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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I like him because he's a douchebag because I'm a douchebag. It's that simple.
  2. See, I'm more willing to equate it to extreme modification, medical treatments, and cryostasis, over long Folds.
  3. When I haven't seen a Macross-related thing in this thread, in a great amount of time, and I haven't seen such a Gunpla thread, I post a one-off about what's on my workbench. Had you caught me in the middle of my ODST Armor prop build, I woulda said that. And who said anything about goodness?
  4. Putting the other MG aside, 1/100 Master Grade RGM-79[G] GM Sniper. 11 colors of paint, and I'm gonna fix the knee, so the 3rd joint pin actually works.
  5. But they did it with HONOR! AND PRIDE! Erm, wrong variable-geometry.
  6. Based on its shape and position, I'm kinda leaning toward it being a paint marking, as opposed to a visor.
  7. I voted Ozma, because he needed love, too, but Isamu's my favorite pilot. He flies for himself, and for the thrill of it, and isn't afraid to put his life on the line to do what he feels is right. He doesn't submit to any chain of command, and his whole time flying in Macross Plus is spent, trying to constantly outdo himself, and everyone else. He wears his heart on his flightsuit, and he's an all-around inspiring character. Aside from that, Ozma's like badass cubed, minus five. Because nobody is badass cubed.
  8. I love Mom's Kitchen
  9. Katoki'd Macross planes, ftw Not just Variable Fighters, anymore.
  10. Mmm, GP01... Eh, Katoki's still my favorite Gundam designer. It might just, actually, now that I think about it. I mean, look at the -171EX
  12. In the end, I don't think I'll ever understand why people like Robotech. I was born too late. So, yeah, let's agree to disagree about that, yes? My first anime was Sailor Moon, in '97. My second was Gundam, and my fourth was Macross Plus. In any case, I like Ranka, and I thought she was more interesting than Sheryl and her sudden transition from bitchy pop star to depressed not-pop-star in love with the protagonist. I guess I've been captured by the moeblob mentality.
  13. It does, in mine, too. And, excellent points, regarding performance and firepower. That said, it isn't a true Valkyrie until it has a super pack.
  14. ^ This is a person who represents the antithesis of my thought process. 7 was made in the 90s, so you gotta cut it a little slack. Every metaserialized mecha anime had a phase like that in the 90s. Mostly everything had that phase. And, I disagree. I actually enjoyed Macross 7, but I could not get myself past the awful attempt at mashing 3 unrelated anime together into some cartoon that didn't follow any of their stories. (I swear, if I hear it called a Veritech, one more time... ¬_¬) Am I the oddball out who actually thinks the massive 7 torrent I downloaded was totally worth the time and hard disk space? While I understand that without Robowreck, many people wouldn't have been exposed to anime, I'm ten years younger than the port, to say nothing of my conscious age. So, I mean, my first exposure to anime (Fighting evil by moonlight...) had nothing to do with it, and I don't have that connection to Robotech. Further, since it DID blaspheme Macross, and since it's prevented us from getting Macross in the US of A, I hold it in great disdain.
  15. Guys, Worst Macross Moment: Carl Macek named producer for "Robotech" adaptation of popular Japanese anime, The Super Dimension Fortress: Macross
  16. No pics right now, but a MG RX-79[G] with clear parts that I'm gonna modify to make its ding-durn posability not suck.
  17. It's still called YF-29, is drawn by SK, and, dammit, it looks better than this crummy offering.
  18. You know, it's just one more year until Macross's 30th, plus Flashback Leave it to Yoko Kanno to write something that ends up almost needing to be overused.
  19. Valid point You know, honestly, it makes sense. The first variable fighters were designed, primarily, for atmospheric combat. As time progressed, space combat became more and more prevalent, and so, air combat features are being neglected, in favor of better spaceframe design.
  20. ... At least they had the decency to explain their magic particle...
  21. JAZZ is like Jello pudding. No, it's more like Kodak film. Holy crap, that reminds me: I've still got emails goin' on 7 years old at the back of my bin. Back then, I didn't care two bits about grammar and spelling. Ah, to be so young.
  22. Wasn't it?
  23. Very nice CG, there. I'm looking forward to seeing some good stuff come out of this.
  24. I could shop some of Fiona from Zoids to have Grace's face, if it pleases you.
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