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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC
You know what, screw it. I don't f@#$ing care. It's your f@#$ing movie. Do what you f@#$ing want. I didn't MAKE you do anything. All of your decisions thus far have been your own. Had I known you had changed content in DYRL? I probably wouldn't have commented about it, out of gratitude. But I didn't. Okay? No? I am sorry for my whining; I just didn't like the effect. And if you can't accept an apology over something as simple as that, one can only hope Harmony Gold doesn't find out about this. They'd have Walmart's head for distributing something Macross without permission. f@#$ing HG...
Are you mocking me? Tokamaks are ROUND, non? Rotary means ROUND. Since the engine itself is a turbine, and Tokamaks seem to be the most popular reactors, I suggested Tokamak. Got a problem? At the beginning, did I not say Hydrogen? The Thermonuclear bomb is barely the size of a man, let alone an SUV. If you're using THAT as your basis, we've done better than previously stated. The space within most Tokamaks is roughly as big as the interior of an SUV. Seeing as this is the reaction space, I'd say it's a start. The main problem that the technicians keep running into is corrosion of the reactor wall by high-speed nuclear particles. They slam into the reactor wall in high speed and quantity, breaking the wall down. This is probably because the magnetic field is not strong enough to hold things that small going that fast. And the only reason energy amounts don't break even is because of this. We can't sustain a reaction long enough to generate energy sufficient for it to be efficiently harvested. On your note of the car engine: It's all about your energy conversion methodology. In a car, an explosive bout of combustion forces a piston down, turning a camshaft connected to the transmission axle. In a coal-burning powerplant, heat from the fire is used to boil water, and steam is forced by the laws of physics through a series of turbines, generating electricity. In a solar cell, energy from sunlight excites electrons within the topmost silicon skin, causing it to move down to an electrical conductor. I may be off on the solar cell. I'm not trying to fight you, just point out my way of thinking. If you're going to contradict me, please don't be an ass about it. If you're not trying to be, no offense, but get help. From where I'm standing, you're acting like a prick. Thank you and good night!
Are ye deaf or mad? It's ear-splittingly painful! Most of the people on the DYRL? thread preferred VM, but didn't care enough about it to protest. For that matter, it sounds NOTHING like it did in the anime. VM is almost there, man. I'm not bitching, I'm BEGGING. I watched the sample of DYRL? again, and my ears farting bled. No lie. There was red, coppery liquid flowing slowly out of my ear canal. Perhaps I'm just a bit sensitive, but the point stands: Voice Mail is easier on the ears, sounds more like they have a helmet on and not a fishbowl, and is more like what they used in the actual anime. It is your production, but I can't see how it's humanly possible to like the effect. Dude, I was just asking you to change it to a better effect. Nothing more. Oh, and I haven't seen anything about DYRL? since the Act I sample.
Ok, here's my idea: Compile the movie properly once. Then, depending on the file type, it should work. One must realize that a DVD is made up of several compiled bits that Windows can't read. However, the DVD is readable because it knows how the bits fit together. DVDs are a great way to hold videos, I'll tell you that. Alternatively, send me the file(s) and I'll see if I can compile it onto a DVD with my, more programmified, Vista PC. Deal with it how you like. Just don't distribute it too heavily, or you will be sued by Harmony Gold.
I didn't mean the turbine was the structure of the reactor. I meant that since the turbine must be round, it would make sense that the reactor is round, and a Tokamak is round.
Sara Gnome? Please! Please, I beg of you, use Voice Mail for your helmet effect! PLEASE! *Grovels and sobs*
Man, whatchoo be talkin bout! Vista is da greatest! I even know Microsoft haters who like it... Well, let's just wait, then.
MMMMMMMMMKay... Thermonuclear, in and of itself has nothing to do with circles, however, Turbine does. A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow. ROTARY. That means going in a circle, non? Has anyone suggested Cobalt as a fuel? No? As such, your point is moot. Exactly my point. We have built a space for fusion to occur within the space of an SUV. It's that part which, by sheer definition, is the reactor. Given, due to proton bombardment of the interior surfaces, no reaction has been sustained. However, this is due to safety issues. The reaction can last longer, however, the reactor would probably give out before it could continue. Furthermore, the reactor's exterior components make up most of the space. Reaction space is rather small. One would assume that such a machine could be essentially "Shrunk" in size over research time. Look at your PC. Just a few years ago, something as powerful as it would be 3 times as big. At that age, the Appale Genki has alcoholized and become explosive. This is why it's so effective.
I have one such VF-1S model, even in the format used by GMod, however, it's actually from FSX and I know not how to make it work with GMod. (Or get GMod to work without the $10 download fee... It's freeware, dammit!) I'll get onto that
Sweet work. Keep it up!
If you have Vista, it's pretty easy to make a DVD... Is your problem compiling or just errors in the video?
I still stick with my Tokamak theory. It fulfills the name requirement and seems to fit the schematics. At this point, I don't care what exactly fuels it, as long as it makes sense as far as the engines' limits and what we see in the anime. (Kakizaki's fuel leak from the nose) And as far as solar fusion goes, it operates on a different starting principle. In a star, immense gravity pulls the elements to the center at such rates that they fuse into denser elements. In toroid fusion, magnetic fields are used to speed up hydrogen atoms to the point where they fuse. Toroid fusion requires significantly more energy to start the same reaction, but starts more quickly and easily. And white dwarfs (Dwarves?) undergo a very small amount of fusion. The fuel supply still exists in enough quantity that the super dense (Not hyper dense) mass is able to fuse small amounts of it over a long time. It is only after this period that a star burns out and becomes a black dwarf. If the name is anything to go by, TRTs must be using "Hot" nuclear fusion, and be in a circularly integrated manner. Way I see it, Tokamak fusion meets all of the above characteristics. Only problem with my theory is that I haven't come up with a good fuel source. Some of you have, so I guess that works, however there is no consensus on what the fuel source is. And not to kill a dead cow, but even though the universe never made a small car sized fusion reactor, WE have made a fusion reactor the size of a large SUV, and I'd say that's good enough.
Never made a fusion reactor as small as a car? Look at some of the REALLY small dwarf stars. Propellant and fuel could be separate. It adds weight, but it's possible. Lemme see, advantages are more diverse thrust applications that don't require loss of power from the reactors. However, it doubles weight, halves fuel capacity, and makes the craft explosive again... Maybe that idea does make sense... Electrolysis isn't necessarily necessary. At very high heat, the molecules can get to speeds where their atomic bonds are broken (From what I've been taught about this kind of thing. Remember, I'm an engineer, not a chemist!). Thus, water can be used as fuel, providing Hydrogen for the reaction, and propellant, expelling the Oxygen as a thrust mass. In Overboost, superheated plasma is vented out of the engines as an extra thrust mass. Overboost lessens generation rate and runs through more fuel, but its extreme acceleration and added speed are worth the trade-off. It's a real think piece. Again, OT saves the day and makes it all possible. Perhaps none of this is correct, and the TRT runs on some unknown scientific principle, only learned with the extensive research done on the ASS-1 and its OT... I dunno...
Well, what I'm saying is that the simple credits in WMM are easy to work with, though small...
I'm not saying that the engines actively generate plasma as for thrust. It's just part of the fusion reaction. Matter-antimatter reactions are different, in that protons and anti-protons, for lack of a better word, are extremely explosive when combined. This explosiveness means energy. Energy can be harnessed. The Fusion Reactor Engine would generate superheated plasma in the reaction and expel it as thruster exhaust. If it ran on M-AM reactions, I have no idea how it would work, since that's more likely to be a pulse-detonation thrust. Hydrogen would work in a fusion reaction. Hydrogen can be pulled out of water. Water, then, makes a good fuel source. However, water would not be good for a fusion reaction, due to the oxygen atoms in it. At high heat levels, the Hydrogen and Oxygen split. How would this be accomplished to start the reaction? I don't care much about the fuel, as long as it is fusive. Helium-3 is a good example.
Credits are the fastest part. Just plug in some names and there you go! Then again, my only video editing experience is in WMM... Um... Yeah, look at SchizoFilms' YouTube Channel to see my work.
Well. That is a good way to look at it. Well, either way, all of this requires the idea of fusion running the engines. It could possibly be as mentioned by someone earlier: Matter/Anti-matter. I don't really know. I'm just assuming things, based on my engineering knowledge. Even then, that's somewhat limited.
That's the problem, water is dense. Also, where would one store the oxygen put out by separating the atoms? It is a good point you bring up. However, water is non-fusive material, and must be separated into its key elements before fusion can occur. This means more heavy equipment. Though, if said equipment is light and efficient enough, thanks to OT, it would add a lot of defensibility to the plane, as its fuel is chemically stable. Now, I must leave until the 30th. I am going on vacation, so... Sorry I can't be on for a while.
Exactly. Now, in my theory, it uses highly compressed Hydrogen as fuel. Deuterium, to be exact. This would be flammable, though not necessarily explosive. Especially since at high rates of compression, Hydrogen loses its ability to disperse evenly enough to ignite. Liquid hydrogen is still highly ignisive, as we've seen in almost all liquid fuel rockets. Moving on, fuel tanks seem to be a big issue. We'd need fuel lines running to the nose section to feed them in Battroid*. We'd need them to shut off completely to transform. And most definitely, we'd need the engines to deal with the shock of the fuel supplu being cut off. Well, again, through the fusion theory, the hydrogen atoms aren't all fusing at once. Indeed, a small amount of fuel can keep the reactor running for a more than instant amount of time. So, during these times of no fuel flow, the engines can cope until fuel is restored. The only real problem is I can't find anything that looks like a set of fuel lines in the VF-1's nose. The whole thing can eject, if the need should arise, and looking at the diagrams, I see no fuel lines. Perhaps it's the picture angle. This theory allows for Centerline fuel tanks. Almost all fighters hold most of their fuel in center tanks. Why does everyone say all of the fuel space is for the verniers? Each thruster has its own tank. And the tanks are all small. They don't even need that much fuel. You never see a Valk stop maneuvering because its vernier tanks are dry... Wing tanks wouldn't work. The Valkyrie's wings are too small. Maybe fuel lines running into the center tanks for drop tank use. Hobbes, can you link me to what he said? From what I see, GERWALK wouldn't be too hard to keep fueled. It keeps the nacelle mounted at the intake. This could possibly be where the fuel lines run for them... On that note, who remembers Kakizaki? He had the fuel leak from his NOSE. This points out that the fuel lines to the nose section must exist.* Explosion=Win. Win=Macross. Therefore, Macross=Explosion. *Excuse me if it was actually headlight fluid.
I've only seen that in Frontier. When Isamu's is like that, he's at low altitude, so none of that happens. If you're talking about DYRL? (which I have never seen before), it was just a movie... VF-1s, like all fighters before them, are unpressurized. The VF-19 on, apparently, aren't. So... And I'm not saying I coulda done better, I'm saying Hik could've done better.
Well, if the Tokamak Fusion Reactor is any indication, a magnetic field would be necessary to hold it together. Otherwise, the plasma would dissipate. This doesn't contribute to thrust. Zentraedi, especially High Commanders, like Britai, are much tougher than humans. Especially since the Mauler seemed to do little, and the GU-11 was worthless. Even after that, he WALKED, unassisted, up the side of the ship in hard vacuum. Weight and shielding? First off, the ECA is strong and comparatively light. Secondly, the strongest parts of the frame would have to be in the engine nacelle; the weight is supported by them in all 3 modes. Fuel tanks? Look at the attached picture. Those things are either fuel tanks or coolant tanks. Explode? Fusion reactors, while unstable, are only so, due to proton bombardment and corrosion of the reactor's inner surface. If proper shielding could be made to prevent this corrosion... Look at the heat pile clusters in the Macross, every capital ship from there on, and in Mars Base. Fusion Reactors. My guess is OTec. And again, ECA. That stuff seems to be everywhere. We can harness the energy in a fusion reaction, we just can't sustain one without MASSIVE DAMAGE (Attack its weakpoint...) to the reactor. And doesn't it fry everything in its path? The way plasma dissipates would give it a heat range similar, though hotter towards the engine, as the F-14. We see people always away from the engines, so no one gets fried. No vehicles are near the engines. And when we do see someone near them, it's on the ground, in my theory's third, not-previously-mentioned mode, Reactor mode. This is when no thrust, whatsoever, is being produced, and the engine is simply sustaining nuclear fusion for power. This is useful for being in Battroid mode, when ground combat is most common, and no thrust is necessary, as the legs are hydro-electrically driven.
I think it's pretty good! I just pick on the little things so much, people think I think it's not! And even without the speaker, the cabin isn't pressurized, so it's a soundless vaccuum in the cockpit. I always insist when a pilot is speaking, you're hearing his radio transmission. Even in real life, it's true.
Well, it probably uses Hydro-nuclear Fusion to superheat the air in the combustion chamber for Air-ram mode. This would make sense, as the rounded shape of the turbine is necessary to accelerate Hydrogen atoms to high enough speeds to cause fusion. Also, the plasma could be expelled as exhaust, giving incredible amounts of thrust, generated by driving a magnetic field down the engine nacelle, forcing the plasma outward. This would explain the purple-blue exhaust of the VF-1. Superheated Hydrogen Plasma glows purple to blue. Bolly, I may have just cracked the riddle of Kawamori's sci-fi engine!
Max's needs a richer blue. When I saw the model in Max's cockpit, I suddenly remembered a crappy SPARTAN model for a Halo mod... Is Max a 7 foot-tall supersoldier?
Thermonuclear Reaction Turbine