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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Don't worry, I'll say it for Anime: "I'm stupid! I'm stupid!" -Starscream
  2. Welcome, Zeek! How come that didn't show up on my Macross search?
  3. Ah! But 2-ply Corrugated Paperboard (TV Boxes) are stronger, even, than foamcore! Paper FTW!
  4. As I often hear in High School, "No Homo, right?"
  5. "Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! Are ya' smokin' yet?"
  6. There's a couple of Robotechy-turned-Macross fans who named their daughter . All I can tell from the YouTube username is that Miriya's dad's named Joe(l?) (L?)Anza. Miriya's a real Minmay. I'm gonna name my first son, in Mitchell tradition (Middle name starts with a B one generation, then the next has B in the middle of the middle name, and repeat), Bruno Global Mitchell. My middle name's Brend(o or a, I dunno...)n, and dad's is Delbert, and grandad's is Bentenson, and great-grandad's was Heber, etc. I'm thinking if I have a daughter, Misa or Khim or something.
  7. Well, well, well! Somebody who doesn't rip RT... This is good. Macross was better, but RT was good in its own way. 1: It had to be dumbed down because anyone over the age of 12 wasn't gonna much like the original Macross in that day. 2: It had to be longer. 36 episodes was too short for a "Cartoon" in the 80's. So, to give it the full 85-episodes it'd need for some success, they added SC and Mospeada. 3: I'd say a damn good job was done with making 3 existing works into one entity with its own identity and mythos. That's my spiel. Macross still wins, but I can't call Macek a bad dude. It's not his fault... IT'S AGRAMA'S!
  8. Problem with the 23 was the 21's problem: Too many "new" aerodynamic features. Weird wings/tail/nozzles/etc. The 23 woulda won had there been time to tweak, and it was cheaper.
  9. I thought they seemed pretty... Blonde... At least Shammie. Khim and Vanessa were maybe a few steps behind Misa and Claudia, but Shammie was... She was the closest thing to the cliched bridge bunny in the anime.
  10. Some problems with that: The Macross' fold drives (Which can be supplemented by the ARMDs' drives) use a lot of energy, and during fold operations, only primary systems remain online. It can only fold after several hours (Was it 24, originally?) pass, so it can charge the drive's capacitors. The same is said for the cannon. It must charge up, and even in NMCs, it can only fire once an hour. The ARMD's drives aren't powerful enough to fold the whole Macross, or so I read somewhere. If that were the case, it'd be awesome. This invokes memories of Max Jenius ordering the Macross cannon fired in empty space, and hitting a folding fleet as they defolded. David: ECM, while technically Active Stealth, creates a large buble of empty radar. If their planes fly into it, they disappear. A lot of the time, ESM can detect these bubbles and it's only a matter of time before the ECM plane is taken down. My grandad was a weapons loader on an ESM Plane in Vietnam...
  11. "Starscream is gone. I AM GALVATRON!" -Galvatron
  12. Great, he's invoked the after-boobs. You know, when you stare at a set of boobs for too long, and the image is engraved into your vision, so you see a set of boobs in front of everything? It's almost like after-vagina...
  13. I wish I had money for a GPB-1S... Instead, I plan on getting the Stealth SSP. It will look awesome on my Angel Birds 1A... I only wish my 25th 1S didn't suck, because I could've used it and it'd look MOAR AWESOME! I'm suing Yamato.
  14. I think I'll stick to my papercraft. I'm free of your silly foamcore. However, I need much more paper to support anything...
  15. Wait... Brera wasn't a girl? 0_0
  16. "I am Locutus of Borg. You will assist us." -Ranka Lee, Macross Frontier
  17. ...Wasn't Frontier a remake of SDF TV? I hate remakes. However, THIS is how remakes are meant to be made. RoE OWNS!
  18. Like I said: almost Russian.
  19. ...My only qualm is still the lack of Macross feeling... Can you make it in 1/48?
  20. Yammie: Molded black, trim-painted gold. Others: I dunno...
  21. Well, then... I can't get that to work on mine. I went WAY past the end of the Frontier map doing that, and the Mach meter stayed at 3.2 or slower...
  22. Corrected Macross Arena sounds epic.
  23. How about this: Sheryl: Falls out of favor with the public and lays down the mic. Over the next 4 years all kindsa crazy stuff happens, and Sheryl tries to make a comeback and fails. Ranka: After a successful movie and music career, Ranka Leehan became a total whore and went to rehab at least 12 times before coming clean and publically admitting to being a lesbian.
  24. I'm among those who felt the YF-23 was the superior plane. Yet, the cheap one was picked. However, it, like the 21, had all kinds of stuff that was new to the aerospace engineering field. This is almost Russian vs American. The 19 is like a Russian plane, in that it's more chunky and simplistic; and the 21 is like an American plane: Skinny and overly complex. However, the Russians have better pilots, as well.
  25. What is this? Battlestar Macrosstica?
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