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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. A quote from my friend: "I only came for the lolis... However, there were none, and the whole thing seemed a bit oji-con..." -Robert
  2. Beat to hell, yes. Holey-er than swiss cheese, no.
  3. AC6 wins best graphics. I almost fainted on my first playthrough. However, Zero and 5 had the best stories... AC6 supports an XBox HOTAS, albeit with no pedals. HAWX, as I said, is HAX. Tom Clancy should stick to shooters, not RTS and Air Combat. Leave the Tom Clancy name to Splinter Cell and Rainbox Six, knowwhatImean? HAWX is not that good a game.
  4. Well, I'm sorry, Hik, but you're really not cut out for BFrontier Captain... Maybe if there's ever a Megaroad return, you can be old Hikaru, but... As for the president, I can't place that voice, but I've heard it somewhere...
  5. Step 8: Someone Bashes Robotech (Step 6 is Someone Bashes Robotech, as well) GASP! HE SAID HAYES! Seriously, I wish I had the monies to buy these... I think, though, that I'll just skip the VT-1. I didn't much care for it.
  6. Given, there was a wide spray, but many more than 4 or 5 hit. Those were just highlighted to show the degradation of a Regult due to the effects of Lead rain. It had to be along the lines of at least 100 point-blank hits.
  7. Good luck. It would seem there're only 3 Texans on this board. There's got to be more Illinois...oans... I dunno...
  8. SDF-1 Macross SDF-2 Megalord (Colonization vessel was named Megaroad, in my eyes) SDF-3 Unnamed (At least, I don't remember the name...) SDFN-4 Global After that, NMCs became the standard.
  9. Like I said, easiest to find. I like all 3, tbh. I kinda favor Halo, though, because of the two-pronged blade.
  10. 7) Someone bitches about the lack of magazines People say it's not PT because of some insipid detail 9) Someone bashes Robotech 10) Someone realizes their Yammie, which they've had for years, has a detail they didn't know about 11) Someone says something about Bandai 12) Someone bashes chunky monkey 13) Someone from 12 gets bashed 14) Someone bashes Robotech 15) People start talking about how much a Misa cast-off is necessary Added to the list. It is now complete.
  11. Said that. I already said that. No one listened, apparently. I'd love a 1/60 Koenig, even though the only valks I have are 1/48s... 1/32?! WHERE! I WANT IT NOW! And the GU-11 transforms from fighter weapon mode to GERWALK/Battroid weapon mode. I'd actually like to see one of those... Am I a child for this?
  12. And, on that note, it was the fourth and final Macross Class vessel, and the last to carry the SDFN Classification.
  13. 25's just usin' a strap-on, and you know it. Anything that Alto flies is automatically feminine, and also in his Harem. He treats the girls in his Harem badly, if the VFs are anything to go by. Working on the pimp hand, I see, Alto.
  14. Except 200 55mm training rounds will still blow the hell out a lot of stuff, Regults included... Again, plot device. This requires a touch of anime magic.
  15. Come on, I even said that in the MSF thread!
  16. The rifle reminds me of a few things crossed: Lancer from Gears of War + Nerf Crossbow + Mauler from Halo... Lookin' Awesome, Kronnang.
  17. I was responding to the comment about it possibly being for added stability. Its primary purpose is not stability, rather ELINT. Perhaps a secondary purpose could be stability in atmospheric combat, but it would hinder maneuverability in doing so. "...Sword in hand and *Csh* you're mine!..." Plasma Sword inspired that? What of Gundam and Star Wars, both of which use the same system and predate Halo by 20 years? Then again, Halo's is the easiest to find the explanation for. It's your plane, Anime. Go for whatever you wanna go for.
  18. Even if he's using the trainer, the weapons team said he was good-to-go, AKA Combat-ready. That means he'd have live 55s loaded in the gp. I don't think they'd be low on gunpods that early in the war. I just think it was a plot device, designed to expose the main character to his enemy. Yes, I am high right now.
  19. Oh, Gubaba!
  20. Never forget to take pictures... Wait... Aren't you from Chicago? So, at this point, I'd hope everyone knows the famous Vic Mignona line, "Colonel Mustang is dead sexy... IN A MINI-SKIRT!" I will get him to say a Macross Variant: "Major Focker is dead sexy... WITH A HANGOVER!" It's funny because both are Roys.
  21. Explain it like this: It uses an experimental Omni-Directional Barrier system with a blade emitted from a combat knife (Which can be reinforced with the built-in PPB) that can cut through many objects with ease. I dunno... It makes a beam sword work in Macross, no?
  22. Ace Combat 6, which can run hundreds of AI-controlled models at once, uses 80-90s. HAWX is HAX. Completely overrated. AC6 owns it. Besides, have you ever been in an online server on FSX, running several instances of the same high-poly plane because the stupid thing used it as the replacement for the ones you don't have? My PC lags, but the engine never crashes...
  23. And all of this brings me back to my original point: 55mm is HUGE. So, how come it takes so many shots from a 55mm (or more, as caliber increases for some of the VFs. For example, the VF-25's was 58mm) to down an enemy? I mean, we all remember the Zentraedi Hikaru shot at towards the beginning of SDFM. He blew the entire ammo belt, 200 55mm rounds, into that Regult, and the pilot was still able to get out, not ripped to shreds. Is this anime magic? That's a small, ship cannon there.
  24. Well, when I say T-80, it invokes an image in your mind of a Russian tank, non? And if I say F-14, it invokes an American Fighter, right? It's all about the generalized view, which is why it's a Generic term. Now, T-80, F-14, whatever, isn't important. What is is the ability or lack thereof of a VF to shoot itself down in Fighter mode with its own gunpod. The general consensus is no. It works for me.
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