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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I don't remember ever seeing a VF-1 attempt to pilot a Regult... They got out and were struggling to move all the controls... Did I miss something? As for the Ex-Gear issue, it's simple: The technology for the Ex-Gear's control systems, structure, power supply, etcetera, weren't developed until some time in the late 2040's/early 2050's. Now, I'm wondering what Guld could have done with an Ex-Gear!
  2. I guess all we can do at this point is hope....
  3. Whatever happened to parachutes? I think the Ex-Gear has a parachute. (This is where anime magic comes in.) The real problem with the Ex-Gear is how it would be so small, in-cockpit, but large enough to provide enough lifting surface for flight. Not to mention fuel.
  4. It's no big deal, Anime. We've all dreamed of landing our Macross in Minmay's Global Lake!
  5. Ok, coming has fewer letters than cumming, so can we use the former instead? They only serve the purpose of rudders, so they're rudders. Elevator control is thrust vectoring and elevon. It can be exposed during fighter mode. It would not destabilize it much, and would not provide a large source of drag or disturbance. Think about it. It's made of 3 tubes. It's hollow. In GERWALK, that is the only propulsive source, unless you point the legs back, but then, you lose VTOL and the entire point of the GERWALK mode. If it can push GERWALK to takeoff speed, and suspend a Battroid in the air, it's generating a lot of thrust, and could be effectively used as a booster. Given, the control system probably isn't in the A and D models. And it's only a little more likely that it's in the J. However, the S would probably have it.
  6. And that's my cue F-14= 18.21 Meters in Fighter Mode (It's the VF-1 Wolfpack Squadron F-14. GO TOMCAT!)
  7. Firstly, you did. You went yammering on about how the lack of force feedback would fart the pilot, due to him not knowing how his plane is reacting. Secondly: The engines are the single, heaviest component of any fighter. The wings can be made of aluminum and boron. The rest of the plane is so split up into tiny pieces, they're not very heavy. Take the F-16. Its engine runs along the whole fighter, not for size, but for balance. Only the rear of a fighter jet's turbine is necessary for use. The forward section usually contains extra compressing equipment. (Hell, in the VF-1, it contains a whole, second compressor.) You never mentioned it? Your exact words: The backpack thrusters for the Vf-1 are for battroid and gerwalk modes only. The backpack thrusters for the VF-1... Yes, it does pay to be technical. However, you could still benefit from a short burst of speed given by "backpacking." That, combined with overboost, could get you out of trouble real fast. Also, I like Transformers. Loved the movie, bought the special edition DVD, saw most of the different series, am going to see Bay-formers: Revenge of the Fallen. But, I think they're unrealistic. That's why I like Macross. There's as much pseudo-realism as you can get in transforming giant robot planes.
  8. So... (1) Build transforming Giant Robot Plane. (2)Fight war with aliens. (3)Shoot down SDF-1 (4)????? (5) PROFIT! I think GERWALK is only useful to pick up speed to take off from fighter mode. (Or vice versa, thanks to GERWALK-Braking.) If engineers are smart (I think they are...) they designed the system to lower, not get rid of Gravitational Forces. (Red-outs are now, also, a thing of the past.) In which case, you would still feel acceleration, at least 1.5 Gs in high-G turns, etc. I agree with what's-is-name on one point: The YF-21 is a bit lame. However, he knows very little about his valks, because of one thing: Y'ever see a Super Valkyrie or a Strike Valkyrie? The backpack thruster folds over, and PROVIDES THRUST. It's not a lot, comparatively, I'll give you that, and it can destabilize the plane in an atmosphere, but had I been Kakizaki, I'd've done that. (Was something wrong with his afterburners? Or was he just emo?) D3V, you're incorrect. A TNR needs a certain type of fuel. It's more efficient than a CT, but it still uses it. In fact, that's the purpose of the AEBs. The VF-1 was not fuel-effiecient enough to reach a LEO. It needed a set of boosters to get it there. Later VFs had enough power and efficiency. It uses less fuel in space, due to the wonderful properties of drag. (Or lack, thereof.) Transformers: More than meets the eye. Yes, way more. So much, I know not where it all comes from. (Transformers=WTF? Macross did this 4 years ago, and it was more realistic!)
  9. Hot damn! A larger-than-1/48 scale VF-1: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=116907 The guy who designed it is working on a YF-19, now. (If you have LCAD or LDraw, you can get the instructions. I have them but there's over 480 pictures that make up said instructions, so it'll take forever to try and upload a zipped folder with them....)
  10. No we don't. I've watched all of Macross. Every one except II and 7. They seemed to suck for me. Besides, there's never enough Macross! On a related note, good for Fly. We should all be so lucky as to regain our health as fast. For Cristina, sick or not sick, she's unlikely to get around to it for a while.
  11. I don't like the YF-21/VF-22, since it's got skinny, little legs. Not good enough for me. I like the solid design of all the others. Super is not an acronym. It's just a word. FAST is, though. Anyway, given, the Lucifer is a God Mech. (Pun intended.) However, it still shouldn't be too much better than the 25... Starscream was like a VF-1 with an F-15's body. I see what you mean about the Battroid thing, but about the airflow excuse: TNR engines don't need air. They're non-combustion engines. Didn't Kakizaki say something about a fuel leak, and then say, "No, I can still fly, boss," to Hikaru? He then pulled the squadron back to the macross and Hikaru was shot down shortly later, much to Misa's chagrin... But why the nosecone? Fuel doesn't flow there unless you're in Battroid mode.
  12. Yes! How'd you know? He does need to do that... You heard us! Upgrade, March! It'll save you in the long run! So, basically, the VF-27 is a God Mech? If it's got the speed and the maneuverability, how come Alto could damage it? Flame-out on an F-16 is a death warrant. I guess that's the cost of being comparatively cheap. The F-14 was better than that...
  13. Those are smaller than a VF-1's! So, why is it that even in space, Battroids are slower? The engines are still producing the same amount of thrust, it's now got a backpack thruster, and there's no aerodynamic disturbance. It seems to me that transforming if your current mode is the same speed, and is more easily controlled, is a waste of time... Please enlighten me....
  14. You need a Koenig Squadron. Or, if you wanna go REALLY German, a Himmelskoenig or Feurenskoenig Squadron. (King of the Sky and King of Fire, respectively.)
  15. The flu lasts 1-2 weeks, what has fly contracted to send her to a hosptial, and how does all of this add a month to production? Damn... I may have to requisition a copy of DYRL?... It seems valuable. Are you printing on normal paper? If so, it'll look like poo. If you're using a laser printer, good job! Photo paper, too shiny...
  16. My idea: The 25 is faster, but the 27 is more maneuverable. So, you own the M3... Mr March's Macross Mecha Manual... That's an M5! A Valk could survive in space with its legs blown off, just as long as if they hadn't been. In an atmosphere, I reckon you have enough power to emergency land. Speaking of the "Backpack" Thruster, where is that on the 25? I see no thruster. The arms are probably even ejectable. Similar to the VF-0 Super Pack. I'd like to see that, actually. The 4 engine design of the VF-27 means that if it loses its legs, it's performance is hindered, but it still outperforms any other valk with no legs. (Hypothetically, a FAST Pack equipped VF could still work, legless, though the VF-1's was unusable in an atmosphere...)
  17. VF-0D VF-0C (It's only a model, but I like it...) VF-4 VF-11 VF-1 Atmosphreric Booster 1/48 (That'd be like 3 feet long!) VF-19 (I'm getting sick of the Alpha-one paint scheme) VF-25 VF-27 VF-171 VF-171EX Super Packs for the 25-171EX Full Armor for the 25 FAST Packs for everything else. (Save for the VF-0. It never had FAST.) Monster Mk. I 1/48 Monster Mk. II 1/48 VB-6 Koenig Monster 1/48 (Seein' a pattern here?)
  18. My sentiments, exactly. So, Mr March, you get all of your VF stats from the M3?
  19. VF-27 It-would-be-a-God-Mech-but-it's-not-the-good-guy's-plane
  20. Yeah, but the loss of an arm doesn't (Generally) destroy its flight capabilities. (Though, for balance, you may have to eject the other arm...) Yeah, IsamuAvvie laughs at "Gulded." Anyway, an anti-gravity generator would (As it seems do do on the Macross*) create a bubble of gravity. (Or lack thereof.) This bubble would retain the gravity within it, and could be adjusted by the flight computer. The plane detects higher G-load, it increases the AG power. As for the scientist with Leon, I think he's just misinformed as to the VF-25's capabilities. G-LOC isn't the issue, because it's recoverable to an extent. G-LOC doesn't kill you, you not waking up before SMACK! does. The G-load on the YF-21 was so great, Guld got... Gulded. This is way beyond G-LOC. *It's a scientific explanation for why Valks had to be catapulted and they all went down after leaving the Prometheus's deck, though they were in space. It creates a bubble of gravity, with the force collectively moving towards the bottom of the craft. It also explains everything falling while it transforms.
  21. I've tried to practice, and the closest thing to a VF-1 I can do is traced.... Then again, a brick's skill exceeds mine. Perhaps VP can do it... GOOD LUCK 25th ANNIVERSARY 1S BOY!
  22. VF-27 Lucifer VF-27 Reaper VF-27 (Here's the obvious one) Anti-Christ (Messiah, IE Jesus. The 27's like its opposite, so...)
  23. First of all, I never consider any toy (Even a Yamato) to be anime-accurate. Second.... Why spend all that money refitting the Macross? It's out of commission, anyway... That's beside the point... Funny story: all of the advanced transformation systems of the UN were based off of AUN designs. (Don't tell me the VF-1 was more advanced than the SV-51.) What you're saying validates my comment, at least in part. The VF-19 transforms like the SV-51. (At least, more like it than the VF-1 or 11.) The VF-25 transforms like a VF-19. Therefore, a VF-25 transforms like a SV-51. Let's get off of that, and back onto the topic's main idea: VF-25 design purpose. The VF-25 can safely out-perform the YF-21 and YF-19. The latter 2 had a barrier where any higher performance would kill the pilot. The VF-25 exceeds this limit. How? My theory is that anti-gravity generators, as the technology became smaller, were installed within the airframe, and were used to lessen g-loads on the plane and its pilot, while retaining maneuverability.
  24. Thing is, even the original Macross Class SDF-1 had gravity generators capable of 1G. I don't think it was micro-gravitational injury. More likely an injury from earlier on that put her in a wheelchair. As for Bilrer, it's probably by choice. I don't think he's sustained any injury. Also, I don't think Zentraedi are as easily injured by microgravity and the like.
  25. It's not a fighter if it doesn't have wing hardpoints. That's my philosophy! Even today's stealth fighters have them. (Given, there's only 2 on the F-22...) The VF-25 has at least 2 underwing hardpoints per wing, with a possibility of overwing hardpoints. (The SV-51 had them, why not the VF-25?) It would help explain the FAST Pack mounting. Also, the Speaker Pods are good proof of at least 4 total UW hardpoints. Um, you've got your terminology messed around. No VF has ever had elevators. (The VA-3 is a VA) Elevons are different from Elevators, as they are more for aileron movement, but in a delta wing fashion. What do you mean by elevators?
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