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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Anyone got any ideas as to the VF-11C intakes? I'm having trouble figuring out how they go on the plane. They're assembled, but I can't figure out how Parts 13 and 12 relate to 10 and 11, respectively.
  2. Ooh, Steampunk VF... Original... Though I would like to see a good one...
  3. Huh? I'm making a video game joke. For example, in Gears of War 2, a tank is cut in half. In reality, the damage model does not exist for it, and it's a cinematic model, only.
  4. So, what if my Angel Birds 1A came with BP-11, BD-2, BD-3, AND GP-1? Eh? I'm kinda pissed, actually. No Gunpod, but the missiles and such are all there, only it doesn't stay together so well in Battroid, since those tabs are missing... At least it's got tight joints, unlike 25th Anniversary 1S... (Which has the wrong visor...) At east it hasn't exploded like a 1/60 woulda by now. (Not the V2)
  5. Stuff doesn't mean best. WMM's Free! That's like 276 points!
  6. Yeah, but that's a scripted event. Doesn't count, since the damage-mod model doesn't remove that section... Wait... That's Halo...
  7. Well, if HG today is a group of fans of HG in the 80s, then yes, it is a fanfilm.
  8. 5... or 7... I forget... They're both worth watching
  9. That's what she said... Anyway, I'd like it to stand as tall as my bookshelf... 6' 3"... My middle ground: As tall as my HP Pavillion when it's in Attack Mode. Smaller, and it's a no-go. I'll never buy the WAVE. Too, damn small.
  10. I use... 160gsm. Great stuff, I use it for ALL my papercrafts. I'll hafta find some good glue, and needlenose pliers are a must. (Lost my last pair)
  11. "My starboard stabilizer's hit! R2, can you lock down that stabilizer?" -Hayao Skywalkizaki, Macross "Lock phasers on the target." -Jean-luc Gloval, Macross "Keep your lancers at the ready. I don't want any screwups." -Ozmarcus Fenix Lee, Macross Frontier
  12. He's probably right... If I had anything Adobe, I'd probably use it. On that note, WMM is easier to use. It's like GIMP and paint. I have both, but I use the latter because I know how.
  13. I now see why they call you Mr. Lingerie.
  14. Like a firecracker? Nah. Explosion's not big enough. They go up like Roy in DYRL?
  15. "I am Locutus of Borg. You will answer our questions." -Ranka Lee
  16. We all do. It's like a gift bag. You reach in, pull out the wrapping, and your present awaits!
  17. ... *Ahem* Robotech Crystal Dreams was cancelled in 1998.
  18. And don't forget stupid things that stop you from unwrapping presents... Like pants...
  19. I am patient. But when a model breaks when you attempt to assemble it, I lose patience. I know how they fit, but the problem is getting them to stay while the glue sets... I might try UHU... (What's that stand for?) Also, getting the last flap in with enough force on it to push it against the internal surface for a strong bond
  20. My own creation (How'd I forget this one?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyu8gRF6VhE&feature=email
  21. Hm... Yeah, but sometimes, you're not within reach to unwrap them.
  22. Remind me to never get macronized. That's got to be uncomfortable, not to mention it makes no sense. The moral of the story? Q-rea<Q-rau<VF-1A<VF-1S Therefore, Q-rea<VF-1S Therefore, VF-1S is win
  23. Famous Wizartar quote: "I like beepy-beepy music!"
  24. No. No, I don't, and that's the last I'll say on the matter, in accordance with our non-Asian Asian's wishes Anyway, I hope this goes Yamato Design, Bandai Quality Control... Or at least better than the DX...
  25. Windows Movie Maker 2: Famous for crashing. Try getting a newer version from MS, or upgrade to Vista. Works like a dream on Vista, or with 2.6.
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