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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Five is up!
  2. It's a custom avatar for the MMOG Second Life. Since it must conform to the general shape of a human (And the head of a YF-19 is too short), the head must be elongated.
  4. Yes. There must be some reason they did it. The engineers behind it all aren't stupid. I mean, come on! They design transforming giant robot planes/starships! So, there must be some advantage to cats.
  5. Screamer Nome and Dart Vajra (What?) team up to make this work of art. (Sorry if it's been posted already.) And on the note of Lion: The pure smex cover!
  6. Which is why I only watch the needlessly violent parts of any anime!
  7. Why'd you hear Sean Connery? Do you ekshpect me to talk?
  8. Monster: If you see its footstep and it's walked away by then, you'll say "RUN! ISS GOZILLA!" Global's no noob... He just had no other option than to get the Prometheus and Daedelus for the role they can play. Without the ARMD carriers, (Arm? ) the SDF-1 had a very limited ability to launch and retrieve fighters, and NO ability whatsoever to deploy destroids. So, by adapting the arm attachment thingies to connect to the ships, he gained the ability to launch and retrieve fighters, as well as deploy destroids... And pay homage to Space Battleship Yamato! Also, come on, a giant robot with an aircraft carrier for an arm is awesome.
  9. VERTICALLY, AS IN THE NOSE IS POINTING UP! The lift fans are for lifting the plane in a horizontal position. Since they are forward towards the nose, ahead of the CG, they'd force the nose backwards if they were used to stop its drift. I've seen the damned F-35 in person. I live in Fort Worth, maybe half an hour from the assembly line! I know how it works. But I dare you to find a way for the F-35 to lift fan and thrust vector with the nose up.
  10. If a woman dresses as Alto, is it Macrossplay?
  12. Because VF5SS said it would hover vertically, and if you were to move it into that position, your forward momentum from lift-based flight previous to it would carry you forward. Lift fans or no, it would still drift forward. Yes, GERWALK can walk. VF-0 is clearly seen doing this, VF-1 (Title sequence, at least) is shown with one leg forward, and I think the VF-25 did it... As for the VTOL via Vernier, doing so would drain the fuel rather rapidly. Even if they can give enough thrust to get it off the ground, doing so must use quite a bit of their fuel. I guess it's possible, though not normally used. At the point in time in which Zero was produced, there was almost no mainstream information about the X-35. Also, it has only one lift fan, while other Russian planes (Yak-38) have 2. If you used the lift fans while vertical, you'd overbalance backwards, and if you combined this with vectored thrust to counteract it, you'd lose all of your lift.
  13. Episode 24: "Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be late!" "Saggitarrius-1's been hit!" (Bad choice for a song?) That said, I still like it.
  14. It would, however, it's INCREDIBLY hard to do that, not to mention it would keep flying aimlessly forward. This is why we have GERWALK.
  15. ö=Alt 148 on mine... "=alt 34 Alt 65 through 123 are the Java references for A-z (65=A, 97=a) ¥=alt 157... In case you need to note the price of a Yamato or a Hasegawa in terms of yen...
  16. Right... Just got off-topic, discussing space recovery methods. On topic, wouldn't a launch arm prove a bit... Unwieldy to catch targets that are... flying?
  17. The fourth video is up!
  18. Um... Well, since Zero happened in the Pacific, I guess they didn't come from the east, but they definitely went east! Over a period of 20 years, most of the 501st had died off. One must remember that stormtroopers serve the role of VF-1As. They are simple cannon fodder whose job is to take hits and die. So, I could definitely say that (And I believe that it is stated that the 501st is the only remaining all-clone legion) the clones, over 20 years, had been cannon-foddered to extinction. TIE/Ins themselves are so cheap, the Empire doesn't care. However, the occasional shielded (yes, they do have a hardpoint) squadron leader variant is much more expensive. Also, the SL is expensive. Well, Splat, it's not that simple. There are gravitational fluctuations near the carriers, as they are rather massive objects. Given, it's microgravity, but if one takes into account how the AG systems possibly work, in some areas, G force could be near 1. If this is the case, a VF would drop like the 20 ton piece of metal it is. So, you can't just let it coast. On a related note, GERWALK, shown almost whenever a VF-25 lands, would push the VF AWAY from the carrier. Even idle thrust would send it off-course. GERWALK-braking, I can understand, but you can't land in GERWALK in space with your engines running.
  19. SV-51 Vostok? Clones? Only the 501st, buddy. Only the 501st. All of the other legions were entirely recruit.
  20. Sick, man. So... Will this be distributed throughout the SL community? And if so, will it be free? Anyway, awesome avvie. Hope you get the script to work.
  21. But he said Macross. Details for Ace Combat Frontier: Macross Frontier is a small peaceful colonization vessel, that gets attacked by the Vajra. You play some unnamed pilot in Frontier whose squadron does a good job with the initial counterattack... and then OMG the Vajra uses its super h4x weapon (built by some Protoculture dude) to pwn all the planes of Frontier, so Frontier's military falls back. Then you fly some random missions, and devise a plan to take down the h4x weapon... yea wohooo! The Vajra's trump card is down... then Frontier's forces advances all the way to the Vajra's capital, and then: "CRAP OMG WTF" ... yep, another super weapon, which Frontier's elite squadron promptly destroys by flying inside it. Finally, you fly into the sunset and AWACS goes like, "War is bad... mmmkay?" Oddly enough, that's the synopsis for the entire anime...
  22. Except logic dictates that they would launch all fighters at the maximum safe acceleration, therefore giving maximum launch velocity. Faster, and the Gs cause harmful effects. Slower, and you've made the operation less effective. March: I call the lines that look like catapults catapults. Chrono: Nimitz classes have 4? I thought they only had 3... Drop chutes are pretty effective. So, here's what they did for TIEs in Star Wars: The hangars have launch arms that hold multiple TIEs, parallel to each other. TIE 1 leaves, then TIE 2, then 3, etc. Multiply this by the total number of launch arms in a carrier, and in theory, within the space of a minute, 100 or more TIEs can be launched from a single Star Destroyer. Recovery is a bit harder, as they must fly into a bottom-mounted hangar and let a docking arm attach to the top of the fighter.
  23. ö It's alt 148.
  24. March, I only count 3 cats...
  25. Quarter has 3 cats. I stick with my VTOL idea...
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