^ This is a person who represents the antithesis of my thought process.
7 was made in the 90s, so you gotta cut it a little slack. Every metaserialized mecha anime had a phase like that in the 90s. Mostly everything had that phase.
And, I disagree. I actually enjoyed Macross 7, but I could not get myself past the awful attempt at mashing 3 unrelated anime together into some cartoon that didn't follow any of their stories. (I swear, if I hear it called a Veritech, one more time... ¬_¬) Am I the oddball out who actually thinks the massive 7 torrent I downloaded was totally worth the time and hard disk space?
While I understand that without Robowreck, many people wouldn't have been exposed to anime, I'm ten years younger than the port, to say nothing of my conscious age. So, I mean, my first exposure to anime (Fighting evil by moonlight...) had nothing to do with it, and I don't have that connection to Robotech. Further, since it DID blaspheme Macross, and since it's prevented us from getting Macross in the US of A, I hold it in great disdain.