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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Never saw this before. Thanks for putting this up. I never would have happened upon it otherwise.
  2. DYRL? compressed a lot of the character development (Most of the important bits, anyway) into 2 hours, and SDFM ran for 36 episodes. I see no issue with MacF doing the same. I can't wait to pirate this for my private viewing pleasure.
  3. The VF-1 has control surfaces? What else is new? Though, I must say I've never seen that reference material before.
  4. Exactly. In the OVA, you don't feel the pain he puts himself through to redeem himself. In the movie, you see all the gruesome, painful things he suffers to stop the X-9 and save his best friends. The best friends who put aside his wrongdoings and forgave him, anyway. You see his self-sacrifice. 2Fast 2Furious!
  5. Also, I don't remember seeing in the series that scene where Red appears to be many many times larger than Alto's VF-25. But I am writing that off as dramatic perspective. And the Vajra are larger than valks. The new stuff pretty much looks awesome. Except Ranka's segway. It seems to out-of-character, you know?
  6. Hell, I got a couple of lemon'd 1/48s! The 25th Anniversary even has loose RATCHET joints. The Angel, and I've heard this gripe a lot, has a very very loose aerobrake. So loose, I can't stand my working-joint valk in battroid mode because it fall so often. And, on that note, one of those useless tabs on the inside was missing, as was the screw cover on the backpack, and the wing lights have fallen off and so has the little finny thing on the center fuselage, and I'm so pissed off. YAMATO'd I SCREAM!
  7. Yeah, but now that they're doing more Mac7 stuff, they're more likely to release a VF-11D (I loves me some 2-seaters) and possibly even Protect Armor for it. Now, I wanna see them make a VFX version. And a MAXL, but that's secondary.
  8. Yeah, I'm with RDClip. Too much reused footage, but it still looks worth watching.
  9. Paint thinner's usually made of a petroleum distillate, like Naphtha. It's especially good at breaking up weak polymers, but takes a lot of time or concentration to break apart most plastics. I like Naphtha most, because it comes in bottles that make it easy to apply and it has the best effect on the paint with the least effect on the plastic. Look for Ronsonol Lighter Fluid.
  10. I do too. And the Razgriz and Holiday schemes.
  11. They're the same size, coincidentally. The size matches the scale, about, but VF-1s are much smaller than VF-25s. Anyway, I'd suggest you just buy a good Gundam Marker - they're like $2.50 US - and panel line with that. The results will be much cleaner and look better. That panel line you have right now looks like crap, to be honest. Get some alcohol and wash that out. As for cutting decals for transformation, I can't help you with that unless I get my hands on it. My advice is to stick it down in Fighter, and use an X-Acto knife to cut it where there are places the fuselage splits. On that note, before transforming it, give it a nice coat of clear coat to seal it against wearing the decals. Don't weather the nosecone just yet. Wait until the thing is done. If it looks too bright then, and doesn't complement the rest of the valkyrie, wash it with some grey or something.
  12. Better yet: Will we get the Pink Peckers VF-11?
  13. I recently joined the 405th Halo Costume Forum, and for my avatar, I made an ODST version of the 0S. It's my first time working with it, but I think I captured a lot of the ODST's flair... You know... Black on Black...
  14. Why has everyone written off the VF-0D? I mean, the discussion at this stage is a flame war between Head Pilots who like the 2SS and a few holdouts for the VF-4. There's some talk of a few Mac7 valks, as well. But, come on, the sexiest Fighter mode of all is the 0D! Not to mention it'd be the cheapest for them to make, as a major retool instead of a new mold, and it would be compatible with already-developed accessories. It has at least 2 canon schemes (Shin and Grey) and several possibilities for a non-canon scheme. Plus, they definitely have the license for it.
  15. 0_0 My God, it can holster the flight deck! I really wish I had monies now.
  16. You're a good liar and all, and I'mma let you finish, but Obama is one of the best liars in the world!
  17. First, some ettiquette. There was no need to quote all those images. Secondly, I didn't say it was canon, I said it was cool.
  18. But the VF-4 really ain't the prettiest bird there is. I prefer the VF-11MAXL, to be honest, mechaboobs aside.
  19. If I had a busted-up valk, I'd try the various things underneath my sink, but I don't... Have you tried the age-old Naphtha method?
  20. So I herd u liek Macross. Anywho, with a little more practice, I really think you could be a good addition to Aria. I mean, that model ain't too shabby and it's not even finished. So, with a little spit and polish for your skill, I completely agree with Che.
  21. I think it's the prettiest VF-25 of all.
  22. Well, actually, I'm somewhat certain my avatar's out-of-scale, due to its insane perspective, but I'mma let you finish.
  23. Well, maybe post-SW1, but I was referring to the time between 1999 and February 2009.
  24. Jesus. Whenever I try to make a valk model, I never seem to be able to get it to work... I oughta learn how to model, one of these days.
  25. Would that not just be Range of Motion?
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