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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. No. It means you're not an adult, you're a MAN!
  2. Jacs actually makes a good point... The beam guns on the Q-Rea are small enough in size that, given a smaller bore, it'd increase firepower and look awesome...
  3. Meh. All but Ozma BOOBIES! (.)(.)
  4. "Where's the other man?! Where is he?" "If he didn't wash ashore here, he probably washed out to sea." "Edgar..."
  5. Misa forever! MisaForever, you rock.
  6. I hope it's a 2-piece heatshield. Otherwise, no PT. I don't even consider the VF-1 series PT, since the intake covers have to be partsformered and the heatshield won't come down in Fighter mode... I'm asking a bit much, but...
  7. ^ | Needs to participate
  8. The thing about the SV-51 is that the UNSpacy knew little to nothing about it, except what had been collected by close reconnaisance. I don't think the competition was VF-0 vs SV-51. My evidence is: VF-1 and VF-0 were developed around the same timeframe Both are UNS craft Both are developed by UN National companies (Northrom and Northrop Grumman. Separate until otherwise disproved) The companies are paid to construct the prototypes. Sukhoi wouldn't have sustained a loss, unless they went into premature production. (Though option 3's most likely) Are we sure the UN in Macross is the same UN as in real-life? Perhaps their UN still has Russia as a communist union, including all of its Soviet Republics. Since it was originally written in 1982, it could be. The SV-51 performs better than the VF-0. Almost always, performance is chosen over cost. The YF-23 was kicked, because its performance was lacking, compared to the 22. (On a side note, the YF-19 was picked, due to the YF-21 being too costly AND dangerous to the pilot. The Brain Control system was too sensitive and the BDI caused people to go insane.) That's my piece.
  9. What've you been doing, all this time, meninge? Please tell me, "Working on a new scale chart"!
  10. I call commander of the first squadron!
  11. The first VF-1 rolled out in November 2008. I read that somewhere. Maybe the compendium, maybe Mr March's M3... I forget. However, this sounds plausible, as they weren't deployed into Active Duty status until February 9, 2009, the date of the SDF-1 launch. It's my thinking that the VF-0 and VF-1 were designed separately, similar to the YF-22 and 23. Then, they were meant to be tested against each other. However, the VF-0 didn't perform as well, was larger, and costed more than the VF-1. (Compared to the data gathered from the VFX-1.) So, they were scrapped. The fact that the 0's a Northrop Grumman and the 1's a Northrom makes it a tough sell, but...
  12. Hm... 1999.co.jp... I don't use them often, but I've never had trouble with 'em. Though, honestly, most of my stuff comes from HLJ... Seriously, I see no use for Yamato stands. They're expensive, unwieldy, and they don't show the stability of the Valk. Besides, three-beam stands are better. You can get a lot more poses from them.
  13. Oh yessss, I voted for Gerwalk .... Coz Hikaru Ichijo bagged Misa Hayase in a Gerwalk, once .... & he get that hot Mama! Let us not forget the numerous times Hikaru ridiculed himself by switching to GERWALK, with a FAST pack at full thrust. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSsJkByeYeg...feature=related watch from 0:48-0:50...
  14. I agree... March, how do you do it? I use March's colored lineart for my customs...
  15. I got a couple'a VF-1s for Christmas. As soon as I get a camera, I'll show some poses.
  16. A and C are the best wingshapes. B's too small, E's too... Not wingish? and D completely lacks the VF-4 (Or the 25)'s feeling. Too YF-19. As for the rest... You come up with all sorts of strange stuff... I can't remember the last time I did specs on that scale... Good job. Bit of a thing here, 11 tonnes is pretty heavy for the time. The VF-25 on intermediate load is about 8 tons. That's... like 7 or so tonnes. I guess the recessed bits and all the extra transformation stuff adds a lot of weight. Alloys are heavier... Some sort of engine weight thing.. I dunno. I'm sure you've your reasons.
  17. It's my system, badboy... The name is ok, but the 00z takes off a few points. Your UN gets... 6.7241/10...
  18. Who's looking at Koala Britai? I read that and I had to look again...
  19. So... Nanase's of Japanese descent... Those boobs mean she's half-Zentraedi...
  20. Didn't they use GERWALK exactly the same in SDFM? (City run, save the girl, low-altitude, crash, landing, takeoff...)
  21. A tiny bit off-topic, but if Yamato made a PT VF-0D, I'd buy it in a heartbeat, no matter the QC...
  22. A torrent for one episode can take anywhere from 1 to 13 hours. That's my range, anyway, even on Animesuki and a T1 connection.
  23. Heavy Attack FTW!
  24. No. It was an Engrish mistake. They meant "50th Anniversary" and "25 VF" and mixed them up. The second was Engrish, in and of itself.
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