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Everything posted by bullet101

  1. Well it's up for pre-oreder on HLJ
  2. So many 1/72 things I NEEEEDDDD to have but can't!!!!!
  3. Well i would buy one of those, but sadly I don't read a word of Japanese
  4. So Macross Frontier comes out, Bandai gets as many VF-25 variants out as fast as it can, then comes the Movie, Tornado pack comes out quickly too. And then....? Where are the rest of the 1/72 line? VF-171, YF-29 etc? I may have missed something but i haven't seen any news on these at all, does anyone know whats going on?
  5. I'll buy the VF-11D, but I sure hope it comes with a good alternative paint scheme! As for another VF-11B, hope its the Fast Pack version or failing that a typo and a VF-11C.
  6. I have to say that I am a tad disappointed as well. It looks like it will have quite a few good features, but for me the nose cone is all wrong coupled with the whole nose area being too flat and fat and the spine ending in too smooth a taper. That said it didn't stop me ordering two and I hope its just the way the pictures have been taken that make it look that way.
  7. In my opinion, not without some difficulty and at the risk of breaking some parts.
  8. bullet101


    A non transformable 1/72 kit please, but that is some nice work there.
  9. Certainly would be, providing its not like £150 and up
  10. Thanks for the info and help Jufuemon, there is alot of nice stuff on the yahoo japan link you posted, but, I can't understand a word of it and an online translator really doesn't help.
  11. Thanks for the replies guys, I may try that MIM VF-4. Pity about there not being a proper 1/72 fighter VF-5000, maybe one of the master casters here could try to make one?
  12. Hi guys me again, just a couple of questions. Does anyone know of any 1/72 VF-4 fighters that are knocking around somewhere? And Has anyone ever made a 1/72 fighter mode VF-5000? and if not, maybe a future project for one of the great casters around here?
  13. Aww sad panda... cheers for the update though captain.
  14. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there had been any update to these? Last thing i saw was that the horrible Tornado pack version was coming out but after that nothing. So anyone know any news? Any chance of a VF-171? thanks
  15. Dammit! Where's my VF-171, thats the only one I've really really wanted, but bought the other thinking that Bandai would come out with the 171 so i would have a full line up. Just typical of manufacturers when it comes to Macross, everyone wants an injection VF-11, do we get one? NO. Everyone wants an injection VF-17, well keep dreaming on that. Or how about some injection variants of the VF-19F or S...nope. The same is probably going to happen with the VF-171 family too.
  16. Just wanted to say that I got my VF-11 today, looks great and well cast. Thanks a bunch.
  17. So seeing as there are only two real variants of the VF-27 and the cannon fodder/grace version is about to be released, does that mean that we might see a VF-171 soon? Please let it be so.
  18. Count me in for one as i said in the other thread
  19. Well count me as a confirmed buyer for at least one.
  20. Well whoever does a recast of a VF-11 can count me as a customer, and if they do a VF-11B and a VF-11C i will also buy those.
  21. Recast you say? Well if you do one i would be in for 1or more depending on the price, maybe call it 2. Plus you can have my first born (when its born).
  22. Does anyone know where i might be able to get hold of a resin 1/72 VF-11? Been looking for one for ages and hoping that hasegawaa might release one, but i doubt that will happen now they've moved up in scale for the macross plus valks. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. Yeah i bought one of the YF-25's from ebay, perhaps even the same seller. I chose not to take the ticket as there is no chance i will be in Japan on the same date.
  24. Looking closely at the VF-27 battroid model in the pictures, it looks like there might be some inherent weakness in the shoulder to chest joint as there you can see quite a bit of superglue has been used to either hold the arms in place or to fix a break, you can see some of the fumes have created some crazing on to the shoulders due to the amount of glue needed. That said i do like the look of the VF-27 fighter mode, apart from the silly purple bits on the top of the nose, which in the anime are obviously meant to be part of the paint scheme but Bandai has translated into raised panels. I'll still buy one though and break out the sanding stick if needed.
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