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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Also that shot has no sign of the big hyperdrive generator/inertial compensator nacelle you'd see on a Venator, but it does appear to have the secondary drives from an Executor-class in the background.
  2. The Veyron SS made 300 fewer horsepower than this will and was shooting for a significantly higher top speed. Less power to achieve a higher speed equals a longer run requiring a longer track. The Hennessy Venom GT achieved a world record top speed of over 270mph on a military runway, running up to and braking from that top speed in the neighborhood of four miles. Doubtless Koenigsegg has something similar in mind. (Considering their cars aren't considerably heavier than the Venom thanks to copious and pioneering use of carbon fiber (3,080lbs(1420kg) vs 2765lbs(1255kg), and the Regera's maximum combined output will be MUCH higher than the Venom GT ever made) Apparently it doesn't use a traditional transmission, but an electric-based one. The website is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it uses a fluid coupling drive for the engine entirely, or if the engine drives a generator which powers the electric motors, a la diesel-electric locomotive. It is a purely RWD system with as much weight savings as possible. Koenigsegg claims the whole electric system- motors, generators, batteries, etc- only adds 88kg over what the car would weigh with the 7-speed transmission they use instead. Every time we think we're approaching the limit of insanity, we break it shortly thereafter. I'd say, ever since the Countach, we're not approaching, we're pushing the limits of ridiculosity. On pure top speed fronts, the Bloodhound SSC is chasing a 1,000mph top speed, which is going to take the power of the Rolls-Royce engine that powers the Eurofighter Typhoon, AND rocket boosters. Hardly a car, except that it has 4 wheels, can't fly (unless the driver has a really bad day), and uses a Jaguar V8 for a fuel pump.
  3. Every time Koenigsegg makes a new car, I feel like anyone brave enough to drive it all-out is ever closer to pulling a Guld. In a straight line, no less.
  4. Excusing the poor journalistic ethic of the website in question, there's hardly any doubt of that assertion.
  5. Well, given that May and Hammond quit when Clarkson was fired, I would probably expect that the Three Stooges will get picked up by some party with an interest in making money, sooner rather than later.
  6. As an aside, FiFi now parks at Cavanaugh Air Museum in Addison when she's not touring, because Texas Commemorative Air Force couldn't afford hangaring her anymore.
  7. That was also the big movie poster fodder for their main line and baby: Gundam.
  8. The official story is, the much shorter ship seen in Revenge of the Sith, is the same ship, but in its original form as a CEC CR70 Corvette, prior to extensive refitting that brought it in spec with the newer CR90. The only reason it might not be, is because that explanation was given as part of the Expanded Universe, which Disney has since axed. Even still, both ships belong to the diplomatic fleet of Alderaan, both ships are under direct supervision of Bail Organa, and both ships are captained by Raymus Antilles. All of this seems to support that they are the same ship, just with significant refitting performed during the 20 years between III and IV. With all that said, there's no way a 1/72 model of it would be a reasonable size, in either iteration. It's small for a capital ship, but it's still a capital ship.
  9. So I was fooling around and stumbled on something frightening. Mute the Build Fighters OP and watch it with the other video playing.
  10. Speaking of Gundam, anti-beam depth charges anyone? A big cloud of refracting particles would be a dead identifier, but good luck getting a laser to have any effect through that. Combined with other countermeasures, to deal with physical ordinance, it could prove quite effective at keeping laser weapons systems at bay. It's just too bad I had to watch Gundam SEED to get that idea.
  11. I agree with Hikuro. Really pretty, but underwhelmingly rushed. They needed to fit in an eyecandy all-gundam-show episode at the very end, but couldn't afford to go to 26 episodes. This is what we got. I feel like we could have cut out all the Matsunaga stuff and shortened the series by about an episode, to fit in a 2-part finale before the eyecandy episode.
  12. This was a long time coming, but I do feel BBC have shot themselves in the foot on this one. May and Hammond have really stood their ground so far, and with their contracts expiring anyway, I wonder if they'll bother re-upping if they can't do the same show with the same format and the same group of blokes. And Top Gear doesn't work without the chemistry between the three stooges. Old Top Gear is too MotorWeek, and well, MotorWeek hasn't been doing too hot itself. And current Top Gear only works because of how Clarkson, Hammond, and May can play off of each other. I also feel like, after all the crazy stuff the Top Gear producers have put the presenters through, they've each earned the right to box somebody's ear. Sure, maybe hitting a coworker gets you fired and that's fair, but that doesn't necessarily mean he was wrong to do so. I think we've all had that coworker we'd have knocked out, if doing so didn't mean we'd lose the ability to keep the lights on. (Which isn't as big an issue for J. Clarkson, who is, you know, rich) I'm taking down my Stig poster. It's a tad bitter now.
  13. Yeah, I noticed that. And then the after-credits scene seems a bit forced on top of what should be a bunch of hype anyway.
  14. I think the point everybody's missing is, Clarkson's contract is up this year anyway. So are Hammond and May's contracts. Technically speaking, they're all off the show, and the BBC in general. The question is, will the BBC re-up their contracts? And that's a big question, indeed. Top Gear is the network's biggest revenue generator, and both the BBC and the advertisers looking for time in Top Gear's slot, know that Top Gear is only this popular because of how well the hosts' chemistry works with the format. Top Gear Australia and Top Gear Korea use a very similar format, with very similar production, and they don't generate NEARLY the viewership. And I have no idea where Top Gear USA went wrong, but it was probably in its History Channel ownership. All that being said, it's no secret that a number of BBC executives are not fans of Clarkson's actions or personality, and they're especially not fond of his political incorrectness, perceived or otherwise. So there's a battle between these two forces. And so there's a lot of speculation that all of this is just a publicity stunt. Which I might believe, considering the timing.
  15. You know, it is absolutely shocking how much more quickly BF Try got R34'd than any other Gundam anime. THERE IS SO MUCH PORN OF IT. SO MUCH. But seriously, I think the Star Winning is just fine. That real mode looks super cool, even if it is contrived. Though, really, shouldn't it be marketed as 1:1 Star Winning Gundam?
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