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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. The VF2SS is my favorite veritech yo
  2. I have been every one of those at one point or another. I suppose my handle is rather fitting. I do think we need more BOMBAA!! though.
  3. Wow, Macross World really is still the pointless, aimless pissing match I remember it was. I missed you guys. I dunno about you but I'm hoping it's like Gundam Build Fighters. That was a lot of fun. Like the Lego Movie of Gundam. Everything is Awesome. Yeah.
  4. It's simple. Like everything else in the anime, it's part of rule-of-cool. It doesn't make logical sense, but it looks cool, so why not? I'm still of the party who say, if we're going to nitpick details like that, we should take a step back and look at the overarching premise, here: Giant robot transforming fighter jets fighting 40-foot-tall humanoids from space. (And we win the war through the power of a love song) I guess I'm just not anal enough to let gunpod straps or nonsense panel lines bother me when the premise is as ridiculous as that.
  5. As always, I can expect to come back to MW to see complaints over a model kit. From what I've seen so far, I want it. Looks good. Same for that PG GP01. (Another Hory Froating Head-Sama design)
  6. I dunno, I always had trouble with the gunpod on my Yammies, maybe nobody can figure that one out. But what's next on the complaint roster? The fact that they used green instead of blue for the starboard ventral formation light? Anyway, that video pretty much seals it for me: I'm buying at least one. After I buy and finish that Nirvash kit I can't seem to find.
  7. Bandai are fully aware of what panel lines are, but they build casual mecha kits, not hardcore aircraft kits. Panel lines on mecha are a great way to make it look cool. The sci-fi aspect of greebles supersedes the realism aspect of panel lines that make sense here. Also, it's notable that the design of panels on aircraft does change over time, and this is even true with the VF-1. (I think this is covered in the M3, but I don't remember where I read as much. There is lineart though) For that matter, it's been shown that Macross likes to use active structures- that is, structures that use moving parts where one would conventionally use fixed members. (Consider the entire premise of VFs, frankly) I see no reason a main landing gear that contracts to stow is beyond that capacity. All things considered, a 15 foot extended main gear may reasonably fit into a 10 foot long bay. I'm gonna say people here are just being anal about it and should go back to their Hasegawas if they want screen-accurate VF-1 aircraft models. This obviously is not trying to be such, and is aimed at the casual modeler who wants a detailed toy they can build. (ie not western Macross fans, apparently)
  8. I'm under the impression that's a version made in 2002 by Mari Ijima herself. That is, it's official.
  9. I'm also working on a Revell Venator at the moment, albeit slowly (lack of paint) and with no lighting. Totally my favorite star destroyer design. Gotta finish this guy first though Making a diorama with him.
  10. I'm sure "is it a realistic aircraft" was lower on the list of concerns than "is it a transforming robot fighter plane". I mean, is realism even really a thing when talking about transforming giant robot fighter planes designed to fight giant near-human aliens we hypothesized after a 3/4-mile-long starship came out of faster-than-light travel and crashed into an island in the south Pacific, that we managed to reverse engineer enough of to make it work within 10 years, and coincidentally on the day of the ship's maiden voyage, the so-hypothesized aliens attacked... And then it later turns out the ship transforms too? Methinks the aircraft guys forgot their grain of salt.
  11. Here's my thinking: In the last 30 years, people much more intimately associated with the series have gone back and drawn and redrawn just about everything that appears to be out of scale, and put it into scale. Comparing a 30-year-old plastic toy to realistic expectations is ridiculous, and taking original 30 year old hand-drawn animation as accurate scaling is just as bad. I've always thought, one of the few things Macross had going for it, technically, was that it didn't have to rely on magic to maintain scale, which is unique to the transforming-robot genre. The discussion here isn't, "is the scale wrong". That's a question that can be answered: "No. People behind this went back and adjusted official information so everything fits." The actual debatable topic here is, "Have animation and toymaking technology improved in the last 30 years?" To which, the answer is: "Not much."
  12. Well, I, for one, will be buying it as soon as funds permit. It's going to the front of the backlog. My 1/48 Angel Bird is lonely on my shelf, surrounded by Gunpla, old zoids, and some transformers. As for when it gets built... I still have a bit of construction backlog before I should even be buying a new kit. Ah, well, we'll see. I think, knock-knee hips aside, it looks pretty good.
  13. If you want screen accuracy, buy a Hasegawa. I, personally, am glad to see a new take on a 30-year-old design. The VF-1 is no spring chicken and it's had more variations in physical form than I care to count.
  14. I get the feeling I'm the only non-Japanese Macross fan who actually likes this kit. Here's a thought: It's Macross gunpla, not a high-detail rigid kit. You lose detail and screen accuracy to accommodate gimmicks like no-swap transformation and poseability. I'll admit I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty good for not being Bandai's main IP. I never thought I'd see people in such an uproar over a re-take on a model kit of a fictional transforming robot plane. The neckbeard is strong with this thread.
  15. Frontier is the Gundam SEED of Macross. Same basic story with the same basic character types, but with enough different that you don't really call it a remake. Yes, I did just call Frontier, SEED.
  16. Of course Bandai isn't putting everything they possibly could into this. They've got a lot to focus on with their main property right now. I say give them some damn time, though. It's a prototype of a transforming kit that's been portrayed with so many different dimensions over the course of its life, even the creators come up with new ones every couple of years. They did well with the VF-25 kit, and we've all seen what they're capable of, so give them time.
  17. The necro, it burns!
  18. These seem like a much better investment for VFs, especially given shipping costs on the Bandai stands. They offer more poseability (especially for fighter and gerwalk modes) and they're comparably priced. Gundam stands are good for Gundams because they're always humanoid. (and don't require modification to hold a Gunpla)
  19. It would be physically possible to design an adapter, but the question is, would it be worth it? 3D printing is a bit expensive, and Bandai stands aren't exactly cheap, for the amount of poseability they give.
  20. Our very own Mr March disagrees In other news, Dan's VF-1 is Deculture. It is every bit of deculture ever. That there ever was or ever will be. Yakk.
  21. Obviously, standard landing practice Looks good, Elf.
  22. UNG. Historically, rebel scum only win when their oppressor gives up, or they blow up 2 successive superlaser stations and assassinate the leader of the oppressor. Historically, no one gives up on a global scale. Call me selfish, but I want to live in the country that is undergoing technological development, not the one opposing that country. I don't care if I'm 1% or 99%. If I'm living in the lower half of the country with the awesome technological advantage, I'm living longer with cooler stuff and greater convenience than the upper half of the country that's stuck 100 years behind me, technologically. Always play the odds. Odds are, the UNG is gonna win, so I'll stick with them. And what with this whole engineer thing, probably go work on the Macross Project, and save my ass when the Zentraedi come. Just saying.
  23. Holy sonuva... That's amazing, mac666er. All it needs is a little Cruiser Mode and it's deculture.
  24. Already supported this, saw it in another thread. Lego clones for the lose, red tape with the licensing for the lose, bionicle components for the win, blah blah blah malarkey. And, pud, you're in BC, since when has anyone in BC had to import Lego? I know they sell them there.
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