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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Exactly. Now, the SFPapercraft Gallery VF-1S (And the other VF-1s that spawned from it, Angel Birds, M&M, 1D, and such) was designed by hand, has easy curves, and, if you do it right, VG Wings. It's no Hasegawa, but it's still pretty good. I'm currently trying to modify the papercraft to be transformable. Let's just say I'll keep you posted. I'm definitely at least gonna do fighter-GERWALK. If it all works out, the model will go from being no Hase to being no Yammie
  2. Within 6 months, yes. Remember that the war was over before the SDF-1 launch.
  3. Blanket Terminology: The reason I brought up calling it Valkyrie over Veritech. Get the picture?
  4. Problem is, no one likes an OT thread. I've seen good threads shut down getting that OT. Now, I only told them to shut up to get the point across. If I had some other way of getting it across, I would've. However, telling people to stfu is extremely effective if you use it right. Again, people, use the dedicated threads for this stuff. I don't like reading about how a VF-25 transforms when I'm supposed to be reading about how a gunpod could shoot you down. No offense to anyone. I've covered this countless (ok, 3) times before. I'm a nice guy, but I sometimes come off as a dick.
  5. Because not every VF is titled Valkyrie. Only the VF-1 Valkyrie is a Valkyrie. The VF-4 is not the VF-4 Valkyrie and the VF-17 isn't the VF-17 Valkyrie... That's why.
  6. It's not a BIT off-tangent. People are talking about the "linear actuators" used in transforming a VF-25. If you wanna talk about that, maybe do it in Valk Designs Thread or Macross Frontier Mecha/Technology Thread. Not here, where the discussion is shooting yourself down. I don't wanna sound like "that guy" but I will do it to save this from itself.
  7. Short answer = no. Welcome to Macross World, Miles. As a general rule of thumb, I'd find it unwise to disagree with Gubaba. As one of the few people here who actually knows Japanese, he has a firsthand source of info. Secondly, There is fold quartz on Earth. It's probably more related to AFOS than the Vajra. With active thrust, the likes of which can be produced by reaction engines, it could take as little as a few weeks to reach Mars. The only reason it takes months now is because there's a set amount of thrust applied at the beginning and none is added. If you keep adding it, your speed keeps increasing. Etcetera. Then, on your Zentradi note, I doubt, even with DYRL? as anything to go by, the Zentradi had ever been to Earth. Even in DYRL? it was only PC. Thus, Vajra couldn't have been shot down by them. Further, I seriously doubt the Vajra had ever been to Earth, save for maybe "...hundreds of millions of years..." ago. (Ranka, MF25) I think it's as simple as the Anti-UN destroying Sara Base.
  8. Not 1/12. There's a VF-1 Papercraft that I've resized to 12 times its original size. It should be about 1:24 scale, if I'm not mistaken. Though, if I double that, it'll be 1/12 lol Moving on, I hate any papercraft made in Pepakura. They always come out with ultra-tiny bits I can't fold right. Unless the model is F*cking huge, like the ones used to make armor. They're so big, the folds are huge as well. Then, you add fiberglass and such and you get armor. Great for cosplay. No hard feelings, Urashiman. They're great, but I can't stand Pepakura.
  9. EVERYONE, SHUT THE F*CK UP! You all are WAY off topic, dammit. This is about danger of firing a gunpod in fighter mode, not transformation, mounting points, real-world weapons, or anything else! Goddamn it. Now, can we just get a general concensus? Is it dangerous or not? I say not. Not: 1 Is: 0
  10. POINT! And, I'm not in the middle of a playthrough. I just like Gears... Once again, Eugimon makes a point. GASP! HE SAID A BAD WORD! Veritech is not a good word to say on this board. From now on, call them VFs, Variable Fighters, or, somewhat erroneously, Valkyries. Most people here, myself not included, don't take kindly to Robotech. On that note, I refuse to believe Macross could get Gundam'd...
  11. Badboy's right. I like Ojimak. His planes own. I just wish he'd release the non-flying ADF-01... I WANT THAT PLANE, NYARGH! Moving on, I'm just having trouble conceptualizing where everything goes. I don't have a lot of experience with the VF-11's design. I can easily do a lot of VF-1 models, just out of knowledge of its design. Also, it would stand to reason that a VF-17 wouldn't be incredibly hard, since it's so polygonal, anyway. I don't plan on making a YF-19 or 21 any time soon just because of all the curves involved. I know how to papercraft. I've been doing it for a while now. I have an entire bookshelf devoted to my papercraft, and it doesn't even hold them all. Now, I'm attempting to convince my father to allow me to print 18 pages of SFPapercraft Gallery's VF-1S in 12:1 scale (of the original model) and 18 pages of the Monster Mk. II Papercraft. He doesn't want me to "Waste the Ink!"
  12. Integer Overflow... It means something was putting in data higher than its max data value. Just retry, and if it doesn't work, download HJSplit again. I don't really know, man. I remember Integer Overflow from somewhere, I just can't remember where...
  13. Somehow, I don't think that was 900 hours. Believe me, I know spending hours in Paint. Look at my custom colored VF-1s. However, it's damn good and must've taken at least 40. The title is most suiting. Epic SMS Logo. And, we now have sauce.
  14. Ask the designers of the world's aircraft carriers that...
  15. Well, some people haven't... Jeez, Gubaba... "Aw, shnike, we miscalculated our fold distance. There went 47 years... Oh, hey, protoculture planet... Is that... IS THAT A GIANT INSE-" -Last Transmission of Megaroad-1 Fleet ()
  16. NO! Good try, though. Anyone?
  17. On that note, it still looks good on a 1280X1024 monitor.
  18. AIM-54: This thing is a heavy sumbitch that weighs more than 5 AMRAAMS. Ask my grandpa who's actually loaded the damned thing. This is too much for any one hardpoint on a F-18. Moving on, the only 2 planes in history that could carry one stock were the F-14 and the SR-71. This is due to software problems between the missile and most planes. Third, the AIM-54 was an anti-bomber missle with a range of 154 miles. The F-14, to this day, has the longest-range radar of any fighter jet in US History. (14D being used as the reference. F-22 has a more complex one, but it's not as long range as even the AWG-9 which could track and fire on (If the plane carried enough ammo at any one time) 18 cruise-missile size objects at 150 miles away.) The only F-15 to ever carry one had modified wing pylons. It's not a problem of the mounting lug, so much as size, weight, and software used to program it. The F-14 was retired for 3 reasons: Gas, Repairs, and inability to fire newer missiles. No Hardpoints (Edwin3060): Ed, you realize that a wing hardpoint is visible only because it requires a pylon to keep the missile separate from the wing, so as not to disturb airflow around it. Body hardpoints aren't as visible because they don't need it. The F-15 mounts missiles below its engine nacelles, and without them, you can't see the hardpoint unless you're sitting right in front of it. Some planes don't even have the pylons constantly attached. Some planes have to have it attached, then the missile. Magnets: Ok, a linear actuator is a motor that moves in a line. Whoever came up with that did so because it sounds cool. A linear actuator is used in maglev trains. A linear actuator is used in railguns. It does not magnetize the skin of whatever it's acting on. And, to be honest, there're no hinges by the gunpod mounting points, and the hinges are where any form of motor would be. Hardpoints, man. ECA makes the armor as strong as tank armor, but tank armor doesn't take too kindly to holding too many tons of weight. That gunpod must weigh at least one...
  19. Well, considering the Frontier holds more people than survived SWI, I'd say humanity has recolonized and rebuilt well in the last 50 years. On that note, looking at Macross city, and how it looks a lot better than most cities today, I'd assume they've rebuilt what they can. The rest is crater-marred desert. And it makes sense to launch colony fleets. If there's another mass-extinction event, we're not screwed, because we're so scattered. Moving on, I'd like to see something on Earth or Eden. Perhaps a return to the 7 Fleet Perhaps a colonized planet named Sera where the main characters are attacked by the native species of humanoids that live underground, after the Humans of Sera were embroiled in their own, long war. Anyone who names the reference gets a point.
  20. Like in Star Wars: Mass Shadows can kill a jump. That's why they take so long to start. The nav computer has to figure the safest, quickest route to the destination from possibly halfway across a whole galaxy. Finding a way around any source of gravity is a time-consuming process. Further, there's a disturbance at the edge of the galaxy that prevents hyperspace jumps out. Yes. I think the actual number was like 10 days in 1 hour or something... I forget. I need to watch SDFM again... And, I meant the first person to name the book gets a point. If you can't name it, no point.
  21. Exarctly.
  22. But Basara Singing is the ability to destroy a planet! Besides, we've seen what a stray A-wing'll do to that. Just send in a cannon fodder, and you've done the same thing.
  23. Not in this dimension's physics, but in another dimension, like Hyperspace or Slipspace, the same laws may not apply. Good book. Had to read it for English 2 years ago. Exactly. When a law contradicts you, change it!
  24. I doubt it. It's probably purposeful that those would be there. How does transformation require the generation of magnetic fields, and how would that let you mount a gunpod anywhere? Besides, if the point at which it's attached isn't hardened, it'll rip off. That's why an F-18, which can carry the weight of an AIM-54, can't carry it. It has no hardpoints strong enough to hold it without ripping out of the plane. I believe there are several mounting points, a result of the VF-25's high customization capability.
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