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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. They could be better... Actually, after attempting to use GIMP and Photoshop for my customs, I've decided that the long way (Paint) renders better results. My VF-1S is proof. Is it ever? So... The animators were high again? It would seem they spent the entire series on a non-info high
  2. _______ |---[]--[] |---|---| |---|---| []--|---| B--G--F | There's a reason it's designed like that: Best is at left, etcetra.
  3. Hikuro, it deserves tears. It was made of tears (Along with sweat, blood, and spit on the mic ). This is better than top notch. It easily competes with professional dubs.
  4. But the game lacks a good physics engine as far as the plane's design must go. I mean, I flip the 25 backwards and momentum carries it against full thrust halfway across the map... However, I'ma try the 25 FA
  5. If you're at work, you shouldn't be checking this, anyway.
  6. Didn't Bandai say something about Battle Frontier, anyway? Or am I thinking of something else?
  7. Well, that answers my question... Anyway, my point is we've never seen a VF shoot itself down (Or an A-10, for that matter...), and will (in all probablity) never see that. Missiles are a different story, they are. Planes HAVE shot themselves down with their own missiles before....
  8. Well, if you wanna use a Gundam name, good luck to you. Lacus is likely to get shot down quickly, as are most of the rest because they sound so weird. Sadly, the only girl name that makes sense is a guy's name in Seed... As for Klan, I have no idea... What really sends me for a loop is Miriya Lanza, who was named such by her mother, who is a Robotechie-turned Macross fan. As I said before, Miriya's a real Minmay. Best singing I've ever heard from a 7 year old...
  9. Damn, I make an observation and the whole (Macross) World comes after me... But you're both right about this much: This version of DYRL? is made of pure ownage.
  10. LCAD file on This VF-1... Too bad it uses so many uncommon parts...
  11. What is with all of the GINO talk? That insipid Galactica remake sucks!
  12. Hey, I convert your GIFs to PNGs before I begin working on my custom colorations, most of which are in the gallery... And I do them in paint! Guru: No disrespeck. Those are still damn good.
  13. If it was dangerous, the engineers behind it wouldn't have done it. End of story. This is like asking if an A-10 could shake itself to pieces by firing its gun. It's never happened, it never will. For that matter, has any plane ever shot itself down? ...Aside from the VF-27
  14. Tomorrow is THE DAY!
  15. Dude, I'm just pointing out that even after a few years, he/she has only 23 posts. I mean no disrespect, or anything, but it makes me when I see so few posts on such an old account. Given, I'm kind of obsessed with the board, but...
  16. Then change the numbers to 005 and 008 at the end of the url. That's how it works, right? And seriously, what's with the people who've been here for years and have no posts?
  17. HOT OWNAGE! 0_0
  18. Of course! Don't you realize that not even a Japanese would name his son Alto Saotome? No, he was originally James Stevenson. Now, the ORIGINAL Alto Saotome was born Alto Saotome.
  19. Even RT had better VAs... I can only kinda see Vic M as Hikaru, and I can never put Mari Ijima's accent with Minmay. Doesn't work for me. On that note, the only good dub of Minmay I've ever heard was Cristina Vee's in Hikuro's Dub of DYRL? ADV, YOU SUCK!
  20. Edgar AMERICAN CHEESEBAGA! My kinda guy Isamu Why the hell not. Ok, Rick Hunter, let me introduce you to Robotech: Crystal Dreams with this.
  21. So, you got the girls in the love triangle the same as DYRL?. Somehow, I'm not surprised. Somehow, I can't hear you as that old dude in FleetComm...
  22. How come this guy has only 6 posts? He's been here for near a year... BTW, so does the 360 and PC... Moving on.
  23. So... If Vic Mignogna is at A-Kon, I'm gonna kick some ass! I always hated that choice for Hikaru... He's probably not gonna be there, but just in case! OH GOD DAMN IT! http://www.a-kon.com/bm/Guests/vic-mignogn...-to-a-kon.shtml Just had to be there...
  24. How do I explain it? It's Mace Windu's Mandalorian half-brother! They're technically not human, just near-human. Think of it like Zentraedi/Human.
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