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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Wait a second, that Ranka's WAY out of scale with the others...
  2. VA-3s are cool, but they follow that sickly marine design that the whaling variant VF-1s had in 7 that I didn't like at all... I have no idea what you mean when you say you have no idea what I mean.
  3. Come on, I know I'm not the only one! I know you're out there!
  4. I'm from Arlington, Texas. Anyone says "y'all", they're dead.
  5. Well, in my eyes, every, single one excludes the really obscure ones. I say "Every single one" and mean "VF-0, VF-1, VF-4, VF-11, YF-19, VF-19, YF-21, VF-22, VF-17, VF-171, VF-25, VF-27, VF-2SS, and SV-51." Though, the really obscure one I'd want is the YF-24...
  6. I dunno, but I'm sure we'd rather have pocky... Which, incidentally, contain egg products...
  7. How about compromise? In the words of Danny Tourette's Guy, "I'd titf@#$ her in the ass!"
  8. Well, anyway, we're OTing again... This is about VF-0s, not Guld Goa Bowman.
  9. Er, the Koenig Monster's not a VA, it's a VB, which puts it one higher. I like the VB-6, but none of the Variable Attackers. Why? Guns Bombs Missiles It doesn't go Columbia, no matter how hard you hit it.
  10. I was kidding about all of it. He lives in HK, which is asian, so he's become unused to breasts. Simple joke. I'M NOT A RACIST, I SWEAR!
  11. Yup. Supposedly, every single one. Look at the poster, and you'll know the ones almost definitely being released.
  12. I know. I'm just saying when you do get on it, I've some suggestions.
  13. I wish I could go... Damn it all! You know what? I'm gonna put together a party for Dallasites on that day! We'll have a party in a place that's actually got room for a 3/4-mile long ship to crash! Besides, the Lockheed plant's not too far away, and Northrom's been subcontracting, again, so there's plenty of near-finished VF-1s waiting to be sent to Alaska.
  14. But Graham, you're asian, you're not used to breasts! I kid, I kid. I mean nothing by it. It's just a joke I had to make there. ? ? Don't kill me! I say boobs, because at school, there's lots of girls with a great ass, but very few with good tits, let alone both. I'm a minority guy. I love both, but...
  15. Yup... Be funny if it was February 7, 09. That is THE DAY!
  16. Grr... I need a camera. I've got some good poses I could do, and no way to photograph them...
  17. If you don't mind lq, I know a site that has all 25 episodes with no searching...
  18. Er... No, because the Anti-UN's gone. When earth was bombarded, pretty much everything was destroyed. That includes the Anti-UN and any remaining SV-51s. The thing is, he simply imagined the VF-11 crashing, and it happened. The BCS should have to take well-thought-out commands, not "If the YF-21 creates a downward force... Yes." It don't matter how crazy Guld is in the head, BCS sucks. And without it, the YF-21's the same as any other valk.
  19. Looks good so far. This is why I draw all my MOC valks on paper. Can't do it on the PC. Unfortunately, I've lost all my drawings...
  20. Yeah, I just got 2 1/48s, and they have waist swivel. A bit annoying in Fighter mode, since the nose sometimes twists when I'm handling it...
  21. Um, does the following count? It's my best custom, so far. Made for my father... In Paint... From Mr March's cannon fodder...
  22. So, try WinRar, instead. If that don't work, HJSplit?
  23. ...Lame... I think I need to get my customs together for display.
  24. It wouldn't be a stretch to say they checked the BCS records from the -21 and found out the system's too sensitive, as Guld just thinking about crashing Isamu made it crash Isamu... Yes, BDI made him crazy, however, the YF-21 can't function without it. Think about it! You can't collect data fast enough through just your eyes to run the BCS on the thing, therefore BDI is necessary to keep you up with what's happening. Moving on, Hikaru was stationed aboard Megaroad-01, which, I believe, is missing, non? Max was stationed aboard the SDF-1, defending New Macross City while the SDF-1 was refit, and later, placed in charge of the NMC Macross 7. Mac+ - II (That's a bit of time, ain't it? Like 60 years' time...), I've no clue, besides Mac7 and Frontier... Back to the YF-21, the -19's known to be cheaper, requires no extra training or augmentation, and has no control system bugs.
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