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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Koushiro, are you a member on CombatAce Forums? I could swear I know a Koushiro there... Maybe not, I dunno. Yeah, DYRL? has the better visuals, TV has the story. Maybe Macross Ace will have it TV Story, DYRL? Designs, something I accept as canon to begin with.
  2. On that note, the HWC was a modular thing, like a FAST Pack. The wings (I hope ) aren't modular/removable on the YF-21. Even still, the YF-19 outguns the 21. (And the 21 outgunpods the 19 ) And we come to the most major factor: The YF/VF-19 is CHEAPER!
  3. Welcome to Macross World! I'd like to point out that if you want the DX, you should post about it the DX thread. This is for the Macross Quarter. You'll get better answers there, methinks. Again, Riku, welcome to Macross world.
  4. Rofl rofl rofl... Oh Jesus, that's funny!
  5. I apologize in advance for the OT (And we have to end it here, IAD). Deltastorm isn't fast for having 2 props, but it's kinda heavy. The Deltastorm is a freakin' brick. It's blocky and heavy. I built one (Actually, 2) of my own, and it's possibly the heaviest foamie I've seen. Its earliest predecessor, something TechDad made earlier in a similar design, was much smaller and had no wing support. During one flight, he lost control because the wings were flapping in a high-speed descent. Had to be 150, or so, and he was about to jump out of the way (It was flying right at him) when he finally regained control and pulled back into a climb with 2 feet between it and the ground. Crazy. Now, I'm kinda against ducted fans. It's a personal choice. They just don't seem as... R/C Plane as props. Besides, they're always more expensive than a bushless motor, mount, and prop, anyway. Back on-topic: I've been playing around with the RVF-25, and I've found that it performs slightly worse than the others, due to the ELINT fin. Also, its AA payload sucks ass.
  6. The 19 was made of composite materials, too. It's just a matter of what type. The YF-21's had the ability to shape-shift, like a technology currently in the works. The 19 had a straightforward construction. There are flight sticks, but so much blindspot in the cockpit, it'd be a horrible plane to fly without BDI. Weapons payload? The YF-19's is easily the same. Taken from Mr March's Macross Mecha Manual, which is taken from the Macross Compendium, among other official sources YF-21 Armament - Guns: 1: 1 x fixed rear Erlikon AAB-7(.5) super-miniature anti-aircraft laser turret (mounted center dorsal section in Fighter/GERWALK mode, becomes head turret in Battroid mode) 2: 2 x semi-fixed internal Mauler REB-22 laser beam guns featuring forward/rearward barrels (mounted underneath tail stabilizers in Fighter mode, lower arms in GERWALK/Battroid modes) 3: 2 x Howard/General GV-17L new standard cartridge-less Gatling gun pods featuring retractable grip/stealth covers in Four hard point weapon stations (mounted left/right ventral fuselage in Fighter mode or leg storage bay cover panels and/or manipulators in GERWALK/Battroid modes) 4: 1 x fixed Howard PBS-03F fighter-carried pin-point barrier system 5: 2 x arm shields (tail stabilizers in fighter mode, lower arm in GERWALK/Battroid modes); function in concert with barrier system Bombs & Missiles: 6: 4 x internal Bifors BML-02S YF-21-exclusive all-environment rapid-fire micro-missile launchers featuring exit ports from forward dorsal section to the sides of the engine nacelles (mounted in central dorsal section). YF-19 - Armament - Guns: 1: 1 x fixed rear Mauler REB-30G anti-aircraft laser gun turret (mounted center dorsal section in Fighter/GERWALK mode, becomes head turret in Battroid mode) 2: 2 x semi-fixed internal Mauler REB-20G converging energy cannons OR Mauler REB-23 laser cannons (mounted in both leading wing roots with exit ports) 3: 1 x Howard GU-15 new standard external gatling gun pod in Four hard point weapon stations (mounted ventral fuselage in Fighter mode or in manipulator in GERWALK/Battroid modes); spare magazines stored underneath shield 4: 1 x fixed Howard PBS-03F fighter-carried pin-point barrier system 5: 1 x standard bulletproof (anti-projectile) shield (mounted center rear dorsal fuselage in Fighter mode, mounted on arm in GERWALK/Battroid modes) Bombs & Missiles: 6: 2 x Stonewell/Roice B-7 standard internal pallets (mounted ventral side fuselage in Fighter mode, lower legs in GERWALK/Battroid modes) featuring air-to-air/air-to-ground general-purpose micro-missile pallets, Bifors BMM-24 all-regime high-maneuverability micro-missile cluster, OR 2 x [4 x] B-19A YF-19-exclusive internal weapons pallets. 4 x chaff dispensers (mounted aft) EmboldenedText links to respective items between the two fighters, in respect to list order. Looks pretty similar to me. Just differences in caliber. In fact, I'd say the tradeoff of one Gunpod versus more missiles makes it MORE armed. That's not even mentioning the heavy weapons cluster on the 19.
  7. Meh. I've seen better.* While it's technically a Robotechie's SDF-1... Can you say "Tomahawk"? I smell Mospeada! YF-19 YF-21 VF-1[/url He's an American, what can I say? Minmay? *I searched the entirety of Mechahub manually to find this. Edit: For some reason, some aren't working. I'm trying to find out why... I hope I don't have to look again. I happened upon them in the search for the monster...
  8. Jason's right. If you do decide to release a sample with voice, stay away from Alto, Hik.
  9. Probably no chance of getting Macross toys there... Though, you never know... "Trans? Y-yakk! YAKK DECULTURE!" -Dio upon arrival at A-Kon Sharky, you say you lived in Arlington. Did you ever visit the Anime Store? I'm pissed off because about 2 years ago, it was closed... That was the only place I could ever find anime goods.... Right there on Oklahoma street... GRR!
  10. Somehow, I knew it'd be this guy. And I do take it all very seriously
  11. I don't think it was that bad, but this is better. Too bad they misnamed it. Congrats to Hatsune Miku and Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal for this one. As much as I don't like Nyan Nyan's theme, this is pretty awesome, regardless.
  12. It's not as simple as early planes. The whole wing changes, in more ways than pulling cloth tighter or loosening it. The VF-22 doesn't have them, but the YF-21 does, and that's the war I'm speaking of. You see that weird thing in Guld's forehead? It's an implant for the BDI/BCS. The VF-11 wreck shows first: The BDI and BCS are prone to failure Second: It's too sensitive. "If the YF-21 creates a sudden, downward force... Yes." does not a control input make, yet there we go.
  13. I figured it was a foamie, so it used props. Ducted fans are lame. Do you know how much more speed you can get with a brushless motor prop? Look at the Deltastorms! They're prop-based and fly much faster than your SVs. Even the Deltastorm with only one prop! It was the Deltastorm II that had 2 and TVC... Speaking of foamies, I plan on making a foamie YF-19, using some lineart and such. I'm preparing for the arduous task ahead.
  14. ... It was a joke. If they're verniers, they're EHT (Extreme High Thrust), because the 3 of them are sufficiently powerful to lift it alone, apparently. None of the others are that powerful, and from what I've gathered, would require all the thrusters on the bottom of the jet to fire to lift it. (Lift describes vertical lifting capability in .98-1G of gravity) I was just pointing out that everyone's talking about adding a third engine. Just stating that the Valkyrie has 5 of 'em, even if it's not conventionally 5.
  15. Well, well... Hik, you've got me impressed. I really wish you could use samples of actual audio. Some of the sound effects don't work for me, but I guess one must do with what one has.
  16. I have to find that again... I agree, though, about 1:1 Misa...
  17. And the VF-1 has 5, count 'em 5 engines! What's the big deal about odd-numbered amounts of engines? Edit: PC Uploaded twice. Meesa muy, muy sorry! Meesa no be doin' it again. Nosa.
  18. And the VF-1 has 5, count 'em 5 engines!
  19. Anything outside of Japan, though I head it's now outside of Asia, due to some legal issues a few years back. I think anywhere you could get your hands on Robotech without importing it (IE: UK, US, Australia, etc) is under HG. Honestly, legalities haven't much slowed us Americans down, anyway. I just wish HG would give it up, though.
  20. I read it somewhere on the board... I thought at least someone would remember it...
  21. I'm gonna say that the YF-19 is a superior plane. I know I'm gonna take flak for this, but listen. The YF-19 is less experimental. The crazy things that the 21 has are just more things that will break and require repair. Or they'll break mid-flight, and you'll suddenly have a very painful sensation from behind, if you catch my drift. The crazy wing system on the 21 can likely cease to function, mid-combat at that, and then what? You're stuck in a position that might be good for one maneuver but bad for all the others. You could get stuck in high-speed mode and it would lose lift if you slowed down. Also, the canopy is all messed up. I understand that it's not necessary with the BDI, but that's what pushed Guld over the already crumbling cliff of insanity he had been standing on. Also, as we see in episode 1, it is prone to failure. Aside from all that, you need an implant for it to work, anyhow. Transformation: The legs are separate entities from the engines. While this can have advantages, it has distinct disadvantages, too. First, there's the whole, huge plate on the bottom, which adds weight. The legs also add weight there. If the legs were the engines, even if you kept that space, it'd way a bunch less, and perform better because. Also, you'd have a bomb bay, to boot! (Given, it'd be a fighter/GERWALK thing, only...) YF-19: Simple Forward-swept wings with VG, advanced avionics, more simple parts. The damn thing's cheaper, I'd bet, anyway.
  22. Welcome to Macross World, DangerDan!
  23. I know the one. Mine (Hand-me-down from me dad, along with others) is the original release toy. I want the new, 2-foot one and the lego 3-footer.
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