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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I've seen this before, and I still have to say EPIC!
  2. Skonch, those Star Wars dioramas.... Is that the 1978 release Millenium Falcon, or a newer one? I has the old one
  3. It's a freeware flight simulator. Well, it drops suddenly, whereas a front flip takes room. It drops the nose sharply (the look of that says to me TVC and Canards) flips the plane on a Zero Axis back into horizontal before finally regaining lift. Well, with practice (And PLENTY of altitude), you'll eventually get it. (For extra points, practice with the props on a variable position plate, to emulate TVC. Example: TechDad's X-42 Deltastorm II) As for GERWALK, my page keys are broken, so I'm thinking of remapping it to the bumpers on my Xbox 360 controller...
  4. 1/60 V2-more intact. Just doesn't fall apart on its own. 1/48-cool stuff. GERWALK Antenna, super-accurate cockpit, etc. I will say, though, that the 1/48s are like tanks. You drop 'em and they just sit there, gunpod still in hand...
  5. Yeah... I think I'm gonna have to get the damn thing replaced because the Hip joint is too damn loose, and it's gotta stay in fighter. If it was pretty much anything else, I'd be playing the waiting game already, but to replace the hips (And, again, I don't know if it's the ball or the socket which is the wrong size) you have to replace the entire body panel...
  6. I just remembered a bunch of cardboard towers I had once. I believe they were for decorating Hot Wheels cities, but I can't remember. I like cardboard-based accesories for my toys. There's a lot of LARP papercraft out there. I also like papercraft toys. I have a plethora on my bookshelf, including a few VFs.
  7. I can't remember the Darth Vader line, for the life of me... In the end he didn't choose. Everyone joined his harem, including Nanase, Klan, Raramia, and pretty much every female character except Cathy! My specialty!
  8. I contacted HLJ to see about replacement, and I'm gonna contact Yamato to see about what they may be able to do. I'm really pissed now, because I have to leave what is possibly the most beautiful VF-1 for battroid in Fighter. I'm gonna do everything I can do to rectify this. On another note, I'm leaving replacement parts as a last-ditch option, because I'd have to take the whole damned thing apart and replace the entire body panel to replace the loose hip Joint, and I'm not even sure if it's the balls or the sockets...
  9. I think we're all still waiting for a 1:1 inflatable Misa It's not SK's fault Bandai Fails. It's the Gundamaniacs' faults! (Steven Spielberg presents: The Gundamaniacs!) It's not SK's fault Yamato falls apart. It's... Well, I got no pun for that, actually...
  10. SK didn't, but, then again, SK's not the character designer.
  11. No die-cast (Or extremely minimal) Transformation is pretty much the same, with a few differences, from what I've heard. I'm a 1/48 nut. I buy only the biggest toys. And, to beat you to the punch line, "That's what she said!"
  12. That's a strange, Japanese fetish! Remember this? "No! She's mine! Vostok7 said I could have her!"
  13. And I will have to get Photoshop or Fireworks to compete... If I had the appropriate tools, we'd already have a 1/48 scale Cardboard ARMD-01, and 1/60 New Edwards...
  14. Yeah, I was about 1.5-2 when I started playing wit Duplo. By 2 and a half, I had my own, giant creator set, complete with the big bin-thingy (This was in 1997, mind you), and I still have the baseplates that came with it... I remember one time, when I was 4, I made a Taco Bell.... I don't know why, but I did. Maybe it was because my mom ate mostly Taco Bell when she was pregnant with me. My current collection is from a lifetime of lego fanatacism. It's so big, I have to keep half in the garage... Vostok, you're lucky you're near a Lego Store. In Texas, there are none, and the closest one's a 20 hour drive to Disney World... I plan on going to Lego Pick-a-brick online and ordering 100 of each brick they offer. If I do that, it'll only be a matter of time before I have a transforming 1/48 Koenig, similar, though larger than this one[/i], to complement my Yammies in the scale. I love lego... :needs drool:
  15. I think it's another folly of Zentraedi size...
  16. And the famous quote comes once more: "Ooh! Is that a MAXL?"
  17. Well, I knew it was FPS-related somehow My only realy problem with it is that it doesn't seem to capture that Macross feel. It feels like something out of Quake, Doom, or HL1. It could feel more Macross-y, but that's a personal style choice. Keep up the line, Skonch!
  18. No, bull's long enough. I may have to get some cardboard and thicken it, but that's gonna be necessary no matter what, so I can get that ridge on the back of the bill and the front of the navy blue part of the helmet. My main issue with it (And one of the things I love about this one is that the top, the bill, and the mask can be separated) is cutting the bill to the right point. However, as with the rest of it, my dremel should do the job rather nicely. What I will say is that I like modding stuff more than I like building from scratch. It works for me, as I can't get my hands on the materials to do it from scratch, let alone have skill, time, or money for it.
  19. What he said.
  20. I'm not surprised, just pissed off. If I had power, they would be anime-accurate... You know what I mean.
  21. You guys are lucky. It took my dad years to get me into the idea of transforming giant robot planes. It'll probably be the same for me. (Although, maybe I can have sucess with this in the same way my dad did with me and Legos.)
  22. You know, this makes me want to make it into a papercraft, where one wouldn't need the foamcore. Though, it wouldn't be able to hold any valk if you wanted to... Good work, man. (Although, it looks more like something from a PC 1st person shooter, instead of Macross) I bet this would even be useful for LARPers.
  23. Alto is Better than Shin Easily one of my funniest videos Btw, the subs are there on purpose. As much as I hate subs in an AMV, they fit perfectly with what I was doing there.
  24. It's like this: As for my hole measures, I was at school, and I was mixing up my helmets. My other ones are full of the small ones I described. This one is the exact one I'm using as my base. (Although it's about 2/3 painted (Sloppily, at that) white) I need some good spray paint remover. So far, even barbecue fluid and gasoline aren't even working. I dare not use napalm, lest it disolve the plastic as well. I'm gonna do some stuff to it (Add cardboard/posterboard here and there) to get one closer to this:
  25. You're flippin' 'em. OpenGL has the better graphics, but lags. Direct3D has next-to-none, but it renders directly from the 3D model, without any post-processing, like smoothing. Also, mine says only OpenGL will work online...
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