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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. Well, thank God. I cannot stand Code Geass. They don't even say Geass right. It's not Gyassu, it's Geish!
  2. It was an internet joke. If you don't get it, don't worry. I was parodying DBZ Abridged with that and the fact that: A) You posted a video of Skull-1 Cosplay and B) I'm cosplaying Major Roy Focker Roy pilots Skull-1.
  3. My god, Skonch... That's a hobby, man. Great work. Makes me want to start designing my own for my 1/48s...
  4. Ok, fine. So, what is the Quarter's designation? NMC-1/4?
  5. And, the final 5! 26) Someone bashes said noob 27) Entire board kills noob fo Megaroad-1 28) Entire board grabs flamethrowers over Invid comment 29) Entire board blows up noob's ashes 30) Somone bashes Robotech Back on-topic: I always wondered what a VF-11 would look like on a DYRL? launch arm. Maybe now we can find out.
  6. The first one was lame, simply because of how annoying the speaker was, and the fact that I'll probably never see a valkgirl cosplay as good as the YF-19 and 21. The second and third were awesome, though. You gotta love Skull-1 Cosplay... Wait... I'm Cosplayin' Focker, right? Let me paraphrase a quote from Dragonball Z abridged. "Hey, Skull-1?" "Yeah?" "You're not human either, right?" "Right." "And your dad made you as a scrap heap, right?" "Yeah." "Are you a Valkyrie?" "Yes, Roy, I'm a motherf*cking Variable Fighter." "Can I.. Can I ride you?" (Original: "Hey, Piccolo?" "Yeah?" "You're not human either, right?" "Right." "And your dad spit you out as an egg, right?" "Yeah." "Are you a Yoshi?" "Yes, Goku, I'm a motherf*cking green dinosaur." "Can I... Can I ride you?" )
  7. Oh, sh- NO! NOT CODE GEASS! Stay away from it, for it represents the scourge of mecha with its lameness, even compared to a CF-1A
  8. Or, maybe it's "Never do that again"...
  9. Actually, Minmay says five months. So, 5 months at the start places it in September, 2009. Then, we add what could be 2-4 months of Hikaru and Misa stranded on Earth, and we get November 09 or January 10. Either one works. Point stands: The chart is still wrong...
  10. I'd try out, though I'd fail since my voice doesn't work for it either.... I could be Bobby, if you need him, though "When you screw it in, give it a hard, manly twist!" -Leron, TTGL I'm not saying it was bad. To the contrary. However, I just don't see you as the perfect VA for the commander. If you're all that's available, fine. If you're the best you can get, fine. Just sayin... Nothin' personal...
  11. Bump. So, um... If what Misa says in SDFM is true, 47 years equates to 72 days, or roughly 2 months and 12 days, in SD Space. Therefore, it would not be too far-fetched to have a Me- Don't kill me for this -garoad-1 revisit, even as far as Frontier's timeframe... However, I must say that I'm quite happy knowing that they're gone permanently. They were killed off by the Vajra. That's it. Though, that said, there's a REALLY big difference between SD time and RS Time.
  12. Well, no one likes you, I guess... So, 2 more posts, Dave, and you'll be... OVER 8000! WHAT, 8 tho- Aw, Vegeta, you didn't do it right. Yes, Nappa, yes I did.
  13. I never got the N in SDFN, but I think it's got something to do with Navy.
  14. Kids, kids, stop fighting! It's not cool. I don't know about un-spacy.com, but I know Mr March's M3 is on new-un-spacy.com...
  15. Mr March's Macross Mecha Manual A bunch of stuff, a la Mr March
  16. That's better than the pure smex cover... It's kinda too slow, though. 0_0
  17. Yup. He's a man, so he rides women!
  18. Trans? YAKK DECULTURE! Wow, I thought Letterman overusing "Time to Be a Star" was enough. Now, we've got to deal with a Quaedeluun Roomba... What's next? Nousajeuld (SP?) Gas-pump? Refrigerwalk? Hoover Windtunnel Valkyrie?
  19. Is that what that means? 0_o Hikaru's name change in RT is the only major one I can understand. I knew a Hikaru once. He went by Rick. He had never heard of RT, and I WTF'd in my pants... Moving on. So, does that mean Kakizaki ISN'T a cannibal?
  20. Well, I know I read somewhere that the Global was last... Maybe it said last we know of... I dunno... Moving on: I wants this Quarter!
  21. Meh, I'm just pointing it out...
  22. Whatever you do, don't waste your 1000th post on a reply to this. Yeah, it is. I'm gonna buy a new one because Napalm is too hard to work with, and nothing is removing the badly-coated spray primer, but napalm. I will cut it and slice it and paint it and add bits of stuff to it and I will be Major Roy Focker. Vic Mignona will be there. I will add another "Roy" line to his most-requested.* *For those who don't know, Vic Mignona voiced Ed Elric from Full Metal Alchemist, and has been asked many times to say "Colonel [Roy] Mustang is dead sexy!... In a mini-skirt!"** Roy Focker, and such, etc, because he played Hikaru Ichijo in the ADV Bastardization. **Which is a running joke in the anime that when Mustang becomes Fuhrer, he'll change the military dress code so all females have to wear "...TINY MINI-SKIRTS!"
  23. Well, I'm just saying that a new thread wasn't necessarily in order, so much as your existing thread and/or the search button. But, yeah, YSFlight is the next best thing, and has a bunch of stuff.
  24. SDF-2 Megaroad (Original) became Megaroad-1 SDF-2 Megaroad (Second attempt at an SDF-2) was the SDF(N?)-2. I read that somewhere, though I don't remember where. SDF-3 is unnamed, as far as I know. SDF-4 Global was the last one, last time I checked. I read it, I believe, on the Compendium... May have changed since then, what with Chronicles. Vostok, that's because the RVF IS sexy.
  25. It was Yamato! Yamato did it! CSI Dallas
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