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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. If you're not auto-unfolding, then, I must say, it is your fault. This is what I always say: A good papercrafter must focus on only one corner at a time. A good designer must make it so the papercrafter can. Now, this last part applies to you, Shiman. If you're not willing to put in the effort to make the first part possible (As much as IS possible. I don't expect that to always have to happen.), you're not doing your part. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against you, and your models are AMAZING when complete. However, it's the path from point A to point B that sucks. Look at the armor models from 405th.com. They're great for the blocky armor they make, which, might I add, is quite large. They're made in Pepakura. It's pretty awesome. Your models are comparatively small and complex. Well, if you wanna use Pep, go ahead. I can't think of many 3D to papercraft programs. Manual is hard and time-consuming. However, please, revise some of the stuff. A tab should NEVER be bigger than the surface to which it is glued. With all due respect, Schizo
  2. Damn my Engrish mistake. Me dad's deaf, and as such "speaks" ASL, which uses Latin or French grammar. After "listening" to him for a while, I got the stupid grammar of the English mixed with the Latin... And, in doing so, I flipped them... It's like they say in the SMS: "Go! Spread your seed throughout the Galaxy!" -SMS Hymn: That Weird Chick's an Alien!
  3. Exactly. Get it, Isa o? I would very much like this in 1/48. I like big things. If this were Nerfhaven, that would be someone's signature.
  4. Oh, yeah, Saint. Deny the guy whose entire male line's in the Navy on that one. Here's the thing: the bridge on the Asuka-II has a great vantage for CIWS mounting. Further, it's in the blindspot of the anti-missile fire capable of being put out by the Cheyennes. It's just blockin' it. See how big a blindspot that is? Well, it's also a GREAT place to fire missiles! Huge? Check. Command Center? Check! So, you mount your CIWS guns where you said, but also mount them along the island. Trust me, a rain of sabots and shells (Wait... Sabots? I'm pretty sure CIWS guns don't fire sabot rounds.) will not cloud the radar. Or the lidar. Or any other sensory apparatus that thing uses.
  5. Had to edit it. Look now, Anime!
  6. Coming Up! Comparisons of 2 popular works prove plagiarism claims! A man tries to legalize polygamy! The gay marriage ban continues, but to what effect? A popular comic strip begins releasing new content! A young woman believes she has seen a Starfleet captain in her mirror; County DEA officers investigate. Actor, Alto Saotome, is diagnosed with a venereal disease. More on this at 7. Why more and more people fear the piney death. A popular aircraft design becomes public. LAI executive, Luca Angeloni, is sentenced to life in a mental institution Who the HELL do you think Sheryl Nome is? Salamader Cell Phone is charged with indecent exposure and the Rape of Nyan-Nyan The young woman from before claims to have seen the words "Ye Guilty" in her mirror. County DEAs make an arrest. An interesting new take on an old movie: The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: BOMBAAA!!!!! Mr. Spock is spotted in Ranka Lee's mirror! Kira! Aimo tops charts! Further investigation discovers fumes from Gutsman's ass caused the hallucinations. Finally, the vocal simulation program, Vocaloid 25 is released today! Well, think about it! V-type's VD. It's like a certain singer I know once said: "I should download her audio on MP3 and show the whole world how you gave Eminem VD!" -Marshal Mathers
  7. Agreed. Your collection is impressive, your Taka poses are not. Come on, man PLAY WITH 'EM! IT'S LIKE BEING 9 AGAIN! Only this time, your toy costs $200... The cool thing about playing with them is it often gets them in awesome poses to photograph.
  8. Exactly my point. To date, I have never completed a papercraft made in pep. They just come out with the STUPIDEST folds and such. No offense goes to the one who makes the model, but to the program he uses. It's lame.
  9. It's how the engineers have always done it. You get your top down, rightside, and frontal views and then, for a feel of it in 3D, you add an isometric view, which is 45 (Could be 60. I can't remember) degrees off of all 3 views, so you're looking down on the front-left of the top of the object. I like engineering...
  10. I was gonna point that out, March... Perhaps it's a coincidence? Probably not.
  11. Well, when you think about it, in Asia, they have Asianized TRU. Toys 'r' Us is an American store, you know. You know, knee-hold Minmay would be easier to alleviate in a larger scale, say 1/48? (For those who don't know, I'm adamantly 1/48. That's why these are truly off my buy list. Too small, or not small enough.)
  12. Well, I only have two, and I've only had 'em since Christmas, and I don't have stands. That's why 25th Annie 1S stays in fighter: His hips are too loose. Just let the poses come to you. Currently, I have Angel standing John Woo with his and Annie's Gunpods on my bookshelf. I also have a 1/100 Gundam action figure in its own, cliche pose. Unfortunately, whenever I take a picture with either of my cameras, it sucks, but only in my house. Annie and Angel are NOT leaving my room, thank you. I don't trust them.
  13. LIES! ALL LIES! Danbooru has no taste... However, if you're a Lonely Soldier Boy, then it's really helpful for getting your gunpod unjammed. Hehehe...
  14. If you can remove the wireframe around it, I can probably say what's the problem. Unfortunately, I have not any sort of reference for the VB-6 for you; simply what's in my brain. And, everyone knows a 4-view is best! Front, Right, Top, Iso.
  15. This is Yamato! Of course there'll be remakes! Including a non-canon CF-1D...
  16. Hey, we're just messin' with him. I was giving him helpful advice lol Takas are cheaper, you know. Unless you're getting the Angel Birds, that is.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised...
  18. Agreed. Posability means posability. Yamatos have them. Use it or buy Chunky Monkey.
  19. 50000 Yen, or as I will be calling it from now on, $500 ain't that bad for something this big, awaited, and awesome. Especially since a lot of use were expecting $700-1200. That last figure, coincidentally, is the length of the Macross, in Meters.
  20. It's a FMA thing. The military leader, which is more like a president of the US, is called a Fuhrer. The one that ran through the anime was Fuhrer King Bradley (Somethin' dee somewhat). So, Roy Mustang, a Colonel is shooting for Fuhrer. Also, like any manly man, he wants tiny mini-skirts. Well, the FK has absolute power over the military (So, more powerful than a president of the US), so he wants to change the dress code. You remember the 2006 ADV dub of SDFM? Vic Mignona, who played Hikaru, also voiced the main character of FMA, Ed Elric. It's kinda funny: In both anime, he's had a mentor-type character named Roy, and both were officers.
  21. Gawd... So much necromancy these days. I always thought a chunk of AFOS was what lifted the Asuka group. Then again, last time I watched it, I was focused more on the mecha porn that anything else, and it's been a few years... Did they say something about a gravity generator?...
  22. So... What you're saying is you freezer-burned the feeling out of your fingertips? I physically burned them out. Between hot glue, solder, hot electrical wiring, hot pans, hot water, and generally anything to do with fire, I've nearly lost all feeling in my fingertips. Moving on, I just prefer "mannies", simply because they often rock. Hell, by manual, I mean non-pepakura. Even Computer-aided can be good. It's just Pep sucks at that... I wanna do a line of (human) weapons from the Halo universe. I've played it so much, the designs in 3D of almost all of them are stuck in my brain. I'm gonna do them manually, and I mean full-on, drawn-first, etcetera manually. I have time and I don't have good software. Keep up the good work, Shiman. I can't wait to see that 17D.
  23. Necro moar? I have the 25th Ann. 1S and I'm not too happy with mine. The hips are too loose. Also, it's too black for S/SP... I'd have to custom paint it, which I can probably do, but not cheaply enough for my taste.
  24. And in manly lies the seed of girly Shutting up.
  25. Place the patient under Anasthesia... I want this so bad... Luckily, I'm finally old enough to get a summer job. That means I'll make money, independently of my parents and be able to buy... Minimum wage is enough to get 2 1/48s a month, part-time, and I'd bet I can find someone willing to pay minimum wage for a much-needed hand at an under-staffed place...
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