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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Yukikaze diving flip? Like Cobra to stall dive?
  2. I dunno, Alto worked through it: He became a Mormon and picked both! Then, he got everyone else! Polygamy: Alto's God will make it legal!
  3. "I'll get you yet, Rick Hunter!"
  4. ...So, essentially, you're saying it would be better to order the $#!77y SMS jacket... BTW, I figured out your problem: You got the female version. The male one goes all the way down, but the female variant is short. I don't have a screencap ATM, but... So, Hik, can you SHOW me the PATTERN? I know the colors, but... Like I said, no DYRL?. I figured it'd be 'spensive. Maybe I should cosplay Kamjin... He's got a mullet, too...
  5. Man, I don't even care about the arms/shoulders... I JUST WANT A 0D!
  6. Flight suit. There're a few differences, but I don't know where... And EVERYONE does the DYRL? flightsuit...
  7. "Certainly not." -Isamu Dyson, Macross Plus I liked 'em both, equally. I do that a lot, I know, but it's impossible for me to pick.
  8. Excuse me if none of those, or all of those, are yours. BTW, anyone seen Sebastio Neto's Ghost X-9?
  9. I stand firm with my wish for a Yammie 0D
  10. Hm... Now, I think it's time to buy me some more Yammies.
  11. I don't much care for the Phalanx, and I don't get the name of the Galland, but I like all of them. (Phalanx excluded)
  12. "Always hit the target, be it the enemy or a lady." -Michael Blanc, Macross Frontier "Luck is one of my skills." "That's what I'm afraid of." -Yang Neuman, Isamu Dyson, Macross Plus "Dyson! Show the proper decorum!" -Unnamed-as-far-as-I-know commander, Macross Plus "You understand why, of course." "Certainly not." -UAFAIK Commander, Isamu Dyson, Macross Plus "You've just been Rickrolled, BITCH!" -Luca Angeloni, Macross Frontier
  13. I'm sure it was one or all of the following: A) They wre non-transformable B) They were NT and they had a lego model that had such a transformation but it wasn't that C) They weren't legos, but actually a)Cheap Chinese knockoffs or b) blocks designed like the parts of a VF-25 that move during transformation D) Maybe a Danish dude built them. Those Danes and their Legos (Lego originated in Denmark )
  14. I have that Star Destroyer... I'm pissed off at the massive number of paint colors it needs, but the tiny quantities of each color it needs... Grr...
  15. We can always dream, I guess... BTW, a Gundam would totally kick a VF's ass. Gundams have God stats, standard, you know.
  16. Every day, I find more and more reasons Roy would be easier to pull off. Yet, there's no reference... I'll take the advice you gave. I'm thinking of maybe using a paintball mask as a base and going from there; something much easier to do with a SDFM helmet... What do you think of that? I'm not going for the "Ooh! Awesome anime-accurate" thing, but good (And cheap and easy ) enough for people to see that I'm CPing Isamu Dyson. I'm gonna really peruse the helmet's design and see what I can do.
  17. The Chimera and Phalanx have what looks like a COFFIN system, a la Ace Combat.
  18. Keep gear down, slow down as much as possible, and GENTLY lower yourself. It's easy with enough practice. Remember, though, that proper thrust vectoring is the "middle" notch, where the nozzle direction is pointed SLIGHTLY back. Keep your brakes on, slow down to 0 Knots, and slowly lower the plane (Works on the 'Scalibur, too) to the ground. Doesn't even have to be on the tarmac, though it's more forgiving if it is. RC SV-51? Where?!
  19. Who knows what it means? All that's really important is that it comes right before "Ride a shooting star" and is accompanied by the Ranka! On a side note, I type pronunciations, and not necessarily correct... Type... It stems from me typing how I speak, so if it's read aloud, it sounds like how I would speak. So, excuse me if I type "Kira!" and not "キラッ☆!", AKA some Japanese characters I don't understand, know how to type, or care about. Picard Approves!
  20. 1/48 Perfect Transormation: VF-0D VF-4 VF-3000 (I hate the 9)
  21. Any suggestions as to how to make Isamu's helmet?
  22. Me want Greenie! It looks smexiest. I know I'm gonna take some flak there, but it's got neck, that radome is awesome, and it belongs to a greenie that didn't die! That makes it cooler than Michael! (Michael is own, though, and I respect that)
  23. Hey, Bandai has a famous Gundam-favoring track record. You should see my cousin's closet. It's full of Gundam models he's collected over the years. He has but one Macross model, and it's a VF-1D GERWALK, and not even a Bandai. It's his only non-Bandai.
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