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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Ooh! I just remembered (Not to show you up, or anything. In fact, use it as reference ) I found this: a few months back.
  2. What I envy most about that is the Zoids... ZOIDS FTW!
  3. I think it's pretty anime magicky. Looking at March's transformation details art, I saw a bunch of things that moved all kinds of crazy places. But that's not the issue. The VF-4 is. It can be PT or it can be anime-accurate. If it's PT, there'll have to be numerous compromises, since Battroid isn't in scale with Fighter, and vice versa. It's like a transformers toy: It's not in scale with itself. If it's A-A, it'll have to have certain things replaced. For example, the cockpit, as you mentioned. I don't see how that works... Now, don't get me wrong, I love the VF-4. I just think it's the most anime magicky.
  4. Well, the video is made of copyrighted material, which is not owned by the maker of the video. This is illegal, because those that made the video didn't have permission from the owners to do so. In accordance with copyright law (To prevent YouTube or Google from being sued), they're removing the audio, at LEAST. The videos are kinda mishy-mashy, but the audio's straight Macopyrighted. They can put up a better defense than that. My cousin made a Call of Duty: World At War video, using the song "In The End", by Linkin Park. Within 30 minutes of it being posted, the audio was muted. Grr... YouTube... I just hope my stuff stays. A few months ago, Roosterteeth, LLC spotted my Red Vs Blue parody movie, and they're cool, so they let it stay up, though with advertisements on-page...
  5. Need... Moar... OBSCURE VALKYRIE! *becomes Hulk and rips destroid in half. Changes back into SchizophrenicMC* Oh no, my baby!
  6. I have it. My opinions: VF-25 is great, GERWALK physics work, and battroid ain't shabby. However, it's unwieldy at high speed; if you have G effects turned on, you'll be crushed and the game will end; and it tends to flip on a zero-radius axis when you pull back, momentum sending it backwards. VF-19 is also good, same with everything. The Quarter is cool, and you can set up on the service elevator, which will carry you to the runway. However, if you do this in the YF/VF-19, it'll explode as it hits the carrier deck model, because it's bigger than the 25. The walls on the Frontier are all fluid walls, as you can pass through them. The ground is all runway-class, so it can be traversed at any speed, which makes it good for reenacting the GERWALK flight of Frontier Ep. 1. Overall, I give this a 7.6324/10.
  7. Fold Gate. Looks coolest, and makes most sense...
  8. Make that 7... Which is a bit of Bungie Lore... I was gonna do it up like the Halo 3 case, but... TIME TO GET TO WORK!
  9. Nah... I figure 25's too hard to pose because his joints slide too easy (Any fixes? It applies to, literally, all his non-click joints), so I leave him in fighter, give gunpod to Angel, who is poseable in Battroid, where you can't see the missing backpack part, and holds together, despite lack of stability tabs, and pose him... Ok, maybe I should conact them, because I paid $300 for the 2 of them, only to get seriously gipped...
  10. Or, maybe, they were gonna be like the USAF Thunderbirds are. Take a world tour every summer to show off the UN's crazy, MP plane.
  11. "TOTSUGEKI LOVE HEART!" "Yokai!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYzkRMLUGPI
  12. Well, I may be the only one, but I like it... Hmph! Anyway, since it's mostly white and cheap, it's perfect for customs... And 1/48 only sucks in battroid because the hands are iffy and it's like a black man or something. (No racism there. Just a nosecone joke. DON'T KILL ME!) GERWALK and Fighter own on the 1/48... Now, if they could get it in 1/24, like that old Arii...
  13. TBH, PT wouldn't work and be anime-accurate. This is the only one which requires anime magic in excessive amounts to exist. Everything else has a breath of Anime Magic for life... This, I guess, is also the case in the 9 and the 3000.
  14. Is HLJ secondhand? It came with everything bound like new. That cardboard part that holds the manual that always comes off when you take the manual out was there, perfectly... I blame QC at the factory... GRR
  15. I wish I had a scanner, so my actual drawing could be here, (It looks MUCH better...) but this is made in Paint: YF-29 Lightning Eagle (I can't find the spec sheet I made, but it's fast... Grr...)
  16. Why does everyone rip on the color? I like it... Maybe I'm too American for saying that, but come on! France, Britain, and Australia have the same color scheme, and no one rips on them for the red white and blue... But that's going off on a tangent... I need to get 6 more of these puppies. 1: Strike Noir Gundam custom(Gonna need 1J head) 2:Gundam Virtue custom(Gonna need GPB-1S and 1J head) 3:USN color scheme 4:Insignia Red 5:Halo 3 ('nuff said) 6:Koenig-1 custom (My favorite custom paint scheme, which I made for some lineart... Gonna need a 1S head.) Half price, man. What can I say?
  17. 1/32 VF-5000 and 3000 I like big things... And to beat you to the chorus, That's what she said. Though, I think we can all agree on obscure valks, no matter the scale. (But I want it BIG! )
  18. That thing's smaller than a Ghost QF-2001!
  19. I bought it, and aside from mine missing a bunch of parts (Has this happened to anyone else?), there are no issues. People just don't want it. I plan on buying 2 more to custom. It's a twofer deal.
  20. Yes. Yes! YES! I would buy that in a heartbeat, even if it means using my Grandma's money to do it.
  21. 1/32 Everything.
  22. They make their measurements shorter so they feel... Bigger... The 1/48 VF-1 is well-endowed for a reason...
  23. Macross Mango, huh? I would LOVE a transforming/singing/giant tropical fruit!
  24. MISA! ME WANTS MISA! NARGH! *Becomes Hulk, stomps off, rips destroid in half*
  25. I think the whole 2012-2040 area needs to be visited. Somewhere in there and it can have some more obscure valks and such... Alternatively, the events leading up to the destruction of the 117th Research Fleet... And it's gotta have a YF-24....
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