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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Hey, I've got this plane! Sweet work, Chrono. The nozzles tend to be in starboard roll position, whenever I fly... It doesn't affect anything besides aesthetics, but... Anyway, I really like it. Especially the see-through cockpit. Ingenious idea, there. Sometimes, the texture messes up, though, allowing it to be seen from outside... So, I say 9.995/10.
  2. Lowly? It's probably the most important! Were it not for the 1D, Hikaru never would've climbed into the cockpit of a VF. But HG debates are for their own threads. And flaming's not allowed! *Scolds involved parties, as if they were children*
  3. Paint rounds are famous for barrel clogging. They shatter in-barrel and it gums up the mechanism. Eventually, the rounds will force it out, due to sheer force... That's my story. Computer assistance. "What would be the predicted attack pattern?"
  4. Exactly what I said, Gubaba. The Schematics survived. The VF-0s in All That VF-0 were built specially for the 50 year anniversary of the end of SW1. Same for the SV-51s. I can't say for sure what happened to the VF-0Ds, but the VF-0A and S went back in time through a fold warp and Yamato saw them and made toys. The VFs were destroyed in the reverse-engineering process...
  5. Simple: He begins to fire paint rounds at the cockpit. YF-21's arms grab gunpod, shifting to side before live rounds begin firing. Isamu loses. Guld wins. The end. However, it didn't work out, Guld went a bit off plan and grabbed the gun, shooting Isamu with it. Who's in trouble now?
  6. Nosebleed like a Super Pack Booster...
  7. So, I was just wondering if I was the only Dallasite on this forum. I mean, with the population of Dallas exceeding 10 million and the forum's population around 8100, I can't be the only one. Right? *Silence* Please?
  8. Polidread, come on! It's Christmas!
  9. Don't get me wrong, I like Russian fighters. I just happen to like the "finesse" (Not really) of American planes more. I mean, look at the F-14D. That thing was curvy in all the right places, but it had huge engines... Bigger still, than the Su-33D or the MiG-29. That thing was big. Heaviest carrier aircraft in US history and the Largest Carrier Fighter in US history. Up with the Russians. However, what I like most about American planes is, though they're damned advanced and not simplistic, they're easy to fix and they don't break as often. Add to that, our bombers are pressurized...
  10. I'm waiting for a Trance WNKWP... You know, to complement this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGLPqEV4Dz0
  11. I use HLJ and http://www.1999.co.jp/eng for my purchases...
  12. In Soviet Russia, Chunky Monkey is in scale with you!
  13. I'm getting the RVF-25. Looks freakin' awesome... Also, I haven't seen an ESM valk since the Yamato VEFR-1....
  14. My thinking is that the VF-0s, being heavily involved in the Mayan Island Incident (And they were top-secret, due to being variable fighters, anyway), were retired and placed in a top-secret facility. Nellis AFB, for example.
  15. The lightsaber is in the VF-1A Angel Birds' head laser...
  16. It's definitely a VF-4. However, it seems to lack its own style. Come on, anime, you're an artist. Give it your style. Give it some flavor. It needs to look like a VF-4, and it benefits from having the 25's accents, but it's too much of a clash between the two. Make it your own by adding your details to make it the best of both. That's my piece. Sick design, though. Incroyable!
  17. Damn. That's awesome. The legs are a bit obvious to the VF-25, but the rest looks freakin' sweet. Only 2 things I can suggest: Give the legs their own style, similar to, but not the same as the VF-25's, and get a cleaner version drawn, dude. By the way, Name: VF-26 Methuselah (In reference to the age of the main design)
  18. MiG-25 transforming like a VF-1? Man, I like Sukhoi better...
  19. The F-22 doesn't use Active stealth, it uses Passive stealth. The body design is such that radar waves aren't all reflected back to the detector. The closest thing we have to Active Stealth is Electronic Counter Measures. Using radar jamming to prevent enemies from getting a fix on your location. The problem is, it gives your enemy a good estimate on where you are, based on the large, screwy spot on the radar. Blind Game? Which one was that? I haven't seen SDFM in so long...
  20. Guld's plan: get Isamu to shoot at him with live rounds (AWAY FROM THE COCKPIT, might I add), getting him court-martialled. Not to mention, kicked from the project, and MOST importantly: Away from Myung. "If the YF-21 creates a downward force... Yes."
  21. Wasn't it the VF-11 that crashes due to Guld? (I watched Plus ep 1, and that's what happened there...) No YF-19 there...
  22. Strike's getting a buddy when my wallet decides to start dieting... I really like the 171, too... Man, I need to get my wallet pregnant.
  23. 0_0 that... Was strange...
  24. Yes, Skull. Secondly, TRANCE MIX: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79PD66Gw9mg...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ai7epVXyTc...feature=related
  25. Probably. I'd buy it, though, just to go with my Bandai 1/100 Strike Gundam... I'm a sucker for anything at the same scale.
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