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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Eh, love triangles are as old as time. To a lesser extent, even the original Gundam had some love triangle stuff kind of going on between Amuro, Sayla, Fraw Bow, and Matilda- it just didn't have the balls to go all the way with it until the novels and to a lesser extent the movies. However, I agree about your spoiler. Though they kind of remedy that with seasons 3 and 4.
  2. You should read the TLA comics. The Search follows Zuko and the Gaang's search for Ursa. It's honestly a bit anticlimactic at the end of it all, but it is canon. I think both shows had recap episodes that were actually good, and while I think the filler was generally handled well in TLA, I also think they exposed too much important story stuff through filler episodes, which means you can't skip most of the filler.
  3. Not true. Nick still owns the rights to Avatar and its spinoffs, though Netflix has licensed it for streaming. I tell you, what I'm eager to see is the Dark Horse comics, when they inevitably come out. The last TLA comic is supposed to be out next year, and I'm hoping to see some Korra comics after that.
  4. Yeah, I didn't watch it way back when (despite all my friends' hype for it) because I just figured it was a dumb Nick cartoon. The first scene I ever caught of Avatar was the cactus juice scene during a season 2 marathon. But I'm glad I did finally watch it, nearly 10 years later, because man that show was well-done.
  5. Oh my god, my airbrush arrived today! I wasn't expecting it for at least another 2 weeks!
  6. Season 1 of airbender is a kid's cartoon, but by the time they got to the end of the first season, they really started taking on some really heavy themes in a meaningful way. I mean, this is a kid's cartoon where the epoch was the genocide of an entire people, and they talk about that.
  7. While the F-14 quadrant looks cool, I'm kind of of the opinion that if you're building a DYRL-style cockpit, you should use the DYRL controls.
  8. I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my experience: I also used the Testors decal kit and spray, but I didn't let it rest for a day. Maybe 10 minutes? I got just fine results. The only issues were due to my printer's low quality (Canon iP2600) and my shoddy skills with decals. I've gotten reasonable results from a Canon iP2600 inkjet printer on Testors' paper, but it's just the printer I had lying around. I'd really like to get a laser printer though. They have much finer resolution and better color. DecalPaper.com sells laser printer compatible decal paper in a few sizes. I've been using a rubbermaid bin with a kitchen range hood fan screwed into the bottom, with a dryer vent tube running off the back. It works modestly well, but I've been considering other options. All the same, I don't know if I can justify a $100+ application-specific paint booth. I'm probably going to build another one, this time with an automotive airbox and plexiglass sheet instead of a rubbermaid bin.
  9. Dragonball Evolution, The Last Airbender, GI Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Transformers: proof that Hollywood isn't ready to take on live action adaptations of childhood cartoons.
  10. Final drive makes a lot of difference. My Pathfinder out-accelerated my first Grand Cherokee, despite being down 50hp, 70tq, and weighing some 500lbs more. The reason: The 6-cylinder Grand Cherokee had 3.55 gears, whereas the Pathfinder had 4.36 gears. Of course that also meant the Pathy really could not get past the 100mph mark the speedo stopped at, whereas the Jeep would eventually hit a governor at 125. Of course, my V8 Grand easily out-accelerates the Pathfinder. And my 240SX. And my 5.9 Limited was even faster than that, and it was only running on 7 cylinders. But really, I'm kinda burned out on the whole horsepower thing. I want light weight again. We've proven we can make tons and tons of reliable, efficient power. The Horsepower War is over. We won. So can we start shedding pounds? I mean, for as cool as 707hp is in a $60,000 production pony car, there's no getting around the Challenger weighing more than my Grand Cherokee. (Or the current Grand Cherokee weighing twice my 240SX)
  11. I still think Avatar: The Last Airbender was better than Legend of Korra, if only because it was cohesive across all 3 seasons, though season 1 can be really difficult to sit through. Korra just doesn't spend enough time establishing anybody's motivation, and the characters are all really hard to like until season 4, when they actually have some growth as characters. Of course, Korra did start out as a 12-episode miniseries, whereas Avatar was basically green-lit for all 3 seasons after the first few episodes aired. I actually only watched Avatar for the first time this summer. I watched it for the second time earlier this month. It was really good. Like, it has no right to be that good, and I never imagined it would be, since it was just a Nickelodeon cartoon.
  12. The Ver2.0 had fabric piping. Such a pain. In other news, I put together a concept piece for what may be my next gunpla project: RGM-79K9D GM Sniper K9 Cold District Type
  13. Well, I just found out the decal set (GD97) is discontinued, and no aftermarket set exists. Some people still have them, but they're all in the $30 area. (When Bandai was making them, they were 400 JPY) Why is Bandai such a big fan of limited runs?
  14. Sinanju, Sinanju Stein, and Unicorn don't take LEDs. RX-78-2 Ver3.0 does, though it uses all stickers. Of course, separate waterslide sheets aren't expensive at all.
  15. I love the 4C. It's a return to light weight over extreme power. I think the whole thing is south of 2,000lbs. But it still has carpet and a radio. (And A/C for the US market) And the styling is just gorgeous.
  16. Ferraris are all made to order anyway, I guess I just don't see the big deal in the jump to custom body work on top of that.
  17. The Challenger Hellcat starts at $59,995, but you're mostly going to see them in the low 70s, depending on configuration. That's not bad for the most powerful production muscle car ever, but it's still a pretty penny.
  18. While I agree with you, I also think the romance between the two characters works. They do have chemistry, and if the exposition had been a little better-done, it really would have been like "yeah they're gonna be together, and that's totally cool". I do think the buildup over the last 2 seasons was a bit too subtle- most of what counts for romantic development and exposition can be seen just as easily as platonic-friends material. But if you're looking at it from the perspective of the two growing feelings for each other, you can see it. Korra and Asami's personalities really do feed into each other well. Korra's strong and wise, but she sometimes lacks resolve, and still very obviously needs emotional support, which she finds in spades from her friends, and especially Asami, who is the only one she wrote back to over those three years. And Asami is incredibly intelligent and driven, but she's had a lot of stuff happen in her past and in her family, so she turns to her friends for the support she needs. They foil each other- Asami's resolve and skill complementing Korra's strength and wisdom, and the two covering for each other's flaws. And they get along well and really do have good chemistry. Of course, what I really want to see is it a bit undampened in comics. I think they'll be able to handle the developing romance a bit better. I really don't think this was done as a token romance. It's not really forced, it's just not exposed super well throughout the series, which does make it feel gimmicky. It's not necessary for strong women to be gay for each other, but it's not necessary for them not to be. And I think it works here.
  19. Got the K9 dry-brushed and panel lined. I really like how it came out. My only complaint is, it's really not easy to find a pose that works for him. These HG polycaps just really do not hold up to the weight, and the thighs fall apart because of how the holsters go on. There's just not enough contact on an already-small HG joint.
  20. Tamiya makes two thinners: an acrylic thinner, and a lacquer thinner. It's well-known that lacquer thinners will damage raw polystyrene. Acrylic thinners are usually alcohol-based and don't react with styrenes. X20A is supposed to be the thinner that's already in their acrylic line, so I'm gonna see if the results are worth thinning it from that, rather than just using water, alcohol, or the Aztek thinner, which has been cheaper until recently. I should also mention: I've never had any problem with white adhesion. Granted, I've only painted one kit with major applications of white, but even in my detail painting, I haven't had trouble. I just follow the steps. Prime, spray at least two coats of white, let dry. I even did panel washes on MG X Gundam before clear coating it, and all its white held up just fine.
  21. It was a tossup between the K9 and the Ez-SR. I went with the Tacticool GM instead of the skinnyfoot Ez8 because the former wasn't locked in a display case at a busy hobby store. I don't regret it. I'm thinking about getting another one and doing it in Cold District colors, then recasting the visor parts in red because EXAM system. I also picked up some Tamiya X20A thinner. I'm gonna try it when my Eclipse shows up, see how I like it. It was cheaper than the Aztek for once. I need to get a new drawer set for my paints. I won't say I have too many paints- you can never have enough- but my little drawer set from the 80s can't hold all my paint.
  22. I won't be satisfied until I can get it to do The Pose I always like to put each of my gunpla in the iconic pose associated with that mobile suit. Like Last Shooting for any RX-78-2s. Still, that Unicorn looks absolutely incredible. Apparently my local hobbytown got not one, but two in for Christmas. They wanted like $240 for each of them though. (Amazingly they sold both) Found that one out today while I was picking up some stuff to play with my new Tamiya sprue nippers. I love these things. Image dump follows: Front display case: The haul: The build: I'm gonna panel-line and weather it a bit tomorrow. I do like the K9, though the backpack is fiddlier than all hell, and the thing weighs WAY too much for HG polycaps. The GP Base seems to hold it fine though. Gonna be tough to find a good pose for it. Kind of a shame there's no way to deck it out with all its guns. I guess the beam spray gun wasn't really in GBF, but it came with it, and I just would have liked some way to put it in the left hand or store it under the shield. If you're gonna go crazy with the guns, go all out.
  23. Screw Motor Trend. They're just using kits that are available, because none of that stuff is novel. If you wanted a Camaro with popup headlights, why didn't you buy a Firebird? How uncreative is an LS swap anyway? This is not a car that needs that much power. Maybe I'm a bit of a purist, but I intend to keep my car true to its roots. A forced-induction 4-cylinder making moderate amounts of power, driving a lightweight, balanced car, is a lot more fun for me than a ton and a half of power from a heavy, low-revving pushrod box slung all the way over the front of the car. The whole safety situation is why the LR Defender has been out of America for 20 years. It has space for emissions-compliant engines, and there's enough demand to shoehorn the 4.4l V8 into it for US sale. But it's not made to our ridiculous safety standards, so no sale. What I find funny about the import exemptions is, the cars that are exempt are so old, they're the dirtiest, most-unsafe vehicles on the road.
  24. I think my Shin would look a lot better if I took the time to panel line and apply the white wolf decals, but I haven't really had any motivation to try and screw up the shoulder decal. And I don't think it looks good filthy. Some moderate weathering would look great, I think, but moderation is the key word there. Yeah, I need Billy.
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