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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I wasn't bashing it because of that. I was bashing it because I think it sucks.
  2. Hmm... Well, It looks like it's Russian; copy of an American plane... Though, it really wouldn't be fair to call the Valkyrie American... I'd like to know more, Vostok. Sounds cool.
  3. I am a gravedigger, you see. Whatever I can find to pawn for Valk money, you know.
  4. Um... You lost me, kid. I'm boycotting 00, since what I've seen looks stupid, even for a post-Seed Gundam anime. I know not what GN particles are, their effects, or the type of energy signature they produce... So... You're saying when you hide, your cell phone ceases to work? I seriously have no idea...
  5. Well, either way, Zero was gonna have a VF-0. That was the point of the OVA. Originally, the Phoenix was gonna look a lot like an F-14. Then, Kawamori said he wanted it to look more like a modernized VF-1. And there you have it.
  6. Yes. Yes I do. A WIP image is a bit back... Now, I thought there was an agreement in that thread that we would learn to take things with a grain of salt. If you don't plan on doing so, I suggest you leave the fan works section alone. That place, I consider to be sacred ground, where you shouldn't rip on things, but give friendly advice, as I was doing.
  7. Makes sense... If you ask me, though, Active Stealth needs more work. Passive stealth leaves a radar signature, though it is smaller. However, Active Stealth does have its disadvantages... Like giving the whole world your position, due to its bubbly nature. (The field is a bubble, therefore it is bubbly!)
  8. My solution would be not to use a stand. If you can't afford it, improvise. If you can't afford to improvise, don't facking do it! So, find some good, standless poses, and stick with em. (However, I live down the street from a HobbyTown USA, so I can't complain...) Though, now that I think of it, they don't stock any stands of any sort. Just display cases... The closest thing to Bandai Merchandise is a few of the 00 High Grade 1/144s... But they do have Mospeada!
  9. So, this thread is dead, I take it?
  10. Hm... Well, in that case, I WAS RIGHT! VF-0s ARE COOLER!
  11. I should have it downloaded by 0200 hours tomorrow.... If it does work, I'll burn it to disc and give it to Grandma, who loves anime... She's seen a lot more of it than I... And that says a lot... If the file's corrupted, my bets are on the large size. WinZip can't handle that well. Only good thing about Zip is that the compression works more efficiently. I'll get back to you when it's done.
  12. That still leaves me with 3. A crash bad enough to kill the pilot in one of those would surely cripple the plane to the point where a new one had to be built. Even with OT and its benefits, crashing a chunk of flying metal into the ground at Mach 2+ would destroy it. The YF-19 was damaged due to gunpod fire, right? It's been awhile since I saw Plus... Anyway, I think there are more prototypes than we see in Plus. It only makes sense. There were a bunch of YF-14s, 22s, and 23s... I don't see how sufficient combat and aeronautical data could be collected from even two prototypes. They'd be worn to nothing by then...
  13. Dude... That. Would own.
  14. I'm putting my 1/48s on my bookshelf, alongside my transformers... It's the only place I have to put them, and it's kinda fitting, you know? Screw poses, Group Photo with the Autobots is good enough!
  15. Well, considering how expensive a VF-1 is, I'd not be surprised if it was the fact that they were fighting a losing war, or something... And, didn't Yang say "...Four of them used up their health insurance. And two of them received a considerable promotion. The commendations they were buried with are guaranteed to last a lifetime." This tells me at least 6 YF-19s were produced. (Earlier line "...It needed repairs...", so not 7) Not sure of the 21..
  16. I've my doubts, Rem. The thing simply doesn't have the design for dogfight-capable speed. If anything, I'd say its defense is an onboard EMP generator. You know, BIG electromagnet coil. If you're careful, you can screw an enemy's plane without doing yours. However, this is hardly the case in real life. Perhaps it's got EM-shielded avionics? I dunno. The US and its "Classified" is kinda stupid. We KNOW it ain't got poo. We're still scared of it, ok? Jesus. Well, that's what I was saying. AB-1 has a 1J, AB-2 through 6 have 1As. VIP ridealongs use a 1D. Swift Knights doesn't explain the Blue and Yellow paintscheme on the 51s in "All That VF Zero". So, Blue Thunder and its rival air team, the Angel Birds, held an airshow, opposing each other.... Over a replica of Mayan Island...
  17. I'm pretty sure it's Robotech Art. The styling is WAY off of Macross... If I had a scanner (Or a camera...), I'd post it... Hell, the damned thing looks American. Lazy artists, and such... Also, the Left arm was off. In Macross, it had no Right arm. I can read "US ARMY" on the leg, same as the Macross one, but it's flipped. The background may or may not have been different. Can't remember the book's. ANYWAY: Vostok: The VF-0s and the Mayan Island Incident were kept at top-secret level for 50 years, up until 2058. Shortly later, someone decided to make a film... And thus, we had Macross Frontier Episode 10. Since the 0s are secret (Whatever's left), they wouldn't be in the Smithsonian, dontchaknow. It's my assumption that the 0s in "All That VF Zero" are new versions, constructed from the schematics of old, for the 50th anniversary of the design, the end of the Unification War, and the release of the info about the MII. I think it's safe to assume these rebuilt models had TRTs. Shin's 0A was destroyed when Shin met up with Sara... Yes... The whole story's too sappy for this forum... Skull '86 brings a pretty valid point. Though, I gotta say, I can't remember the YF-14 ever seeing service... Or a carrier deck... Hmm.... Oh well.
  18. Ah, yes. Destroids. This brings me back to a bit of... Erm... Robotech art... It's Robotech, no doubt... It's my Dad's, ok? The book was made in 1986... There was a Tomahawk with the entire left arm assembly (And its mounting point) blown off. Said US Army on the foot... Friggin' Robotech... Oh well, it got my family into Macross...
  19. The Angel Birds were invented in 1982, due to the Infamous Thunderbirds Diamond Crash, which happened in January of the same year... Of course, I'm making that up, but it's a strange coincidence... "Angel Bird-1, ready for takeoff." So, what does Angel Bird-1 pilot? The Thunderbirds are gonna be in near-combat-spec F-16 next season. If there was the need, they'd be the same as any F-16 in the rest of the USAF within 72 hours.... So, would it be so odd to assume AB-1 pilots a 1J?
  20. Whatever wasn't destroyed was probably graveyarded, then destroyed in the final Zentraedi assault. A slightly unrelated note: Yes. Yes, the UN LOVES to throw money in the can. Why do you think there are so many cannon fodders?
  21. Have a Mecha Christmas, everyone!
  22. The VF-0s did have nose-mounted sensors only seen on test planes... Does that count? Lessee... The VF-0 is explicitly stated to have meant to have TRTs... Then, there were problems... Luckily, the nacelles were large enough for conventional, fueled turbines. If it were the VF-1, they'd be screwed... @Hobbes, SDFM 33 wasn't enough for you? We got to see Roy in a test VF then...
  23. Well, I don't consider toys to be canon sources of info. I mean, just up until last month, Mr March's Macross Mecha Manual listed the VF-1 Stealth as a 1A. It still could be, but Yamato says otherwise... I dunno.
  24. No, you mean, "You mean say volour with a K. Kolour! " Ok. Ok, I'm done... So, I got my hands on the papercraft VF-1A Angel Birds model... It's no Hasegawa, but it's still better than a Yammie, at any rate... You know, except for the fact that it doesn't transform, anyway.... It'll look great next to my papercraft Roy 1S... Speaking of which, I'm gonna be building a Hikaru 1S... OOH! I forgot all about the S/SP! Man, people have too much time on their hands, designing all of this crap...
  25. Well... Perhaps, but now that everyone knows what it does, why not use a different classification? Anyway, did the Angel Birds fly VF-1As, or Js? The only video material of episode one I can find is an old, grainy video of Robotech my dad used to own... And that's the only episode they're in. Anyone? Um, back to the SV-51 launch thing real fast, the Blue Angels didn't get their hands on them, Blue Thunder did. I mean, the Angel Birds had VF-0s, so why wouldn't Blue Thunder have SV-51s? (Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, get it? ok, not funny... sorry...)
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