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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. dude, I pulled it in, right in the middle of Totsugeki Love Heart. Today must be my lucky day.
  2. Well of course! There's 2 points to this: 1: You can't tap what's disintegrated 2: You can't tap a robot
  3. Well, on that last note, I plan on doing the same, but for my Yammie 1/48s. They either lack parts or have loose joints.. However, on the first note, I look more like Focker than any of the others, and I do get all the ladies.
  4. In a few hours, I was hoping to say "YES! MAC7'S FINALLY DONE TORRENTING!" Then, at noonish, the internet cut out and it's not gonna be done for 2 days. I've been d/ling for a week. GRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Jeez, Vostok, you seem hell-bent on Mac0... I'm gonna say it's the 3rd world countries who, in the real world, hate the US and its allies. So, I'm gonna say a good half of Asia and Eastern Europe... Maybe, also, CANADA! Edit: Forgot Venezuela, Cuba, and Guatemala... Guatemala... Friggin'...
  6. Hey, Dio, you got any plans for A-Kon 09? I'm gonna cosplay Focker.
  7. Speaking of job, good luck and Godspeed, Hik.
  8. Yeah... This is the only Wiz review I don't like.
  9. I'm going to assume English is a foreign language to you, because if it isn't, it's disgraceful. If I may ask, what are the CUSTOM parts for? I don't know how they'd fit on the MESSIAH.
  10. Dude, you got the MLCAD? Sweet. Use MediaFire. That's what I use, and it hasn't failed me thus far. Props, man. Props. +128512!
  11. Lolwhut? That was.... Strange...
  12. Yeah, I've been torrenting it for a week now, and still no progress...
  13. Well, I think you look JUST LIKE Kakizaki
  14. "We have Saul Tigh, one of your 'final five' in our launch bay."
  15. "Make it so, Number One." "Yes sir, Captain Gloval." -Bruno Gloval and Misa Hayase, Macross "I feel the need; the need for speed." -Isamu Alva Dyson, Macross Plus "I've known a lot of Misas, and they all had the same problem." "Oh yeah? What's that?" "They weren't you, honey." -Dr. Henry 'Ataria' Ichijones, Misa Ravenwood, Macross "You- You stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!" "Who's scruffy-looking?" -Princess Kleia Organa, Blanc Solo, Macross Frontier And then, again, my signature!
  16. So... DYRL? ?
  17. As I said in another topic, They both got him. AND Nanase, Klan, the Bridge Bunnies, and pretty much every female character except Cathy.
  18. Wait... Hikuro's a fat man? Didn't see that one coming... Well, I'm not much affected by this, anyway. When I cosplay, I make it, basically, from scratch. My Inuyasha a few years back, Private Jenkins (Halo), and Lego Scout Trooper were my favorites. Only problem is, I don't have any good references of TV Roy's flight suit...
  19. That's inaccurate! If that had even a sliver of accuracy, you could see Rishi Maze on it! And I don't see Nubia there! Tsk tsk... Whoever made this Hyperspace Route map needs to be dragged out into a street and sent to Spice Mines!
  20. I ain't gonna say nothing, or Eugene'll kick my ass! Ain't that right, Eugene?
  21. This one: is PT and HAS INSTSRUCTIONS! It's Minifig scale, and larger than a 1/48! See? If you want Chunkie Monkey, go for THIS, not Bandai!
  22. Reminds me of an audio track from the demo of "Robotech: Crystal Dreams". Minmei gets cycled through the airlock. SO FUNNY! MINMEI GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED! Now that the Minmay-name-stealer is gone, we are FREE! What about getting flushed out an airlock AND shot up by Cylons?
  23. Yeah, the eyepatch kinda... Nanase's the only one in the series to have a bandaged eye.
  24. Somehow, I just KNEW it. Seems Hik has bad luck!
  25. Didn't say "consistent", I said "makes most sense." A portal, sustained by the fold drive as the ship enters into the super dimensional space, makes more sense than POOF or "Ok, drop the confetti. POOF!" At least in my eyes. Do whatcha will.
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