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Everything posted by SchizophrenicMC

  1. GASP! He said Guardian! Anyway, the AA version's pretty cool, but on the same token... SSP in an atmosphere? What are you thinking? It only goes fighter/GERWALK? What are you thinking? It's for a first-person shooter? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! Personally, I go for the MSFS or YSFlight valks...
  2. WHO'S YO DADDY! I need foamcore and a printer...
  3. On the bright side, it'd be the size of a large tent, so you could live in it!
  4. Also, HobbyLink Japan is great. I got my order in 3 days during the Christmas season.
  5. 0D! If not, I will have to resort to making papercraft parts to put on a 0A to make it a 0D. I'm not into that much work. Please, Yamato, make a 0D. Make life easier for the lazy 0D addict.
  6. No! No! Idiot! The peg goes IN her bottom!
  7. When this happens: This happens:
  8. Of course. That's a Telemetry Radar unit on top of a CIWS gun. It's good for tracking missiles and such. I guess there are no (Port-mounted) CIWS guns on the Asuka-II. I just said I wouldn't be surprised. (And I defended my position, because you sound condescending, Saint. Saints are not condescending. I'VE GOT MY EYE ON YOU! )
  9. No, it's more than once. I don't think it's all the time, but I could swear once, I also heard the battle theme from RT once... And I know they've used Time to be a Star at least 3 times.
  10. The only truer words: Ass is great and all, and boobs are awesome, but to be honest, pussy owns 'em both, any day. At least, in my opinion.
  11. On the same token, she's wearing Valkyrie armor...
  12. Pete, she's a woman. Only Chuck Norris can understand them. The Sheryls are hot... :This forum needs a drool Emoticon:
  13. This Roy OWNS Scratchy Roy. No offense to the latter, but DAMN! He has much more manly womanizing pilot charisma in his voice, which is EXACTLY what I'd expect from Roy. Great work to the VAs, and to Hikuro for getting this together.
  14. Looks pretty cool. Why does everyone use the VF-25 nose now? From the Lazarus to the Soarer (Work on the name, kid. Soarer is kinda lame. Maybe Pterodactyl Bird? ), that nose is in use... Personal preference, I guess. I'm kinda not feeling the fuselage shape. From the profile, at least. It feels... short. The main body needs a bit more definition, if you ask me. I goes straight from the nose to the rear of the engine nacelles. In my eyes, this is an easy fix where you could do one of two things: Make the rear of the "Bump" and the front of the nacelles smaller; or you could make the main body bigger. That's just me. It's your plane, though, so do what you will. Maybe if I see some transformation, I'd understand it better.
  15. I just died. That are awesome, Anime.... If you want, I could come up with some bullsh- I mean a backstory for it. The way a plasma sword, contained with PPB would work: The plasma is contained by the electromagnetic field generated by the PPB. When it contacts a material, it superheats it and melts through or vaporizes, depending on the nature of the material, cutting it. The EM Field is a means of containment, and if there were no plasma flow, one could pass it through with no effect. However, PPB is somewhat different in that it seems to be plasma-based to begin with. I'm only explaining how lightsabers and plasma swords work.
  16. Hey, I just expect a model that works. I agree, though. Let's not argue about this. Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics; Even if you win, you're still retarded.
  17. It's no wonder they're about to die she's the one holding the stick
  18. You know, it always got me how that didn't give the young people watching (Alto and Ranka) PTSD. Anyone I know would break down seeing that. Damn anime magic makes Vietnam Syndrome go away...
  19. How do you figure a sabot's gonna fly into an aircraft engine with all those variables (and variable fighters ) in place?
  20. On that note, Operation Flashpoint's sucks and you have to buy the game.
  21. Veritech: Cheaper than TIE Fighter, crappier than Yamato QC Essentially, we wanna stay away from the Veritech.
  22. There are a plethora of RankaXAlto images I have that I didn't put here. Also, I think, one with Sheryl in a kimono, looking pregnant from that angle... V-type is VD, so why doesn't Alto seem to be dying? And, in response to your other post, Yes, apple sauce is the new death food. In fact, apples are also used in the missiles now. Wait... What's wrong with shimapan?
  23. Saint, please, don't be a dick. This is the second time you've done this. You wouldn't, perchance, know a certain xXShinzoXx on another board, would you? There is no need. Just point out what you think is wrong. Suggest it. Not blow it in someone's face. All it does is start a flame war. Moving on, there are few things cooler than seeing the sky light up with burning magnesium. Be it tracer or fireworks.
  24. It works for me. They are non-physical beings that have sentience. Think a spirit, if you're religious.
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