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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Well, I know that, but my trouble is keeping it together in the right shape as I glue it. Any tips?
  2. I prefer too look at it like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisbattle/4...57600188901243/ until proven otherwise. Pilot's legs are recessed into the suit's legs, arms in the arms.
  3. If you're on vacation, tell us. We (Mike, Jamie, Ben, Sam, Fred, Darren, and I)* will accept it. Well, I'd better get to that, then... * I am SchizophrenicMC, aren't I?
  4. "Dammit, Michael, take the shot!" -Alto Saotome, Macross Frontier "Simon, John, Peter, I absolve you of your yokes!" -Luca Angeloni, Macross Frontier
  5. Ummm. . . What? Please, tell me what seems to be the problem, Ace.
  6. Anime's normally very... Reliable...
  7. "True, true." "WASSUP!" -Budweiser Anyway, "Shao Pai Long!" -Lynn Minmay, Macross "Whoosh, whoosh! Whoosh, whoosh! My boyfriend is a pilot!" -Lynn Minmay, Macross "Do you remember? When your eyes met mine?" -Lynn Minmay, Macross: Do You Remember Love? "If we get the transient facts, then we'll feel the Info High!" -Sharon Apple, Macross Plus "Though they often lick one another, lions are strong" -Ranka Mei and Sheryl Nome, Macross Frontier (Lee no longer cuts it for me.) "Ride a shooting star" -Ranka Mei, Macross Frontier (Not to be confused with The Pillows' "Ride on Shooting Star", the theme song to FLCL) "Embrace that goodbye!" -Sheryl Nome, Macross Frontier
  8. Well, what about the grown Asian men who play with transformable robot toys? At least you're not that.
  9. What's with the panties? Who needs panties, anyway?
  10. That's what she said
  11. "To be in love..." -Minmei, Robotech: The Macross Saga ^ | I think we can all agree that that was the biggest folly of the series.
  12. Please for PM with NSFW?
  13. Hm... Is there anything official that says the Q-rea doesn't hold a standing pilot?
  14. I use WMM for everything. Even my Macross Frontier/Ace Combat 6 trailer is being made in it.
  15. For example, the nose section is a prefab section that must be later attached to others, like the fuselage and such.
  16. So... On the VF-11C, how would you suggest going about sticking the pre-fab sections together? That's why I have yet to make one. I don't fancy getting pre-fab sections together, and I can't think of a way. I plan on printing it again, so I can do it right.
  17. "You know, it's their first time. You don't have to be so harsh." -I forget who, but to Maximilian Jenius, Macross 7 "Ki-ki-KISS?!" -Alto Saotome, Macross Frontier
  18. And that's why 99.99999999999999999% of nature is a vacuum. GUBABA! ASSIMILATE!
  19. Whenever a singer in Macross comes on stage, I hit mute for a few seconds, and turn it back on. That is the lamest, most annoying, repeated line in Macross. My response: "Yeah, lady, we're all here to do just that. Now shut up and sing. And it had better be pretty, damn deculture this time!"
  20. "The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And *I* will make them pay for what they've done." -Captain Jean Luc Picard, USS Enterprise "Ranka-chan! News desu yo! Ultra-Super-Big-News desu!' -Elmo Kridanik, Macross Frontier Look above.
  21. Well... I mean... MISA + VF-1S=BONER!
  22. The Macross Gods say they are not pleased. Your sacrifice of a small dog is not accepted. You must... Sacrifice your camera's memory space with pictures of more customs.
  23. "She's a fine ship, Will." "Yes, but she's not the Enterprise." -Captain Jean Luc Picard and Commander William Thomas Riker
  24. Viagra won't help! When the gunpod curves to the side, there's a problem, and it's NOT the extender mechanism.
  25. I find myself in disagreement by experience. In the past, my congressman's always been a dick. Every one of them. And, for that matter, once my dad voted for a senator who claimed to be pro-2nd ammendment, but when he came into office, he voted for every, single gun ban. I don't trust congressmen. I just don't. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the lead safety thing was, until now, 650 PPM. Warning labels that are stupid, but real: Hairdryer: Do NOT use this product while sleeping Toaster: Do NOT immerse in water when in use Blender: Do NOT use this product with explosive/flammable products Microwave: Do NOT place electronic devices in this microwave cooking device I read all of those in the various appliance manuals for their respective devices in my house. What they mean: "Someone did this. We got sued. Don't do this. It'll hurt you, and this disclaimer's here, so it won't hurt us." So, why not "Sucking on this toy may be bad for your health"? I mean, everything (Even a generic bottle I saw once) has a label that says "This product is known to the state of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects."
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