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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Yeah, a No-Draw. It holds the place of the texture, but appears black or grey in a read-only application, such as a game.
  2. Yeah. Back on-topic, a X-02 or ADFX-2 would make a pwnsome valk.
  3. Yeah. Well, still, I couldn't beat mission 9 on Ace, even with ADMM. It still sits there, waiting for my next attempt. I came close with the EML, but...
  4. Cheap... That's why I like the EML. It can't be swept, like the ZOMGLAZER!. It is a hit, or don't weapon. If your aim is true, you score a kill. If not, try again. Also, it's a bitch to aim, since the CFA-44's too maneuverable. (If I could use the ADMM, I'd be a God in multiplayer. I outdid a Mobius F-22. A MOBIUS F-22! That's the most maneuverable in the game!)
  5. People say I've got too much time on my hands... Good job, man.
  6. Grr... Nyan Nyan Service Medley?! That sounds awesome. Good luck widdat! Never liked 7 much, but good luck.
  7. While I like Robotech, (YES, I SAID IT. DISOWN ME FROM YOUR SOCIETY, OR WHATEVER) he said battroid, not battloid. Naw, seriously, though, there were 3 Robotech battloids. Macross has... More than 11.
  8. Hot damn! That's good. As for the carrier, it was a Prometheus-class, a fictional type of carrier. Nimitz looks lame, in comparison. Looks like your arms are no-drawed. It might be a play of light, but there's a checker pattern on them.
  9. Maybe. Maybe. Even if I was getting paid for my webmastering job, I still might not get it done. Sure, I'm a lazy bastard, but... TBA is my least favorite holiday. Too much traditional breath-holding and anorexia...
  10. You know I will... Maybe you don't know... Now you do! I was playing AC6 this morning. Great game. The legs are too wide to be legs, the area between them, too small. It works for an Itano Pod, but not for a set of arms, even the size of the YF-21's. The engines could be slimmed down, and it'd take care of 2 problems!
  11. V, as in Venereal? Where'd I get... ALTO! I made a YouTube video, attempted to closed caption it, and was way off in places... Line timing is hard. So, an estimate as to how long it could be before the release? You know, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, St. Valentine's Day... Next Christmas?
  12. "...I see a lady, I see, you know, I see her boobs, I see her penis; Now, I'm confused..."
  13. My nickname for the CFA-44 is the CFA-44 "Itano Circus"... The engines remind me of the YF-21's. Intake shape and Nozzle shape, anyway. The '36 is a bit flat... Maybe a YF-21 design would work. Here's an idea: Make it a Variable Ghost. Then, the cockpit is no longer necessary, rather some sensors and computer equipment, which wouldn't require as big a space.
  14. Yeah! Come on, Cristina! You're Sheryl Nome!
  15. It's still a WIP... Also, It's a quick drawing in paint. If I drew it by hand, it would look better, and make more sense. It is built around the Fighter. The Battroid would probably look funny if it was any more... Look in the Fan Works section, under VF-1 Updated. The VF-25's like a long-nose, anorexic version of that. (VF-1=Me, the short, slightly stubby kid. VF-25=Ashley Olsen!) VF-11 is a good VF. Mass produced a lot for that reason. Still in service after the VF-19 and 17. The UN Spacy people aren't stupid, I guess... Even better, VF from this:
  16. Methuselah fits the whole Biblical naming motif... It's a bit short, but the VF-1 was shorter... The VF-11 was the intermediate step between the original and modern valks. It had elements that would be in later ones, but many original features.
  17. Make the nose shorter, then... So, what do you all think of the YF-29 Methuselah?
  18. Essentially, yes. That is all I'm saying. The VF-0, VF-1, VF-11, VF-22, VF-17, VF-3000, VF-5000, and VF-2SS (Well, technically, it is a valk) have the same nose transformation, basically. The SV-51, YF/VF-19, YF-24, VF-25, and VF-27 have a... Different transformation than the rest. Given, it does look cooler... What do you all think of the YF-29, so far?
  19. My point is that the YF/VF-19 didn't fold the nose down, attach the legs to it, fold the fuselage in half, pop out the arms, and call it a mecha. It had all kinds of crazy stuff, like the SV-51. Moving on, I was bored and I went into paint, drew a simple valk with elements of the VF-0, SV-51, YF-19, and VF-25 in it. Attached is a side and top profile of the YF-29 Methuselah, as well as a drawing of how the nose section becomes the torso.
  20. Elements of its design were transferred into later valks: My reasoning is that the VF-19 didn't transform straightforward like a VF-1, rather it folds up like that, but in a different way.
  21. We has a humble modeller on our hands... Now, if only I remembered anything from that 3D modelling class...
  22. I think the SV-51 is still bigger. Hold on. I dunno. It could go either way. There are no stats, so... And the VF-1 was the smallest, anyway. The VF-0 was a whale. And I'm not saying that because it's the only one I remember going underwater.
  23. Yeah, an F-15 fuselage combined with a VF-1's swing-wings. Coincidentally, the F-15 is about twice as big as a VF-1.
  24. Most innovative: VF-1, for all of the above reasons, and for incorporating most of what was learned from the ASS-1 into the smallest fighter jet ever. Least innovative: VF-4; it's explicitly stated that it had several of the VF-1's components. That, mixed with the fact that not much was added, only somewhat improved upon makes it less of an innovation. Mr March, the VF-3000 was the F-15 lookin' one, right? On a side note, would it be redundant to have a single-engine Valk?
  25. Shwow... Gives the old VF-1 a modern feel. Timeless is timeless, after all. In 100 years, people will still think the VF-1, and your versions of it, to be one of the sweetest things ever.
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