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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. No, I'm the kind of guy who can taste the palpable irony that a man named J.J.A. is tasked with redeeming J.J.B.'s impact on the Star Wars saga. If he was directing a Spiderman film, I'd be calling him J. Jonah Abrams. If it were an adaptation of the old show for toddlers, Jay Jay the Jet Plane, well that one writes itself.
  2. The writing is one thing, but it's up to good direction to ensure the best of that writing and more ends up on screen . Until I see the film, I won't be able to lay down this nagging feeling that Jar Jar Abrams is gonna screw it up.
  3. I just think it's the most noncommittal thing in the world. It's disingenuous to say "we're not heavy-hitters... yet" but also say "I want to remain anonymous". If you wanna be like Marty and Moog, or Matt Farah, or Mike Spinelli, or whoever, you have to come to terms with the fact that fame needs a face. And if you wanna be faceless, then shut up and apply to Jalopnik. I'm sure they'd hire you outright.
  4. I don't mind that he didn't write what he did or didn't write, my concern is about his direction. I'm just frankly not a fan of Abrams' work. Not to mention his credit as a writer includes Armageddon, and that pretty well sums it up.
  5. Regular Car Reviews has been less and less about dick jokes and more and more about (this guy was obviously an) English Major prosaic pretentious nonsense interspersed between bouts of circlejerking over vaguely special cars lately, and it's a direction I'm not digging. And while I'm ranting, am I the only one frustrated by Mr Regular's simultaneous desire to become a heavy hitter YouTube car show guy AND remain anonymous? How noncommittal can you get? And why don't we ever hear from the Roman except for those stupid musical bits at the beginning and end of the video?
  6. I saw that video the other day and it made me realize: I don't love my 200SX anymore. Nissan just did not give any effort when they made that '80s econosport.
  7. The Command Wolf is actually an LC Brad Custom, which comes like this out of the box: I painted it the colors you see above. Detail and parts separation is somewhere between HG and MG Gunpla, and articulation depends on the kit. The Command Wolf is one of the less-articulated kits, but it can still pull off some nice poses, especially with the assistance of a stand of some sort. The plastic retains a plastic-y sheen, though, and the metallic blue just looks rubbish. There are also a lot of places where there should be color separation on a part, but there isn't. The ears and leg hydraulics, for example. The kit is promoted like this: Of course, even the basic, unpainted kit is leagues ahead of its Takara Tomy original: All in all, I would definitely buy an HMM kit again, if funds permitted. I want a Liger Zero pretty badly. Though, if a Konig Wolf came out, I'd move heaven and earth to buy it.
  8. Old Takara Tomy/Hasbro: New Kotobukiya Highend Master Model: Mind the blurry photos, my only camera is this HTC M8, which is notorious for its main camera lens getting scratched up. I need to find some polish.
  9. Well that's fine and good, but can we get an HMM Konig Wolf already?
  10. I spent 3 years getting myself hyped up for the car between when they announced it and when the disappointment of a decade was launched. And then I drove it. It's a car that would fit in 10 years before it came out, but god what a failure to meet any reasonable standard of a modern car. The car's sales have proven its total lack of mass appeal since the initial boom, after which all the people who wanted one already had one, and nobody else would be caught dead in such a miserable excuse for a modern car. This is the nightmarish half-aborted spawn of a passionate lunatic CEO and the most incompetent marketing bureaucrats in the world, not the awesome results of Toyota and Subaru making the best sports coupe ever through combined engineering know-how. All the power of a Toyota, all the fuel economy of a Subie, all the quality of a Scion, and all the "fun" is the fact that its Prius tires couldn't grip the inside of a bottle of rubber cement, so they can hide its lame performance behind its ability to break its made-of-ice tires loose, because drifting bro. Chrissakes, my stock 25 year old 240SX is faster and funner. Hell, it even has a usable backseat and its materials quality and ergonomics don't evoke Yaris. How is it this NEW TOYOTA can't beat a GENERATION OLD NISSAN? Oh how the Japanese have fallen.
  11. That price sounds about right, based on the current Miata. But if you think the Miata needs more power, you're missing the point. All the same, if you think that extra 45hp makes the FRBZRSTQG869 Celica qualify as "not underpowered" you're incorrect. The Miata is so small and tossable, that low power figure fits it perfectly. It's not a fast car, it's a fun car. The Subuyota Celica isn't nearly as quick as it should be to make up for how not-fast it is. Noisy, too, with a cheap feel that you don't get in the Miata. If you have $25,000-$30,000 to spend on a new sport coupe, your options are basically Miata and Mustang Ecoboost. There isn't really any reason to buy the Scion Failed to Reach Success or Subaru Buy a Real Z, considering how poorly they stack up against either end of the spectrum, and how poorly-rounded they are. That car came totally unprepared for what Ford was about to bring, and I don't think anyone expected the Miata's weight to come down. Not to mention its base price is the highest of the bunch, without offering the best handling or power potential in the class, and frankly having the worst interior. (Which is a shocker when the competition is an American carmaker and its discarded Japanese economy car holding)
  12. You can't ship paints and solvents via postal service or parcel carrier in the US, or via air freight to the US. I don't know about other countries. Getting paint here requires a middleman with their own freight infrastructure. Most hobby stores can order Vallejo and Tamiya, but Mr. Color can be incredibly difficult to find.
  13. It's a $15,000 subcompact with a curb weight approaching 2600lbs. On top of that low, low price, it has a standard backup camera, a brand new engine, transmission, and platform, best-in-class interior space and materials quality, and not-trash ride and handling. Instead of spending money on a silent cabin, they put a nicer radio in. And given my experience with Kias, they still just don't have all the little details of economy cars sorted like Honda does. Kias still feel tinny and they don't have good seats or ergonomics. Honda has decades of practice to stand on, and it shows.
  14. The 2015 is a drastic improvement here, especially the 6-speed model. (The CVT is noisy as all hell, as CVTs are) That's true in most cars, but the Fit is notorious for being noisy, because a low bottom line leaves little room for sound deadening. Quiet tires will help, but they'll only go so far on a car without any soundproofing.
  15. In less boring news, I've had the opportunity to drive a few of the new 2015 Honda Fit with the manual transmission. I can't express how badly I want one.
  16. Because traction sucks on salt, and keeping your tires behaved at a kajillion horsepower is hard enough on hot, sticky blacktop. Last thing anyone needs is to go sideways at 270mph. Jet-powered cars frequently do speed runs at Bonneville though. Bloodhound SSC is going there I think.
  17. He says, "You're wrong, Leia. You have that power, too...The Force is strong in my family. My father has it, I have it... My sister has it. Yes. It's you, Leia." So, kind of.
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