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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. I finally figured out how the VF-25 was made in Legos! Bandai, famous for chunky stuff, made it! Since legos are so blocky, they really do go well with the SDF-1.... I suddenly feel the urge to make a NMC out of Legos. For that matter, I need to figure out GlaGla's Koenig.
  2. Through about 4 or 5 billion millimeter-wide exhaust baffles. Well, it is SciFi. Ok, look me in the eye and tell me Macross 7 isn't stupid. Besides, Max Rebo's MUCH better at piano-type instruments than Ray! I often leave people feeling that way.
  3. Dammit, Pete. If I have a retarded kid, I'm naming it Hayao! Thanks for the associationism! So, how about legally changing your name to Alto Saotome, so you get all the ladies? I mean, it worked for Alto Saotome!
  4. Michael Johnson? Who? Only tall Michael I can think of is Michael Jordan... Perhaps I need to watch more non-anime...
  5. I still blame Zentraedi-size design. It would seem anything and everything designed on Zentraedi scale is out of proportion.... Well, this is probably the most minor... Which is odd, considering it's the largest example of such a folly...
  6. ... I'm still all in for the so-called, wanted "Macross Arena"
  7. You do realize this means war, Skonch. Lazy Papercrafter vs Diligent Foam Core-r.... Yeah, I give up. So, basically what I'm saying is, "DUDE! AWESOME!"
  8. ... And now I want a 1/6 Battle Frontier. Thanks, Letigre...
  9. I don't think I had to pay any taxes/tariffs on my stuff. All I know is customs here is pretty loose on stuff shipped from Japan.
  10. Trick question! Star Wars' Human cultures don't have middle names. It's like asking if a Mandalorian didn't ever kill anyone.
  11. Alternatively, do what my dad did and pen the name randomly without discussing it with the wife. Hell, it helps to do this: 1: Argue with wife about name you don't want, while saying you do. 2: When she doesn't buckle keep arguing. However, don't argue her into submission 3: When she's given birth and the fine Doctor/midwife hands you the naming stuff, write the name you wanted all along and tell your wife that you compromised with a random name. It's not exact to what my dad did, because he DID put a random name. Mom: Bo Wesley Mitchell! Dad: No, Mosait Barley Mitchell! (I have absolutely NO idea what he was smoking, only that I want more than he had.) --on my DOB-- Midwife: Kelly (dad), write his name here: Dad: Kristoffer Brend(A or O... I dunno which)n Mitchell Aunt sees it: WTF?
  12. Ach, I give up. You're never gonna get it through your skull... I have figured out why you've got Minmay's ass in your avatar, though: You're a complete ass yourself! On a final note pertaining to our arguement: Sour Apples are sour apples. No doubt. However, it's not as simple a generalization with an anime. If everyone used the first episodes of M7 to generalize it, it'd never have made it past 3 episodes. Yet it did. That's because people decided to watch it. Now think of this: Robotech had people that watched it. Robotech, as an entity, still exists today. (Don't give me that "Robotech doesn't exist!" bull. It's its own entity at this point; an amalgamation of 3 separate ones.) Therefore, Robotech must have had and still has fans. That's because people were willing to keep watching. Hell, for some, it was the first exposure to anime, or anything Japanese, for that matter. Such is the case with my father. Moving on: 5 more days until THE DAY!
  13. Worst pilot: Sheryl Worst UNPROVEN pilot: Probably have to be Kaifun. I mean, come on! He's so Anti-military, no way he'd pilot for it, and if he did, it'd be to show how easily the thing can be destroyed by an idiot in the pilots' seat... I wish he was flushed out an airlock, I really do.
  14. Once again, I find myself wondering if 505th is my twin... Skonch, ARMD, Daedelus, and Prometheus are relatively untouched BURST THROUGH TO THE HEAVENS!
  15. That SDF-1 is crazy... Which reminds me: I was building my made-up valk, the YF-29 Lightning Eagle, when tragedy struck: My 8-year old sister came over... So, I gave up... I'm working on a lego diorama of South Ataria Island, 1999 in Lego Digital Designer; the Lego CAD I use because it's official and easier to use and distribute...
  16. Who's VAing Bobby?
  17. GIANT FROATING HEAD doesn't like Hikuro...
  18. Ok, I'm starting to dislike you more and more, pete... It's not the concept that makes it stupid, but the details. Um.. "wearing a sound proof suit, anyway" means nothing? OK, THAT'S IT. You've never watched it, Petey-boy. You can't say whether or not it's bad. You don't get the right to knock something until you've tried it, and with an anime, that means the whole, damn series. You yourself said he failed at violating it, then. What's so contradictory about my analogy? 1: First off, who started this thread to rip Robotech? It's saying that Robotech is OK, and Macross is Win. DON'T RIP! There's always someone who likes "X". Ask Mr March. 2: Wow... He just compared it to Thundercats... The dialog, like all of it, is sub-Macross, but that bad. 3: LIKE I SAID: VOICE, NOT DIALOG ON THAT ONE. Will the involved parties learn to not rip on it on a thread about not ripping on it? Please? Pete, I've lost a lot of respect for you.
  19. Hot lols, I'm having a heart attack!
  20. Wow... That's a lot of stuff, and the only thing I care to cover at this point is this: I would hope a gunship built by people who fought wars in space for 100000+ years can take that kind of punishment. Screw post-rebuild. It should be able to do it from its original condition!
  21. Dammit, now I want a 1/35 Battle Frontier! *HEART ATTACK* He's dead... You killed him... HE'S DEAD AND YOU KILLED HIM!
  22. Oh, come on, have I not gone over this before? I can be insensitive-sounding sometimes, but I mean well. I like his stuff, it just tires me to see a new thread every time he makes a new one of these... Especially since the first thread was so aptly named. I meant no hard feelings, Skonch. And Berrt, you didn't even have to take it out of context to make it sound bad. How the hell do you do it?
  23. send a flash drive in the mail with the file on it to someone else, and see if they can come up with an upload idea... I dunno... This seems cursed... HIKURO DOES NOT HAVE GIANT FROATING HEAD'S BLESSING!
  24. More reasons I like the VF-1... Nothing is expected of its legs I'm gonna make one and it will have GERWALK! And, if I really work hard, Battroid as well... But only as a display piece. IE: It won't be able to fly as a Battroid.
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