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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC
Macross Lineart and Profile Color Scheme Art, Round II
SchizophrenicMC replied to Talos's topic in Fan Works
Oh snarf, it's just what I've been needing lately, oddly enough. I can't wait to see that get done, Talos. -
Macross Lineart and Profile Color Scheme Art, Round II
SchizophrenicMC replied to Talos's topic in Fan Works
Indeed. This Fokker person sounds like some old, decrepit German... I would certainly hope the father of a newborn is stronger than a decrepit German! In all seriousness, gotta introduce your kids to your interests. Earlier the better.
Macross Lineart and Profile Color Scheme Art, Round II
SchizophrenicMC replied to Talos's topic in Fan Works
You betcha, Talos. I'm well-enough at work with this Valkyrie to worry about the Lightning right now, anyway! -
Macross Lineart and Profile Color Scheme Art, Round II
SchizophrenicMC replied to Talos's topic in Fan Works
I said I'd have my three cents out when I got back to school, and here it is. VF-1A Koenig-3: Also, for the hell of it, I did one in my school's colors: I am LOVING this VF-1, Talos. I may even try out that VF-4 of yours, now. -
Rock. On. Those are pretty sick, dude.
Hell yeah, man. More power to ya. I'm not diggin' the Appleseed-y look too much, but it's the artist's decision. Never liked anime-styled 3D Long as the story and everything's good, (and knowing the team behind it...) it's gonna be hell worth the watch.
Macross Lineart and Profile Color Scheme Art, Round II
SchizophrenicMC replied to Talos's topic in Fan Works
Okay, I saw that lineart of Talos' and I fell in love with it. So, here's my two cents. (Woulda been three, but the other one's on the school PC) Only spent a few hours on this, but it doesn't look half bad, if you ask me. And, uh, thanks to March for the Macross Kite. Jacked it from the Macrosspedia. I seem to steal your stuff a lot, March. VF-1S Koenig-1 -
Whoop. My mistake. I was thinking of Frontier when I logged in and forgot to read the title... Sorry, a bit screwed-over in the head after a few months' hiatus.
Move over, Hory Froating Head. There's a new Macross God.
SchizoFilms on YouTube. I'll come up with some good criticism for this, I bet. There's always something to work on in art, that's for sure. A work is never complete, to quote many artists in a Franco-centric sense.
Holy sonuva- Damn, that's sweet. Moving whatchits on the leg look amazing, though you're right, I don't know if they'd do that or not... Let's say, for awesomeness' sake, they're thrust dampers or cooling vanes or something.
Lolwut Cristina Vee. So, uh... I guess as it stands, this project's down in favor of Aria, right?
Oh mah damn. That is epic. Not sure if it beats the Tron Legacy trailer, but for a random Macross fan, who isn't being paid to make something awesome (do internets count?), it's just as good, if not better in that respect.
Agreed. Poli, I must say, you win. You just win, no two ways about it.
Hey, Macrossworld members. Been awhile since I was last on. Good to see not much has changed. In any case, Project A-Kon 21 is coming up this June 4th through 6th. Anyone who lives in Dallas, Fort Worth, or any surrounding areas of Texas and southern Oklahoma should attend. It's like $40 for a pass to all three days, and there'll be all sorts of awesome (as always) at the con. I hope to see plenty of Dallasite and Fort Worthers discussing the convention here.
I think I caught all of your 00 refs... Which is sad, because I hated 00. (The only good thing was that SEE-SAW did an ED for it) Fockon Stratos Prototype 00 Shoulder-mounted Pink Beam of Doom Launch Sequence (Of 00) Gundam-style Eyelights Hand reached out at the mothership Not sure if that's all of them, but if there were vocal cues, I couldn't hear them. Anyway, you did pretty damn good. Better is technically possible, but definitely not feasible. Good work, man. (Lessen the 00 refs, though )
I'm not stupid... I'm aspiring to be an aerospace engineer. I know they don't. But, my point is, reverse it barely above idle. You have to spool the engines AND kill the reverse buckets in the fraction of a second it would take for a 50-foot long fighter plane to fall off a carrier and into the icy blue. Though, far as I recall, you can't throttle too high in reverse, lest you damage the airframe. Plus, TRs don't divert all of the thrust, anyway. Just enough to get your idling plane slowly jammin' backwards. Hell, in a HOTAS cockpit, when a plane has reversers, it's a throttle setting, not a set toggle. Which means you'd be stuck at a preset ~2% and they'd have to throttle instantly to at least 20% with that insane total TW. It's obscene, really. Plus, I don't find turbofans to be very willing to spool up when you're falling backwards. They hardly do in a hard stall. Given, it's a fighter with built-in starters, but still.
*Has torrented all of Frontier in HD with subs* Believe me, torrents are your friend, if your only other option is a bunch of pirates. *On that note, has also bought Gundam Seed Destiny on DVD*
Character Art Appreciaton Thread II
SchizophrenicMC replied to d3v's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Anime, wrong B-character. Basara, not Brera. -
A sensible idea: Pull Gundam Evolve on it. Modernize the designs with more detail. I'd like to see SDFM animated in modern style, just to compare it more easily with shows of this day. Plus, modernization means fanservice. And we ALL love fanservice. Of course, don't Frontier it. That would be SEEDing it. I think a PURE remake of the series is the best solution. Story stays EXACTLY the same, save some stupid things are removed and the designs are retconned to hell! TO HELL!
"The only significant differences found were in terms of seeds, the involvement of Johnny Appleseed, and color." -James Barone, British Medical Journal This truly is a comparison of apples and oranges, because the concepts are so similar. Upgrades are cheaper than new machines. New machines are cheaper than new designs. Thus, the Cheyenne-II. They always look for the special ones. If you have a skill, the military will try to capitalize on it. Thus, Milia and Hikaru. Anyway, the Cheyenne-II was only used in the SMS aboard Mac Quarter, as AA turrets, essentially, fulfilling their designed role. The rest were, as stated previously, NUNS. Big destroid forces make little sense, in the Spacy. The game has changed, somewhat, from swarm tactics to... Swarm tactics. Uh, the point is, there aren't usually destroids because they don't move too good in space. In SDFM, they stood atop the Macross and fired. In later versions, they never got that chance. The Macross was always sitting back a bit, as in a real ship battle. Keep the carrier out of harm's way. So, the Destroids' targeting range is killed because of the distance. Besides, anything a Destroid can do, a VF can do in space, due to being unbounded by the necessity for lift or aerodynamics. Big engines with T-W ratios way higher than 1 strapped aboard high-maneuverability space fighters will out-prioritize heavy guns that can't move independently of a ship and can't avoid enemy fire. Like, on an aircraft carrier, they have their F-18s, but no 120-mm cannons. Why waste space for something that'll serve no practical purpose? We have whole fleets with destroyers packing that firepower instead. This is that concept. So, yeah, no destroids. UN Army, though, most likely. Marines? Probably.
Whats Lying on your Workbench MKIII
SchizophrenicMC replied to HWR MKII's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Holy GP-01, Batman! -
Leave it to Getter and Janx to get some Macr-AWESOME! from paper.
I know poststall landings are possible. I mean, it's the entire point of flaring, really, expanded slightly, to the point of aerodynamic failure. However, my point was the overdramatic way in which the landing, and even more so, the takeoff was accomplished. My real concern is how could they possibly have throttled up that fast from reverse to 1:1 TW? No turbofan could possibly do that, because of how much time it takes to spool the engines up from idle to anywhere else.