. Heretic! Heretic! Heretic! The heretics shall burn for their blasphemy!
  15. I only wish I had the sense to learn Italian. That'd make life a bit easier... And German and Japanese and French and Spanish and I could go on, but you get the picture. So, what exactly are you trying to do? If you want to make your own papercraft, I guess any modelling software will work, as long as you unfold it in Pepakura Designer.
  16. First, see the following as to why FAST packs are in this discussion Second, the VE-1's signature equipment, it's specialized radome and sensor pack, is only usable in space, since the Radome is attached to the FAST pack. This leaves it with the ELINT sensor that it uses for a head. You could just as well send a VT-1 out and do the same thing. Also, I just took VE in stride, applying the classification "Variable Electronic warfare" to "Reconaissance Variable Fighter" and such. Either way, it's still about the VE-1. THIS And, again, I'm certain they wouldn't build a plane that can't stand its own forces. Space Metal has an unknown strength, as does the whole ECA they keep using. (It does apply to the entire fuselage, right?)
  17. The YF-19 looks really nice all banged up.
  18. VF-0: It's a Ghost strapped to the back of a VF-0, and two nearly-always used conformal tanks. Hardly a FAST pack. VF-5000: Ah, yes. I forgot that. VF-11: I didn't read anything about the VF-11's FAST packs there VF-17: Said that VF-19: Said that VF-22: Looking where I look, I don't see any FAST packs, at all. YF-21: Conformal Tank. YF-19: It was a piece of shoulder armor and a conformal tank. That's even less than the VF-0. FAST - Fuel And Sensors Tactical There's no proof of some of those having Sensors in their Super packs, and most are just fuel tanks, not even boosters, making them... Just tanks, not Super Packs. And, further, from his verbatim sentence, this is about VEs. There are 5 VE valks, that I can say I know: The VE-1, VF-11C Radome, VF-17D Radome, RVF-171, and RVF-25. This, of course, discounts the VF-171EX, but I don't see it as a separate valk, but a weapons system addon. Of them, either they didn't have Super parts of any type or they were exo-atmospheric, anyway. So, I assume, either way, the VE-1 cannot use its specialized equipment in an atmosphere, which is the focus of this discussion at this point. And, as a result, the backpack will not snap off due to air resistance.
  19. Okay, I mean no offense, but I can't read your English so well. Understandably, since you speak Italian first. Could you please run that by me in Italian, so I can get a better gist of it? I could at least get the gist of what you're saying in that with a translator and my knowledge of Latin, limited as it is. Welcome to Macross World, man, but remember that I won't always be able to understand you. (And it's sad, because my dad's deafness means he uses ASL, which is based on French grammar. You'd think I'd have a better hang on romantic grammar.)
  20. I want it for the eye raping colorscheme, alone... Alas, I am penniless...
  21. Ah... Well, I'm among the hardcore TV fans, but if you really, really want the DYRL? version, take this.
  22. Well, this Code Monkey has been placed back on coding. Anything you need help with, in my spare time, I shall do.
  23. If you need any cannon fodder or radio voices that don't need lipsyncing, I'm definitely an option for you. If it's a role that needs it, (As it probably will...), I probably won't be able to, since I'm not so good at that. Damn, I got here late. As to that statement, if I read it right, you've pussied out.
  24. My guess is the entire line of VF-1s were capable of using the GBP-1S. However, they weren't show using them. The VF-1A may have less powerful sensors, the 1D probably couldn't attach it, and the 1S is too rare and expensive to use for Ground Pounding, leaving the 1J as the last choice, with its intermediate avionics and pilots. This plays into the very limited battroid combat we see from cannon fodder, since pilots were likely not good at piloting the humanoid construct, as well as the fighter, and the GBP-1S limits the plane to Battroid mode. Thus, I assume the VF-1J is a heavy attack variant of the VF-1A, since their only differences are the head unit. The 1J likely has better sensors, as well as its dual-mounted lasers. Two lasers is twice the firepower, and they're identical in every other way. So, not a 6th Destroid, but definitely the attack Valkyrie.
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