This reminds me of the Keyes Loop in Halo: The Fall of Reach.
In a fast orbit, he launched a nuke going the opposite way around the planet, and proceeded to engage a Covenant ship along that orbit with the MAC in the bow. He then avoided a salvo of plasma torpedoes by using the emergency thrusters to launch it out of the way and over top of the enemy vessel. He rammed the bottom of his ship into its top, flaring the enemy's shields out, then used every Archer missile to finish it off. The nuke proceeded to detonate, destroying the shields of the other 2 ships in the enemy fleet, and he finished them off with MAC rounds.
I think I got all that.
Anyway, it ruined the ship. It had to be completely overhauled, as the lower section was vaporized by the enemy shield, the nuke's EMP fried 8 of the MAC coils, and all kinds of other problems.
This is why ramming maneuvers are last-resort.