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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Something something Royal Cup something something strict rules and regulations something Cloud something laser claw.
  2. That was cool, but I'm frankly more excited about the release of the single for Mayomayo Compass wa Iranai which happened today (yesterday). What a catchy ending song. And now I have the full version saved away.
  3. I usually panel line after I have the kit painted and assembled. But I line using an enamel wash, and doing that piece-by-piece can be really time consuming and lead to uneven results.
  4. And F-14s have landed at full sweep, and flown normally with one wing swept and the other at min sweep, and this was before fly by wire was even an idea. I just chalk it up to sensible design requirements for a combat fighter craft. I don't know about any battle damage programming reaching the front lines or not. It seems like it would, but I know for a fact the military is more concerned with bureaucracy when it comes to upgrading aircraft, than with results, a lot of the time.
  5. Multiple redundant compartmentalized control systems. In much the same way the F16 carries 4 redundant flight computers, it also has redundant hydraulic systems with compartmentalization. So, if the main hydraulics are damaged, there's a backup system in place, and if both are damaged and leaking, the leaking portion can be closed off from the rest of the system to prevent a total bleed-out. Survivability being the name of the game, combat aircraft are often designed with numerous redundancies.
  6. So on that note, can we shut the world up about that time in the 80s that guy in Israel smashed the wing on his F15 and landed? That didn't happen because the F-15 is some standout amazing plane, it happened because fighter design calls for small wings, lifting bodies, and heavy compartmentalization and redundancy of critical systems. All the teen fighters theoretically have enough lift to lose a wing and land, and 3 of the 4 have had this tested at least once. Good on the pilot for sticking to his training enough to save the plane, but not enough to get out of it.
  7. They may even get a bigger preorder allotment closer to the release date. It's just a matter that they know they'll get at least a certain amount of kits on the first shipment, and they don't want to overextend what they know they'll be allotted. However, if Bandai makes more during the initial run, HLJ may be offered a bigger initial release allotment, and they'll open up preorders again.
  8. Airbrush caps jam a lot. I don't know why they're built to such tight tolerance. I want to get one that caps around the outside instead of on the inside. Or something that screws on.
  9. Why do I get the sinking feeling we won't have a proper Sei cameo in this show?
  10. That 20-minute video by Wackymodderz or whatever his name is, is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. I watched it waaay back when and could hardly stand the sheer neckbeardedness of it. I'm all for critical analysis of fiction, but there is such a thing as taking it too seriously, and that dude needs to take a pill or get some friends or something. And that's why I don't talk about Destiny. There are only two schools of thought about it: the crazed obsessives and the people who could not possibly give a damn, and I fall into that second group. Interesting insights on the GM though, renegade.
  11. I think I missed the part where this happened overnight and simply imagined that the relationship between Sekai and Fumina has developed over time into this. It's almost like it's been 14 episodes since Fumina mocked Sekai for not understanding the meaning of Gyanko's bento. (And it was at that exact moment that I realized I'm a grown man critically analyzing a children's cartoon from Japan, and the romantic development within that show) You can't tell me you never felt a pang of jealousy when you saw a crush talking to a member of the opposite sex, with whom they might actually have more in common. (And let's not dance around the issue here: Fumina has something akin to a tsundere crush on Sekai) Especially when that other person says they like your crush. (Especially in Japanese, which relies heavily on context to determine whether "suki" means like or love) This is a cartoon, and it's not a serious one either, so yes they use the ear-steam approach to create a caricature that communicates complex feelings without explicitly stating them in words- you can do that easily with facial expressions, but it's tough to animate. Furthermore, this hasn't just been "whenever a female so much as speaks to Sekai", it's been primarily in response to Gyanko (who Fumina knows is competition) and now a girl who just said she liked Sekai. Please, will you come off your respective high horses and take some perspective here? Frankly, I feel like China and Sei's relationship feels a lot more forced. They were kind of classmates, and then Sei needed to use the art room (because his own work room wasn't good enough?) and little China was intrigued with this kid's fascination with toy robots? And then somehow that let to a contrived romance between 12 year olds that stayed together for at least the last 7 years? I dunno, that's a lot bigger stretch than "really passionate girl and really passionate guy grow close to each other while competing on the same team in something they both really care about".
  12. Oh come now. Fumina is the only character of the bunch having a realistic reaction to any of this. It's all in good fun. I'm convinced Sekai doesn't even realize anything is happening. I'm a bit tired of hearing about how this and that is ruining Fumina. Uh dude, she's the baddest member of the whole team. And she kind of always has been. But she's also not a Mary-Sue and that's what makes her great. She's smart, strong, skilled, and capable, but she's also a teenage girl. I think they've actually struck an amazing balance with her character, and gundam fighting aside, the level of care that they've actually taken with Fumina's character is one of the biggest reasons I watch this show.
  13. At least Bandai is usually good at the electronics thing.
  14. In America you see them everywhere because, while they're arguably junk, they're cheap junk that everyone can buy. In other countries, you only see them because an enthusiast wanted it badly enough. And that's pretty special. Plus there's something amazingly juxtaposed about an enormous American V8-powered car in little Japan.
  15. It's my understanding that one of the engines lost power during initial climbout and that the pilot was fighting stall and some problem with the other engine, while trying to maneuver the plane at far too low altitude through Taipei. Crazy that there's dashcam footage of it clipping a taxi.
  16. Test clips are the best. Makes painting so much more of a breeze.
  17. It's more powerful than either the STi or the Evo, and it technically has a more advanced AWD system. Plus, if it handles anywhere near as well as the ST, it will offer a very competent platform for going quickly. I'm hopeful.
  18. I tend to wrap once, I never wrap more than twice.
  19. They do, but it's usually the minimum regulator pressure. For example, my regulator's minimum setting is 8psi. It won't set any lower. 8psi is also roughly where I'd expect the moisture trap seals to seat fully. And sure enough, you can hear a bit of air hissing around it until the needle first twitches off the 8psi mark, then it's just the sound of the tank filling. But I do recommend sealing tape- it'll keep any small clearances from leaking. Can't hurt. Also the disassembly to seal everything will make you more familiar with your equipment, which is always good.
  20. We could really use a Sei cameo about now. I think that would give the writers an in to solve a lot of the complaints.
  21. I agree, it isn't really living up to the hype from season one. It seems to be revelling more in its own in-jokes. It's still a fun show, but I'm still waiting for anything properly epic to happen. It's very villain-of-the-week so far.
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