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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. *Taken From Portal; GLADoS' Curiosity Core* Ooh! What's that?
  2. Well, I like it... And my biggest problems were with the LQ sample... I just pick on the little things... And I mean, it does get annoying. If there were fewer lines with that effect, it woulda slipped right past. Moving on... Also, Cypher, those helmets are not at all fishbowly... The visor is, but... The mic's right there in front of your mouth, mounted where the respirator should be... Also, I've heard this effect elsewhere, heard other effects for this genre (and in fact this anime) of dub, and in my experience, this is something used before. It's a common sound effect.
  3. Yeah, my threads ANYWHERE don't last this long... Anyway, anyone got anything to say about TRTs?
  4. Dermeister: Well, the fighters most often modelled are part of the Skull Air Wing. It's the entire group of VF-1s based on the Prometheus and SDF-1. An air wing encompasses several squadrons, who have at most, 24 active pilots. During wartime emergency, like the entirety of Space War I, all pilots are assigned to active duty. This said, it would not be illogical for there to be 35 to 40 people per squadron actively flying, but for the hundreds of VF-1s seen to all be flying. We see the non-Skull VF-1A UN Guard models at Alaska Base. You never see the Air Wing Logo on any of the planes, save for the Skull Team planes. (Roy, Hikaru, Max, Kakizaki) They are the pilots in Skull Squadron, the namesake squadron of the Air Wing. Now do you see?
  5. Damn... Why'd you decide to use that effect in the first place? I mean, surely you thought it ear-bursting, as well...
  6. Uh... Hello?
  7. How many lines are there with that crappy effect?! Ach... I can't watch this... My ears bleed when I hear that. What made you use that effect in the first place? It's too screechy!
  8. I'm thinking Voice Mail. Since all helmet coms are made over a radio, which I hope to God isn't old-fashioned, choice 2 is... Unsuited for this and the background screech bursts my eardrums. The VM is the best for this, since it works for both Hikaru AND Roy.
  9. Don't look forward to it. It's a horrible helmet effect that might pass for a storm trooper helmet. I don't think anyone likes it. If they had the Roosterteeth effect...
  10. Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about, Cypher. It was then on in the LQ. It'll probably be rectified in the HQ, but I'm just pointing it out. The Helmets are too exaggerated. Like I said, hit up Roosterteeth to see what they used. In my experience, Roy's a drunken older brother. He's wise in his own way, and outwardly not torn up by war. His voice doesn't show the effects of a life of war, rather a life of piloting. The scratchy Roy in this makes me think of the former. All that said, it is Hikuro's production. Not mine. He does what he does, and I gotta accept it. That's my nickel. Beat that, Time Lord!
  11. Well, it's no big deal, just constructive criticism. Also, I didn't mean watch it. I meant watch the Low Quality video. Any idiot can see the bad syncing. And yes, I am naming myself as said idiot.
  12. I wasn't expecting much. I've seen some HORRIBLE fandubs before. This is a million times better than some of the ones I've seen. I didn't mean to offend, it's just that some voices don't quite capture the character's spirit properly. Same goes for Roy. He sounds like some 13 year old got sick and tried to speak with a scratchy voice. Roy's not scratchy! He's a half-witted, stuck-up nerf herder, but he's not scruffy-looking. He's supposed to be the cool guy everyone likes, not the gruff war veteran that lives down the street. And watch it yourself, Hik. The audio often finds itself running faster than the character's mouth. The Zentraedi lines seem to fit, but watching some of the human lines... His intro wasn't the only time you stuttered. "The-the artificial gravity's *indiscernable* s-screwed up!" I mean, I guess the lines could be construed as anxiety or something, but... Maybe they meant to sound that way, but sounded erroneous. I dunno. As for the static mic, you could put it in audacity and remove the recording's background noise.
  13. My problems: The audio's not sync'd well and it looks like a bad Chinese movie Roy's voice is too rough. Did that VA ever have to undergo tracheal surgery? Some of the lines (namely the Hikaru ones ) are a bit stuttered. For example, "The-the artificial gravity's *Indiscernable* s-screwed up!" Hikaru needs a noise-cancelling microphone The helmet effect is exaggerated. Ask the Roosterteeth guys how they got theirs. All of Roy's lines during the fight before their capture are indiscernable, even past the point of intoxication Max is too off-hand when he speaks Hayao is too... Um... Take Max, Roy, Hikaru, and a moron and put them together and that's his voice I mean, no offense to any of the VAs, but DAMN. I guess Misa, Claudia, and Minmay's VAs did good. On that note, Sammie's (I refuse to say Shammie) VA needs to speak up. Again, no offense, there's just a bunch of things wrong with it. From editing to recording to casting. Sorry if I sound harsh, but it's what I see and hear. Also, the Japanese subtitles for the Zentraedi make it hard to read the English ones. All in all, I give the LQ Sample a 5.231/10. Maybe the full version will be better. Some of the audio syncing can be traced to overcompression, so if it seems right in HQ, I guess that's ok.
  14. This is why I'm lazy and all of my works are low-quality, not-worth-stealing things!
  15. I assume this is one of your VAs, Hikuro? Either way, welcome to Macross World Forums, Cypher!
  16. I see. Well, looking at the internals schematic of the VF-1 Battroid, it seems the entire engine assembly is in the lower leg. All that's in the upper is a second compressor unit, which I have no doubt is used for air ram mode, since it would double the compression rate of the engine, as well as work only in an atmosphere.
  17. I'm not gonna measure anything, anymore, if you're all gonna bitch about the units. ...And who says I'm not childish?... Almost all valks have backpack thrusters. I'm just saying that Gundams have foot thrusters, too. Not only backpack thrusters. March: Well, I dabble a bit in Robotech, where it's not considered an error, but an experimental version of the VF-1. So, I pointed out that Robotech fans call it the YF-1R. It's actually the fruit of 2 people animating the same scene, alternating frames. However, one was told to draw a VF-1J, the other an A. I'm pretty sure the one doing the J was right, but when they spliced the film together, it was a valk with a weird head and 3 cannons. In Robotech continuity, this is an experimental Veritech on a combat test, and it's essentially a VF-1J with advanced electronics, and a pulse cannon in the head unit. And on the final note I will speak on the subject, I never said anyone was wrong in that post. In fact, in some form of a technicality, no matter what you say, you're right. For example, if I were to ask what a VF-1 was called, and someone said Mark, they'd be wrong. There's no technicality for that. This person fails at life. END!
  18. Because it's not a Robotech thing, it's an animation error? And since this is about the designs of Valkyries....
  19. I don't have the multiply thingy! Please, you help me understand Gimp 2.6?
  20. Yeah, I won't be at my PC at the end of the month. I'm going to Utah for Thanksgiving, and will not be back until the 29th. Night time, the 29th... Why do I suddenly taste Cyanoarcrylate? Did I get super glue in my mouth agai- *Thud*
  21. Irk- to anger Urk- An exclamation of anger, shock, or pain I'm probably not gonna watch it... I'll probably wait for the full HQ video... That's how I roll.
  22. You're not paying attention to Gundams. You have seriously never noticed the foot thrusters? They're High-Thrust Verniers, given, but the ones on the GAT-X105 Strike were powerful enough to move its 90 ton mass towards an enemy at 1G of gravity acting as downward thrust and close to 1 sea-level atmosphere. So, don't rule out foot thrusters. Also, the legs in the Battroid lock down into certain positions. That's how they retain their straightness in Fighter mode and the chicken knee* in Gerwalk. It wouldn't be a stretch to say they could lock down into a stable position. Also, the leg thrusters are used quite often, especially from the return to Earth, onwards. Max's battle with Milia, for example. Given, it's atmospheric combat. Personally, I think it's just a choice of aesthetics. Kawamori-sensei wanted to differentiate his series from its predecessors. So, he made it necessary for the Valks to transform for top speed. And Chrono, I thought I said I'd had enough of this. Please, stop. It matters not. This is about VALKYRIE DESIGNS! NOT UNITS OF MEASUREMENT OR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND ITS TECHNICALITIES! GRAHH! Oh, hey, what does everyone think of the animation error in SDFM 32, known to Robotech fans as the YF-1R? Yes, I like Robotech. I just put its Macross roots out of my head.
  23. Sweet. Now, how long will it take on a 11 MBPS connection? Edit: Exactly 11 Minutes and 21.16 seconds. You know, give or take .02 seconds.
  24. Also, landing gear is always more solid than it looks, Hobbes. I'm taking piloting classes, like my father and grandfather before me, and all of the measurements are in the international system. This is to eliminate confusion. The International Flight Measurement System is in Feet, Pounds, and Miles Per Hour. Given, Kilograms, KPH, and Meters are occasionally used... However, I use the IFMS for my altitude measurements, just like all pilots. Except the Soviet Russians... So, uh... Variable Arwing? UNG is the owner of the Macross Kite. All UN craft carry it. ALL of them. Even the Destroids of the UNArmy. UN Marines Corps has it. UN Navy has it. UNAF has it. And, finally, the UNSpacy has it. It's like the US flag, as Zinjo said. When you think about it, ALL of the following craft are on Active Front-line Duty: VF-25 VF-171 VF-17 VF-19 VF-22 VF-14 VF-5000 VF-11 VF-4 VF-1 No matter what you say, the VF-1 is a formidable craft, and in the hands of a good pilot, could likely beat a rookie in a Messiah! And if Max Jenius had one, the Vajra war would have ended months earlier, in the total extinction of the Vajra! Even Chuck Norris is helpless to the Jenius' might! Escape Velocity is 18,600 MPH from 0 FEET (Happy?) ASL. That is exactly Mach 24.473. You overestimated Escape Velocity of an Earth-class planet by about 7600 miles per hour. If you hang from something for 24 hours, not only will you have been in orbit for 24 hours, but you will have completed an orbit, been in GEOSYNCHRONOUS orbit, and completed a low-altitude travel at over 3 miles per second. It's all about technicalities. Thanks to them, I'm never wrong. In MAINSTREAM knowledge, I might be incorrect, but in the TECHNICAL view, I'm right, and you know it. Now, moving on from our battle of European versus American units, Valkyrie DESIGNS. I still don't understand what makes Battroids slower in hard vaccuum than their Fighter counterparts. I mean, you know, besides making it The Super Dimensional Fortress: Gundam.
  25. Well, you say so. I sometimes have a faulty memory when it comes to some things. For example, it was only thanks to a video game's release that I remembered my girlfriend's birthday. Since I'm no liar, I told her. I was severely beaten, only moments later. 0_0 I remember reading that 100 miles (160km) is considered the baseline for space. Have I been reading old material? Yes... I think they changed it since 1984... *whistles innocently* And I'm going for the technical English definition. I never said "Orbital flight", per se. I only said orbit. An AC-130 orbits its target during an attack run. A tetherball orbits its pole. A fanblade orbits the mounting point. I'm very technical, you see. Also, I never said it was making an orbital flight. I never said it would make a full orbit. If you're in the air, you're in orbit. Will you complete said orbit? Probably not.
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